Chaparral Middle School

Seventh Grade Life Science

Mr. Miller

August, 2017

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 7th grade here at Chaparral. Your student is most likely in the Gubernat, Ise, M. Lee, and Miller core. Similar to 6th grade, a core consists of the teachers of the four “core” classes: Language Arts (Ms. M. Lee), Social Studies (Mrs. Gubernat), Math (Mrs. Ise), and Science (Mr. Miller) which share the same students. Some students may have one or two core classes with teachers outside of the core. The core structure allows for communication and collaboration to better support the needs of students in the core. We meet regularly to discuss student progress and develop intervention strategies for struggling students. Parent Conferences will include all available core teachers.

Here is some information about your child’s science class.

This class is an interactive, exploration based classroom. That means lots of hands on real science. How much we are able to do often depends on the students. Their level of interest, motivation and responsibility will determine how deep we go in a subject.


These units closely follow the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for seventh grade life science.

  • Engineering Design
  • Scientific Method
  • Cells
  • DNA/Genetics
  • Natural Selection and Evidence of Evolution
  • Structure and Function in Living Systems
  • Interdependent Ecosystems and Energy Transfer in Living Systems

Behavior Expectations:

Our classroom is intended to be a learning community in which all students have the right to feel safe, supported and prepared to succeed. The following expectations and guidelines have been set up to enhance the students’ learning.

  • Be able to display a positive attitude while working in group/lab situations and while contributing to classroom discussions.
  • Show respect to all individuals and materials at all times.
  • Come to class promptly and prepared to learn.
  • Meet all assignment deadlines, as late work will reflect a lower score (see homework policy on the back of this page).
  • Demonstrate excellence in all work. The student who chooses to do only the minimum requirement is doing average work and that will be translated into a “C” grade. “B” or “A” work should reflect added work and effort on the assignment.
  • Maintain all work and handouts in a designated section of a three-ring binder.

Cont. On Back


These items are recommended for Science class. If a student is unable to obtain

supplies, please notify Mr. Miller. Refer to the student handbook for the school policy regarding supplies and resources.

  • 3 ring interactive science binder (1 ½” to 2”) with 5 dividers labeled


• Supply of hole punch re-enforcers (to fix torn hole punched papers)

• 1 green pen (no markers or highlighters) for grading peer work.

Homework Policy:

• Homework is assigned every day with few exceptions. Study Guides for tests are handed out two blocks before each test whenever possible.

• Homework is due the following class unless a specific due date is noted.

• Late homework may be submitted the next class meeting for half credit.

• No credit will be given for homework after the end of the quarter except in special circumstances.

• It is the student’s responsibility to request missed work after an absence and/or check the class website. This includes missed journals, labs, and other class work.

• Students write homework assignments in their binder reminder at the start of class. Assignments can also be checked by going to my class website: select “Teachers & Staff”, select “Michael Miller”, then select “Homework” at the right.


First time penalties for anything that may reasonably be construed as cheating (including copying the homework of others) will result in the following:

- A zero score on that assignment with no make-up

- A written referral to the SSRA

- Parent Notification

Progress Reports

Parents and students are expected to monitor their progress on Parent Portal. Progress reports will be e-mailed home before the end of each quarter. Students with a grade of “C-” or below are asked to print the report, have their parents sign it and return it by the next block. (Parents may also reply to the e-mail to show receipt.)

How to reach me:

  1. My office hours are from 2:10 to 3 PM after school most days. I encourage students to see me right away with any questions or concerns.
  2. I can be reached by phone before and after school by calling the front desk (909-861-6227) and asking to be transferred to Mr. Miller (only for emergencies during school hours).
  3. I can be reached by e-mail at:


Mr. Miller

Sign and Return Next Page

Print Student Name: ______

Teacher: Mr. Miller

Period : ______, Science

Date: ______

Mr. Miller’s 7th Grade Science Contract 2017/2018

Please sign and return this page to Mr. Miller’s classroom by the next class meeting.

I have read Mr. Miller’s Life Science course description and reviewed it with my child.

Signature of Parent ______

Signature of Student ______

Parent e-mail address ______

Best contact number for parent ______