
1 Timothy 5:1,2


Apostle P writes to Pastor Timothy church of Ephesus, some problems need 2B handled

1:5,6 abandon truth and godliness, 2:8 wrath and doubting, 2:9-15 women usurp roles, 4:1-5 apostasy and bad doctrine and so forth

Wht shld guide good minister in his handling of th var issu w M/W older/yngr thn hisself

I. Paul Tells Timothy Good Ministers Exhort Not Rebuke 1,2

A. begins w a negative admonition – do not rebuke an older man

What not to do – rebuke, this word 4rebuk used only here in NT, othr wrds4 ~31

Rebuke here is sharp words, censuring words, words that strike on or at

Use of a unique word is in itself emphatic, emphatic negative

Prohibition, don’t start and then stop rather should not arise that U rebuke

An older man – someone older than T, respect for age, respect for older ppl

Scripture commands respect for older ppl Lv19:32, Pv 16:31 30:17

B. then turns to a positive admonition – but exhort him as a father

Note contrast with the word ‘but’, instead of rebuke you exhort

Exhort is a common word used 109 X’s in NT

1] summon, invite, ask, implore

2] exhort, appeal2, urge, encourage, strong encourage/ urge 2do something

3] request, intreat [ the KJV seems to give it this sense ]

Here used as an impv, i.e. a command, Lk3:18, Ac 15:32, a strong urging

The whole being of a Christian is determined by grace, so also in speech to othrs

Exhort him as a father – show respect, look up to, honor, 4th command

Paul w Peter in Ga 2:11-14 demos respect and deference to Peter

Paul w others 2Ti 2:24,25

C. so how should a good minister deal with an older man in the church when sitn arises

A gd minstr coms along side faces th older man and strongly urges him w respect

D. what about other situations

Not rebuke but exhort

Younger men as a brother – older bro look out for younger bro, guide, what best4

1J2:9-11, 1Pt2:17

Older women as a mother – respect, honor, appreciate, you could say as ur mothr

Ex 20:12 Pv23:22

Younger women as a sister – older brother looking out for younger sister, protect

Watch over, guidance, protect, but also with all purity

P mindful that with younger women purity is an issue with any man J31:1

Application – specifically for ministers in relation to ppl in their church

II. How Does What Paul Wrote to Timothy Relate to You?

A. If a minister approaches you, then receive it as you would from anyone in a family

you have respect for.

B. If you approach another believer then approach them as U would your father, brother,

mother or sister

C. Your speech should be characterized by exhortation

Sometimes you come along side someone to help them

Sometimes urging and encouraging when they are facing something difficult

Sometimes requesting, entreating, appealing to them

Sometimes comforting and trying to cheer up, encourage

D. your speech should be seasoned with grace E 4:29-32; Co 4:6, it reflects your heart


E. respect should dominate our speech with one another

F. not 1way how to treat all people, we should consider age, sex, but encourage dominate