Course Title and Number:INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICS I (PY 1000)

Time: M-W-F Lectures 11.00-11.50, APC, DC Building, Room 702; Lab (8 sessions in total) 12.15-13.30, APC, DC Building, Room 710 (Physics Lab).

Instructor’s Name: IOANNIS P. ZOIS (Dr)


Office and extension: 710, DC, Ext 1387

Office Hours: M-W: 10.30-11.00 and 11.50-12.20


1 / M 18thFeb (rescheduled for Sat 15th March) / Length, mass and time, dimensional analysis,
2 / W 19thFeb / Units, Coordinate systems (1.5-1.7)
3 / F 21st Feb / Trigonometry (1.8)
4 / M 25thFeb / Applications
Lab Session 1
5 / W 27thFeb / Displacement, velocity (2.1, 2.2)
6 / F 29thFeb / Acceleration in 1-d, Motion diagrams, (2.3, 2.4)
7 / M 3rdMarch / Motion with constant acceleration, Freely falling bodies (2.5, 2.6)
8 / W 5thMarch / Applications
Lab Session 2
9 / F7th March / Vectors and scalars (3.1, 3.2)
10 / M 10thMarch / HOLIDAY
11 / W 12thMarch / Motion in 2-d, relative velocity, (3.3, 3.4)
Lab Session 3
12 / F 14thMarch / Relative velocity (3.5)
Sat 15th March / (Class missed on M 18th Feb)
13 / M 17thMarch / 1st MIDTERM EXAM
14 / W 19thMarch / Forces, Newton’s 1st law of motion (4.1-4.2)
15 / F 21stMarch / Newton’s 2nd law of motion (4.3)
16 / M24thMarch / Newton’s 3rd law of motion, Forces of friction (4.4-4.5)
17 / W 26thMarch / Applications
Lab Session 4
18 / F 28thMarch / Work, Kinetic Energy and Work-Energy (5.1-5.2)
19 / M 31stMarch / Gravitational Potential Energy (5.3)
20 / W 2ndApril / Spring Potential Energy (5.4)
Lab Session 5
21 / F 4thApril / Conservation of energy, Power (5.5-5.6)
22 / M 7th April / Momentum and impulse, conservation of momentum (6.1-6.2)
23 / W 9th April / Collisions, Glancing Collisions, Rocket Propulsion(6.3-6.5)
24 / F 11th April / Applications (Last Day for W)
25 / M 14th April / 2nd MIDTERM EXAM
26 / W 16th April / Angular speed, angular acceleration, rotational motion (7.1-7.2)
27 / F 18th April / Relations between angular & Linear quantities, Centripetal Acceleration (7.3-7.4)
(Saturday 19th April – Sunday 4th May) EASTER HOLIDAY
28 / M 5th May / Newton’s Law of Gravity Kepler’s Laws (7.5-7.6)
29 / W 7th May / Applications
Lab Session 6
30 / F 9th May / Torque (8.1)
31 / M 12th May / Torque and the conditions of equilibrium, centre of gravity (8.2-8.3)
T 13th May / Last Day for WP/WF
32 / W 14th May / Angular Momentum, Rotational Kinetic Energy (8.4-8.6)
Lab Session 7
33 / F 16th May / States of matter, density and pressure, Archimedes’ Principle (chapter 9)
34 / M 19th May / Temperature and thermodynamics Thermal expansion Ideal gas law (10.1-10.5)
35 / W 21st May / Kinetic theory of gases, Specific heat, Conservation of energy, Heat transfer (chapter 11)
Lab Session 8
36 / F 23rd May / The 3 laws of thermodynamics (12.1-12.3)
37 / M 26th May / Entropy (12.4)
38 / W 28th May / Revision, exercises
M 2ndJUNE / 10.00-11.50 (FINAL EXAM)

Methods of Evaluation and Calculation of Student Grade: 2 one-hour in class midterm tests counting for 25% each,plus a two-hour Final Exam counting 40%. The remaining 10% is forattendance and homework.12absences are allowed (9 for lectures and 3 for labs). No alternative dates for midterm tests will be given. If a midterm test is missed, the percentage will be transferred to the final but this can happen only for one midterm test and not for both! No alternative date for the final exam will be given (unless there are incomplete applications, see college brochure).