A. General Information

Information to be provided in this section gives a specific name to the project as well as pertinent information about the personnel involved.

Contract Agency Name:
Project Name:
DMH Project ID#:
Prepared By: / Preparation Date:
Contract Agency Executive Director: / Legal Entity#:

B. Project Purpose

This section communicates the purpose of the project and the charter that is being established.

C. Project Objective

This section defines the objectives of the project.

D. Project Scope

The level of detail in this section must be sufficient to allow for detailed scope development in the Project Plan. Initial clarification of scope, and adherence to the plan throughout the project, are of the utmost importance. Describe any applicable assumptions and/or constraints that may affect the project.

Project Results: State what will be created in terms of deliverables to satisfy the purpose of the project, as described in Section B.

Content of the Project: Define what work is to be done.

Exclusions: Define what work is not to be done, that otherwise might be assumed to be part of this project.

Key Stakeholders: List the organizations/persons directly affected by the project and the resulting project deliverables.

Assumptions: List major assumptions pertaining to this project that may impact scope.

Constraints: List all known constraints pertaining to this project that may impact scope.

E. Resources

This section describes key individuals supporting and implementing the project.

Functional Role / Resource Name
Project Manager
Business Analyst

F. Management Checkpoints

This section describes key management checkpoints established by the initiating agency.

Checkpoint / Evaluation Criteria

G. Signatures

The signatures of the people below relay an understanding in the purpose and content of this document by those signing it. By signing this document you agree to this as the formal Charter statement to begin work on the project described within, and commitment of the necessary resources.

Name/Title / Signature / Date

PMM Country Providers Project Charter 1 October 2008