Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences
Manchester College
Teacher Matthew Landrum Date 10/ 28/10 Time Period 12:55-1:20 Students 13 Grade/Developmental Level 2-3/II Lesson Focus Sliding Teaching Style command
Academic Standard(s)
Standard 1. Motor Skills and Movement Patterns: Students demonstrate competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 2. Movement Concepts: Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.
Standard 5. Responsible Personal and Social Behavior: Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity setting.
Performance Objectives
C: Students will know how to add numbers 1-10 together to get a sum.
A: Students will have good attitudes when taking turns.
P: Students will slide by turning body sideways, a step sideways with a slide to the trailing foot, and a short period where both feet are off the floor.
100 of something small, 7 buckets, roll of tape.
Skill Development
Introduction/Set Induction
Today we will be practicing sliding.
Introduce New Skill
I will be demonstrating sliding by turning body sideways, a step sideways with a slide to the trailing foot, and a short period where both feet are off the floor.
Guided Practice Activity
Students will do what I just did, and then they will slide different ways and levels.
Group Activity
Sliding Beanbags: practice sliding at a low level. Step-close, stay sideways, weight on balls of feet. Beanbags will be spread out around the floor and as partners they will have to trade off each time and put the bags in a bucket, when the teacher says stop, as partners they will count up the bags in there bucket, the group with the most says how many push-ups the class has to do.
Assessment (Form Attached)
Instructional Adjustments
If student can not perform skill correctly have a one on one with that student at the end of the class or during an appropriate time.
Can anyone tell me what you learnt today, and how it could be used when you get older?
*Pangrazi K. P., & Beighle A. (2010). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children. (16th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education.
*Pangrazi K. P., & Beighle A. (2010). Dynamic physical education for elementary school children curriculum guide lesson plans for implementation. (16th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson Education.