Municipal Regional Permit

Meeting 4: Municipal Maintenance Work Team

December 5, 2005- 9:15 am -12:15 pm


Meeting Summary

Meeting Attendees:

Kristy McCumby, City of SunnyvaleHabte Kifle, SF Bay RWQCB

Lorenzo Smith, City of HaywardJohn Fusco, SCVURPPP

Review of November 10, 2005 Meeting Minutes

Draft meeting minutes from the Thursday, November 10, 2005 meeting were distributed. Work Group participants were asked to provide any comments by Wednesday, December 7, 2005. The draft meeting minutes were also provided to Josh Bradt (Urban Creeks Council). Comments will be incorporated into the final meeting notes and distributed to the Work Group and other interested parties.

Continue Identifying and Prioritizing Tasks

Since the November 10, 2005 meeting, Water Board staff only had the opportunity to combine/merge the Street/Road Sweeping and Cleaning element into the draft municipal maintenance activities performance standard tables. No other elements were combined into the draft municipal maintenance activities performance standard tables (labeled Version 3- 11/10/05) and the draft table (developed and provided by Water Board staff at the November 10, 2005 meeting).

Habte Kifle distributed the modified draft municipal maintenance activities performance standard tables (labeled Version 4- 11/23/05). The Work Group decided to review the modified tables and suggest appropriate language for each column. This process was accomplished with the use of a laptop computer and projector. Work Group participants “filled-in” the Level of Implementation and Recording/Reporting columns for the following Baseline BMPs: Street/Road Sweeping and Cleaning, Street/Road Repair and Maintenance, Sidewalk/Plaza Maintenance, Bridge and Structure Maintenance and Landscape Maintenance. In addition, the Work Group started discussing Litter/Trash Control but did not finish the columns. Kristy McCumby stated that one strategy to address trash/litter within the region is to require the submittal of a trash management plan. This plan would detail what trash management activities would be accomplished at identified trash problem areas. Habte Kifle stated that Steve Moore would be invited to the next Municipal Maintenance Work Group meeting to discuss trash/litter issues.

Review Action Items and Wrap-up

Habte Kifle stated that BASMAA is looking for a final version of the maintenance activities performance standard tables by January 13, 2006. He stated that the final version would more likely be completed by late January/early February 2006. Work Group participants will continue modifying the draft municipal maintenance activities performance standard tables at the next meeting.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 2005 from 9:00 to 2:00 at the RWQCB, Oakland.

f:\sc42\mrp\meeting notes\mrp_120505_draft.doc