WfWI Request for Applications
Supporting Marginalized Women Affected by the Syrian War
Proposal and Timeline Guidelines
Please use the template below to develop your project proposal. Complete all sections of the template. Add as much additional space to each section as necessary.
Contact Information
- Name of applicant organization
- Address of applicant organization (street and/or postal address)
- Government registration number
- Telephone number
- Web site
- Contact person name and title
Statement of Liability
I, the undersigned, being the person responsible for the application of this project, certify that the information given in this application is true and accurate.
Signature & stamp:
Date and Place:
Project Title:
Project Period:
(approximately 6 months)
Total Budget Request:
Target Beneficiaries & Location(s):
Be sure that the target beneficiaries meet the characteristics outlined in the RFA.
- Who will directly benefit from project activities?
- Include names of the villages, departments, and regions ofyour target communities
- Include numbers of individuals who will benefit from the project, if possible
Project Rationale:
Provide the reasons why you decided to undertake this particular project. The project rationale must reflect the reality of the target audience. The project rationale should also demonstrate that you are aware of any other existing community development initiatives in the targeted communities and have considered how the proposed project will complement them rather than duplicate them
- What is the problem, need, or opportunity that the project seeks to address?
Project Goal:
Provide a one sentence statement that describes the project’s overall goal (i.e., the highest-
level outcome the project will achieve).Write this goal statement as a result in past tense as if it hasalready been achieved.
Project Activities:
Outcome 1: Name one outcome that will demonstrate you have reached your goal.
Activities: List the activities that will help you accomplish this outcome. Describe what you will
do, who will be involved, and how many individuals will participate. Include as many activities as you think are necessary to achieve the stated outcome.
Activity 1.1 -
Activity 1.2 -
Activity 1.3 -
Evidence of achievement:List the documents/reports/training material/other deliverables that you will provide to WfWI as evidence that you have accomplished your activities and achieved your outcome.
Outcome 2: Name a second outcome that will demonstrate you have reached your goal.
Activities: List the activities that will help you accomplish this outcome. Describe what you will do, who will be involved, and how many individuals will participate. Include as many activities as you think are necessary to achieve the stated outcome.
Activity 2.1 -
Activity 2.2 -
Activity 2.3 -
Evidence of achievement:List the documents/reports/training material/other deliverables that you will provide to WfWI as evidence that you have accomplished your activities and achieved your outcome.
Additional Outcomes: If you have more than 2 outcomes, add sections with your additional outcomes that will demonstrate you have reached your goal. Include Activities and Evidence of achievement.
M&E Activities:
Provide a brief description of how you will monitor project implementation and evaluate the success of the project.
Project Partners:
List any key partners (organizations, local government offices, etc.) that will be collaborating in the project; insert lines as necessary.
Name of Partner / Role in Project / Contact Details
Official address:
Contact name & title:
Official address:
Contact name & title:
Official address:
Contact name & title:
Project Team Personnel:
Name / Position in
Organization / Project Responsibilities
Management Capacity:
List the major grants/contracts (work, supplies, services) received in the last three years, including the name of the donor, the amount, the purpose of the grant/contract, beginning/end dates, and donor contact information. Insert lines as necessary.
Donor Name / Amount / Purpose / Start and End Dates / Donor Contact Details
Official address:
Contact person:
Official address:
Contact person:
Official address:
Contact person:
Please describe the various resources at the disposal of your organization, such as equipment,
offices, etc.
WfWI RFA Proposal and Timeline Guidelines Page 1 of 6
Project Activity Timeline
Project Title: / Put an X in the boxes below to indicate in which month the activity on the left will take placeMonth
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Outcome 1:
Activity 1.1:
Activity 1.2:
Activity 1.3:
Outcome 2:
Activity 2.1:
Activity 2.2:
Activity 2.3:
Additional Outcomes:
WfWI RFA Proposal and Timeline Guidelines Page 1 of 6