Department of Justice and Constitutional Development:

No. / Incident description / Amount / Action taken /
1.  / The official failed to attend a course he was booked for. On enquiry, the official claimed that he was not informed of the course and did not receive travel vouchers from Justice College. The course coordinator is no longer employed by the Dept. and it is not feasible to trace the coordinator. / 2,462.40 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
2.  / The official was booked to attend a course at Justice College from 13-18 July 2008. On the 07 July 2008, he was informed that a delegation from Pretoria would be visiting their offices and that he was required to be at the office. The official informed the course coordinator of this and on 11 July confirmed cancellation of attendance. Travel with flair charged the dept the amount of R4125 due to late accommodation cancellation. / 4,125.00 / The claim against the officer was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.1 and 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
3.  / The official, a course coordinator from Justice College, had mistakenly booked accommodation from 6-9 October 2008, instead of 6-7 October 2008. She booked out of the hotel on 7 October 2009, however, the travel agent had to be paid for the two additional nights as they were incorrectly booked and not cancelled. / 1,650.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
4.  / The official was booked to attend a course at Justice College from 24-29 August 2008. On 15 August, he cancelled the booking as he had to deal with a matter at the Craddock Periodical Court at the same time. An airline penalty fee had to be paid by the Dept. / 439.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
5.  / The official was booked to attend a course from 01-06 June 2008. On 27 May, his flight was cancelled due to him being unavailable for the course. However, cancellation fees were paid to Travel with Flair. / 285.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
6.  / The official was booked to attend a course in Cape Town. He cancelled on 8 September 2008 as the course was clashing with another course he was attending in Upington and further indicated that he also had to attend an urgent meeting of the Magistrates Commission. His accommodation bookings were cancelled on the same day. / 4,290.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
7.  / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend course. / 285.00 / The delegate could not attend as a meeting with Director-General arose which he had to attend. The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
8.  / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend course. / 285.00 / Case written-off (E-Mail from Law Enforcement 18/09/2009. The delegate was sick and confirmed it with a medical certificate.
9.  / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate used GG transport as he also required transport in Pretoria. / 285.00 / Recommendation from Justice College was that the delegate should be held responsible for the fruitless expenditure as he was informed on the day he cancelled the flight that he may have to carry the costs linked to the cancellation. Liability is being determined.
10. / Air ticket was cancelled in order to reroute the flight from DBN-JHB-DBN to PMB-JHB-PMB. / 285.00 / The delegate did make the reroute request as she lives in Pietermaritzburg. The claim was waived in terms of treasury Regulation 12.7.3 and 12.2.1Case written-off. (E-Mail from Law Enforcement 18/09/2009)
11. / Accommodation cancelled. The delegate confirmed he will be attending the course but did not arrive or cancel. / 2,046.00 / Justice College recommended that the delegate be held responsible. Liability is being determined.
12. / Accommodation cancelled. The delegated confirmed he will be attending the course but did not arrive or cancel. / 2,046.00 / The official left the Department on pension because of medical reasons. It was recommended that the amount be written-off.
13. / Accommodation cancelled. The delegate submitted a course application, was informed of the course but did not arrive or cancel. / 5,156.25 / Justice College recommended that the delegate be held responsible. Liability is being determined.
14. / Accommodation cancelled. The delegate applied to attend the course, was aware she had to attend but did not arrive or cancel. / 709.50 / Justice College recommended that the delegate be held responsible. Liability is being determined.
15. / Accommodation cancelled. The delegate passed away on the day the course started. The course coordinator was informed the following day but late cancellation fees were levied. / 709.50 / The claim against the officer was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.1 and 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
16. / Accommodation cancelled. The delegate gave short notice that he will be using alterative accommodation resulting in a cancellation fee. / 709.50 / Justice College recommended that the delegate be held responsible. Liability is being determined.
17. / The official was booked to attend a course. However, due to another urgent engagement he had to cancel the flights. The Dept was liable for the cancellation fees. / 285.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
18. / The official was not able to be present at the course as she had to attend a meeting in Pretoria, her flight was cancelled, but the Dept. was liable for cancellation fees. / 285.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
19. / Air ticket charge. Delegate missed flight. / 285.00 / Justice College recommended that the delegate be held responsible. Liability is being determined.
20. / Air ticket charge. Delegate cancelled prior to course commencement and did not attend course. The flight was cancelled but a penalty was payable. / 285.00 / The delegate cancelled her attendance as her office required her presence. The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
21. / Air ticket charge. Delegate cancelled on date that course started and did not attend course. The flight was cancelled but a penalty was payable. / 285.00 / Justice College recommended that the delegate be held responsible. Liability is being determined.
22. / Air ticket charge. Delegate became ill on the date the course started and did not attend the course. He submitted a sick certificate. The flight was cancelled but a penalty was payable. / 2,795.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
23. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend course / 285.00 / Justice College recommended that the delegate be held responsible. Liability is being determined.
