Now that your applicant has been scheduled for a walk, you have many important responsibilities. Please review this list, and check off the items as you complete them. Good sponsorship is vital to the success of the walk.

Write a letter requesting agape mail for your pilgrim, and make copies of it.

Obtain names and addresses of key family members, relatives, and friends.

Mail or hand out letters requesting agape mail at least four weeks prior to the send-off.

Buy an Emmaus mug for your pilgrim.

Buy a candle for use at candlelight services for your pilgrim (optional). Give it after the walk but before next candlelight.

Sign up for the 72-hour prayer vigil.

Consider making agape items for the walk.

Make arrangements to take pilgrim to the Thursday pm send-off. Tell them about no showers or meals on Thursday evening.

Find out what snacks your pilgrim especially likes and plan to take some to send-off.

Stay in touch with your pilgrim, and pray as specifically as you can about special needs.

Leave your phone numbers and email address with your pilgrim’s spouse.

Let the spouse know when your pilgrim will be returning home on Sunday evening.

Arrange to do something special for the spouse during the weekend such as babysitting, feeding pets, or sharing a meal.

Write your own personal agape letter to your pilgrim.

Follow-up to obtain agape letters. Put them in a bag or sack to take to send-off.

Take your pilgrim to send-off. Be sure to arrive promptly between 6:30 and 7:00 pm. If you take your pilgrim to dinner prior to send-off, allow plenty of time for slow restaurant service so you won’t be late. Be sure to take your nametag, agape mail, mug, snacks, and any agape items that you prepared.

  • Help carry luggage.
  • Take your pilgrim to the registration table.
  • Get your pilgrim’s nametag.
  • Help your pilgrim find his/her bunk and get settled.
  • Give your pilgrim an Emmaus mug.
  • Stay with your pilgrim and introduce him/her to others.
  • Attend sponsor’s hour.
  • Deliver agape letters and snacks to dining room or other designated area.

Continue to pray for your pilgrim throughout the weekend.

Call spouse and let them know pilgrim is OK. Ask if they have any needs or concerns.

Attend candlelight (take spouse who has previously attended).

Attend Sunday afternoon closing (take spouse who has previously attended).

  • Pick up pilgrim’s luggage.
  • Take pilgrim to dinner (optional).
  • Take pilgrim home.

If pilgrim’s spouse is attending a walk the following week, take your pilgrim to spouse’s send-off, candlelight, and closing.

Arrange for your pilgrim to attend the Fourth Day meeting.

Help your pilgrim get involved in a reunion group.

Take your pilgrim to the community gathering pitch-in dinner.

Inform pilgrim how he/she can serve in the Emmaus Community.

Help your pilgrim sponsor someone.2-03