SWRK 292
Examples of Research Studies by Type*
Content Analysis/Feminist Research
Schlenker, J., Caron, S., & Halteman, W. (2001). A feminist analysis of seventeen magazine: Content analysis from 1945-1995. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 28 (1/2), 135-150.
Experimental Design
Ashford, J., & Faith, R. (2004).Testing models of justice and trust: a study of mediation in child dependency disputes. Social Work Research, 28,18-27.
Daponte, B. O., Sanders, S., & Taylor, L. (1999). Why do low-income households not use food stamps? Evidence from an experiment. Journal of Human Resources, 34,612-613.
Mowbray, Carol, Collins, M., & Bybee, D. (1992).Supported education for individuals with psychiatric disabilities: Long-term outcomes from an experimental study.Social Work Research, 23, 89-10.
(All of the articles in this section can also be classified as outcome evaluations)
Measurement Tools
Boffman, J., Clark, N., & Helsel, D. (1997). Can NCAST and HOME assessment scales be used with Hmong refugees? Pediatric Nursing, 23 (3), 235-247.
Cornelius, L., Booker, N., Arthur, T., Reeves, I., & Morgan, O. (2004). The validity and reliability testing of a consumer-based cultural competency inventory. Research on Social Work Practice, 14, 201-209.
Early, T. (2001).Measures for practice with families from a strengths perspective.Families in Society, 82, 225-43.
Green, R., Kiernan-Stern, M., Bailey, K., Chambers, K., Claridge, R., Jones, G., Kitson, G., Leek, S. Leisey, M., Vadas, K., & Walker, K. (2005). The Multicultural Counseling Inventory: A measure for evaluating social work student and practitioner self-perceptions of their multicultural competencies. Journal of Social Work Education, 41, 191-209.
Ying, Y., & Tracy, L. (2004). Psychometric properties of the Intergenerational Congruence in Immigrant Families-Parent Scale in Chinese Americans. Social Work Research, 28, 56-63.
Needs Assessment
BooneCounty Health and Human Services Needs Assessment (1998).Retrieved from on August 17, 2001, from
Durst, D., MacDonald, J., & Parsons, D. (1999). Finding our way: A community needs assessment on violence in native families in Canada. Journal of Community Practice, 6(1), 45-59.
Strug, D., Rabb, L., & Nanton, R. (2004). Provider views of the support service needs of male primary caretakers of HIV/AIDS-infected and -affected children: A needs assessment. Families in Society,83, 303-313.
Program Evaluation (Outcome)
Bennett, J., & Aquila, R. (1995).Mental health program evaluation: Effectiveness in reducing hospitalizations and homelessness. Retrieved on August 17, 2001, from
Gold, R., & Sonfield, D. (2001). Reproductive health services for adolescents under the state children’s health insurance program. Family Planning Perspectives, 33 (12), 81.
Process Evaluation and Implementation Analysis
Collins, M., Lane, T., Stevens, J. W. (2003). Teen living programs for young mothers receiving welfare: an analysis of implementation and issues in service delivery Families in Society, 84, 31-39.
Hampl, J., & Sass, S. (2001). Focus groups indicate that vegetable and fruit consumption by food stamp-eligible Hispanics in children is affected by children and unfamiliarity with non-traditional foods. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 101, 685.
Linhorst, D., Hamilton, G., Young, E., & Eckert, A. (2002). Opportunities and barriers to empowering people with severe mental Illness through participation in treatment planning. Social Work, 47, 425-434.
Lohrman, D., Blake, S., Collins, T., Windsor, R., & Parrillo, A. (2001).Evaluation ofSchool-Based HIV Prevention Education Programs in New Jersey Journal of School Health, 71, 207.
Murphy, S., & Dowling, J. (2002).The rush to measure outcomes: process evaluation and return on investment; how process evaluation has been used to enhance ROI in a statewide parenting project for youth at risk for tobacco, alcohol, and drug use. The Public Manager, 31 (2), 39-43.
Survey Research (Descriptive Study)
Siebert, D. (2004). Depression in North Carolina social workers: Implications for practice and research. Social Work Research, 28, 30-41.
Qualitative Research
Bartle, E., Couchonnal, G., Canda, E., & Staker, M. (2002). Empowerment as a dynamically developing concept for practice: Lessons learned from organizational ethnography. Social Work, 47, 32-43. (This can also be classified as a process evaluation or implementation study).
Boehm, A., & Staples, L. (2004). Empowerment: the point of view of consumers. Families in Society, 85, 270-280.
Floersch, J. (2000). Reading the case record: The oral and written narratives of social workers. Social Service Review, 74, 169-203.
Hein, J. (2000). Interpersonal discrimination against Hmong Americans. The Sociological Quarterly, 41, 413-429.
Note: This is not a comprehensive list. It includes articles that were found during a brief search using the World Wide Web and the Library Database (Academic Index). Search the Academic Index using the author’s name or the title of the article.
APA Note: Only use the title “Families in Society” in reference lists rather than Families in Society: The Contemporary Journal….”
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