24. / Air ticket charge. Delegate did not cancel or attend course. When contacted he said his father passed away. The flight was cancelled but a penalty was payable. / 285.00 / The claim was waived in terms of Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
25. / No show. Shuttle service expenditure-need further information. / 642.00 / Awaiting documentation from course coordinator. Under investigation.
26. / No show. Shuttle service expenditure-need further information. / 545.00 / Awaiting documentation from course coordinator. Under investigation.
27. / Accommodation cancellation. / 2,374.98 / Awaiting documentation from course coordinator. Under investigation.
28. / No show. Cancellation fees for flight ticket. / 285.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO. Liability is being determined.
29. / Non Arrival Charge on 11/06/2008 at Garden Court South Beach R624.00 + R120.00 Service Fee. / 744.00 / Report on case being compiled. Under investigation.
30. / No show. The accommodation expense payable of R730.00 (12/03) + R7.50 Tourism Levy (12/03) + R165.00 DCP = R902.50. / 902.50 / Report on case being compiled. Under investigation.
31. / No Show Accommodation charges for delegate on 18/02/2009 @ R1,230.00. / 1,230.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
32. / No Show charges for delegate on 18/02/2009 @ R1, 230.00. Received supporting documentation. / 1,230.00 / Report on case being compiled. Under investigation.
33. / Cancellation fees for rooms @ R1,050.00 as per signed contract. / 1,050.00 / Under investigation.
34. / No Show charges for delegate @ R3,010.00 (3 Days/2 Nights Package) / 3,010.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
35. / No Show charges for delegate @ R3,010.00 (3 Days/2 Nights Package) / 3,010.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability being determined.
36. / No Show charges for delegate @ R3,010.00 (3 Days/2 Nights Package) / 3,010.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
37. / Air ticket cancellation .No show. / 285.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
38. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate indicated as no show on attendance list. / 285.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
39. / Air ticket cancellation .No show. / 285.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
40. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate indicated as no show on attendance list. / 764.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
41. / Air ticket cancellation .No show. / 285.00 / Under investigation.
42. / Flight tickets for delegate with different routings and dates. / 285.00 / Under investigation.
43. / Flight tickets for delegate with different routings and dates. / 285.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
44. / Flight tickets cancelled, respectively UTT/JNB/UTT on 27/04 and 30/04 (VA26 no JC1291/09, AND JNB/UTT on 30/04. (VA26 no. JC1349/09) / 285.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
45. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend course. / 285.00 / Delegate’s supervisor rescheduled his attendance. Under investigation. Report to be submitted to Justice College Management for approval.
46. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend course. / 285.00 / Delegate’s supervisor cancelled her attendance as she was required to be in the office during the course period. Under investigation. Report to be submitted to Justice College Management for approval.
47. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend course. / 285.00 / Delegate cancelled the course to be held in Cape Town. She was transferred from Cape Town to Benoni and had approved leave for the course period. Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
48. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend. / 285.00 / Delegate’s supervisor cancelled her attendance as she has attended the same course previously. Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
49. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend. / 285.00 / Under investigation. Report to be submitted to Justice College Management for approval.
50. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend. / 285.00 / Under investigation.
51. / Air ticket cancellation. Delegate did not attend. / 285.00 / Under investigation.
52. / Delegate was not in attendance as per the control lecturer's affidavit. Accommodation (D/B/B)@ R1,195.00 per night (5 nights), day conference charges @ R345.00 per day (5 days), 9% service fee charge by travel agent. / 8,393.00 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
53. / Delegate did not attend, accommodation and day conference charges by The Farm Inn for 5 days = R5,695.25. / 5,695.25 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
54. / "No Show" charges for the delegate at the Protea Hotel Manor for 14/04/2009: D/B/B @ R875.00 p/p, TBI @ R6.50 p/p, 9% service fee = R960.84. / 960.84 / The official was due to attend a seminar on the New Children's Act. However, due to the fact that the new act was not yet published and their court rolls were fully booked, the official’s supervisor had cancelled her attendance at the seminar. Due to late cancellation, the Dept was liable for the 1st night's accommodation charges. The claim was waived ito TR127.3 and 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
55. / "No Show" charges for the delegate at the Protea Hotel Manor for 14/04/2009: D/B/B @ R875.00 p/p, TBI @ R6.50 p/p, 9% service fee = R960.84 / 960.84 / Report on case handed to Office of the CFO and Directorate Law Enforcement. Liability is being determined.
56. / Air ticket charge. Delegate became ill and did not attend course. She submitted a sick certificate. The flight was cancelled but a penalty was payable. / 285.00 / The claim was waived ito Treasury Regulations 12.7.3 & 12.2.1. The write off was approved.
57. / When the flight was booked, the official was based at Kudumane. He was due to fly from Kimberly to Johannesburg. However, he was appointed in Mmabatho from 01 July and the flight details had to be changed from Kimberly to Mafikeng. The travel agent charged a service fee of R285.00 .No Show. / 285.00 / The claim against the official was waived ito Treasury Regulations 12.7.1 and 12.2.1. The write off was approved.