September 2, 2014
To our Healthy Indiana Plan stakeholders,
Here is an update on where things stand with the approval process for the Healthy Indiana Plan “HIP 2.0” program and how you can act now to help this important health coverage program become a reality in Indiana.
Show your support! -- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have opened a federal public comment period and is inviting letters and comments through September 21. Now is the time for you to let the federal government know how important this program is to your organization and the people of Indiana. Without federal approval, we won’t be able to offer a coverage option to uninsured low-income Hoosiers through the Healthy Indiana Plan. Please encourage your colleagues, members, etc. to go to this website and enter a comment before the end of the day on September 21.
Secretary Wernert op-ed – In case you missed it, the Indianapolis Star, Times of Northwest Indiana and Kokomo Tribune all recently ran an opinion piece by FSSA Secretary Dr. John J. Wernert. Dr. Wernert explains why the medical community supports this kind of program because of its potential to help patients improve health as well as provide better access to care with higher payment rates. You can read Dr. Wernert’s op-ed on the Star’s website by clicking here.
2nd Stakeholder meeting – Action plans encouraged – Recently, FSSA hosted a second in-person meeting with several individuals from interested stakeholder groups to overview our public education strategy. This meeting was very similar to the one many of you attended in July. The suggestion was made that each of your organizations consider putting together an action plan for how you would engage and educate your unique audiences and networks should this program be approved for launch sometime next year. We’re happy to report that, so far, 13 organizations have submitted plans. If you have yet to do so, we encourage you to use the attached template to think through how your organization’s network and audience would benefit from outreach and educational activities. Sharing your action plan with FSSA will ensure we are all engaged in a coordinated, state-wide outreach effort. Keep in mind that we cannot launch HIP 2.0 without federal approval and not until sometime in 2015. The exact timing of any public outreach and enrollment activities would depend on receiving approval and the timing of approval.
You are encouraged to stay up-to-date on the HIP 2.0 proposal via our website where you can always find news and information, descriptions of the HIP 2.0 program, a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions document, the waiver application itself and much more.
If you have questions about the HIP 2.0 proposal, please email them to .
Jim Gavin, APR
Director of Communications and Media
Indiana Family and Social Services Administration
402 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 234-0197 (o)
(317) 319-9172 (c)