Office of Children &Family Services
52 Washington Street
Rensselear, New York 12144 / New York State
George E. PatakiGovernor / Brian J. Wing
Office of Temporary &Disability Assistance
40 North Pearl Street
Albany, New York 12243-0001
Informational Letter
Section 1
Transmittal: / OTDA 03 INF 3 and 03 OCFS INF 03To: / Local District Commissioners
Issuing Division/Office: / Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, Office of Children and Family Services
Date: / 02/03/03
Subject: / OCFS Forms used by the Local Departments of Social Services that have been previously obtained from the OTDA warehouse, 93 Broadway, Menands, 12204
Suggested Distribution: / OCFS,OTDA,LDSS
Contact Person(s): / Jacquelyn Jensen, Office of Management Services, OCFS
Attachments: / INF Letter
Attachment Available On – Line: / none
Filing References
Previous ADMs/INFs / Releases Cancelled / Dept. Regs. / Soc. Serv. Law & Other Legal Ref. / Manual Ref. / Misc. Ref.OTDA (Rev. 8/2001)1
Section 2
- Purpose
The Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) and the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) are issuing this release to notify Local Department of Social Services staff of a change in the method for obtaining forms that were previously available from the Forms and Publications Unit of OTDA.
II Background
A recent decision to separate the forms and publication work performed by OCFS from the work performed by OTDA has made it necessary to develop a separate source for forms and publications that are the responsibility of OCFS. As a result, any future requests for forms or publications that are under OCFS control should be sent to the OCFS, Forms Management Unit, Room 101, South Building, 52 Washington Street, Rensselaer, NY 12144 or use the form OCFS-4627 County Request Form, located on the Internet and the OCFS Intranet site. The forms themselves will be available from either the Internet or the Agency Intranet. The addresses for both the Internet and Intranet are:
- Program Implications
This release reflects the combined efforts of the OTDA and the OCFS to address the concerns of how to best provide forms and publications to the Local Districts as a result of the Governors’ Initiative to reduce the amount of forms printed, and to facilitate the most recent update of these documents as quickly as possible. All program areas requesting forms and publications relating to OCFS will be required to follow this process.
IV. Process
Each Local Department must assign a Forms Coordinator to process all county requests regarding forms. The OCFS Forms Management Office will need the name of the county, office address and the Forms Coordinator’s name, e-mail address and telephone number.
If the local department is unable to access either the OCFS/Intranet or Internet site and needs to order a hard copy of a form (print on demand), please complete the form OCFS-4627County Request Form, with the quantity, cost center and accumulator code for printing. Send the form to the Forms Management Unit,Room 101, South Building, 52 Washington Street, Rensselaer, NY 12144.
At this time a listing of all OCFS forms is under development and will be available at a later date.
Presently, you can e-mail your inquiries to the Forms Management Unit at you can call (518) 473-0971.
For any form that requires printing due to the design of the form or complexity of the form, the Office of General Services has agreed to print and mail the quantities requested by your county.
Issued By:
Name: Mary Meister,
Title: Deputy Commissioner
Division/Office:Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance
X approved
Name: Susan A. Costello
Title: Acting Deputy Commissioner of Administration
Division/Office: Office of Children and Family Services
/s/ Susan A. Costello
OTDA (Rev. 8/2001)1