
Leaders of Promise


Supporting two-year college scholarship

and developing leadership potential

of deserving Missouri Phi Theta Kappa members

Missouri Alumni Association

Phi Theta Kappa

International Honor Society of the TwoYearCollege

Missouri Leaders of Promise Scholarship


The purpose of the Missouri Leaders of Promise scholarship program is to provide Phi Theta Kappa members with financial resources to help defray educational expenses while enrolled in a two-year college and to develop leadership potential by engaging students in Society programs.

Missouri Leaders of Promise scholarship recipients will receive a $300 cash stipend. The award will be disbursed in two equal payments of $150 per semester. The first payment will be made by August 1, 2006. The second stipend will be paid once the student provides a signed Participation Requirement Form verifying participation in at least five chapter activities during the fall 2006 semester, enrollment in a minimum of six semester credit hours for the spring 2007 semester, and maintenance of at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA.

Conditions of Eligibility –

  • A student must be a Missouri Region Phi Theta Kappa member in good standing and currently enrolled in a community college at the time of application.
  • Students must have a minimum 3.5 cumulative GPA out of a possible 4.0 at the time ofapplication on all associate degree coursework.
  • Part-time students, full-time students and international students are eligible to apply.
  • Students who have completed 42 semester hours or less of associate degree coursework by January 31, 2006, are eligible to apply.
  • Students must not hold an associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree from any community college or senior institution.
  • Students must enroll at a community college for the 2006-2007 academic year in a minimum of six semester credit hours each semester.

Note: Any scholarship recipient, who does not fulfill the eligibility requirements set forth in these guidelines, will be required to repay any scholarship monies previously received. The recipient will be required to repay the first installment of scholarship monies and will be ineligible for the second installment if any of the following conditions exist: 1) the recipient does not enroll in classes; 2) the recipient enrolls in less than or drops below the minimum number of semester credit hours: 3) the recipient does not maintain at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA: or 4) the recipient does not meet the minimum chapter participation requirements after receiving the first installment.

Application Requirements –

  • Applications will be available October 1, 2005.
  • A 500-word essay discussing how being a member of Phi Theta Kappa has contributed to your growth as a scholar. Describe plans for your future involvement in the chapter, and goals you have for yourself, your chapter, your college and your community that you can work toward through your involvement in Phi Theta Kappa. Essay must be double-spaced using no smaller than 10-point type.
  • A letter of recommendation from a non-advisor faculty member at the community college where the student is currently enrolled attesting to the leadership potential of the student.
  • A signed statement from the student’s Phi Theta Kappa advisor certifying that the student is a Phi Theta Kappa member in good standing.
  • An official college transcript from all colleges attended. Advisement transcripts will not be accepted.

Deadline –

The Missouri Alumni Association must receive applications no later than April 30, 2006.

Selection Procedure –

The Missouri Alumni Association Scholarship Committee will review applications and determine the Missouri Leaders of Promise scholarship recipient(s). Award winner(s) will be notified by July 1, 2006 and scholarship monies will be applied to the following academic semester.

2006 Missouri Leaders of Promise

Scholarship Application Checklist

Include a copy with your application

It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that all application requirements are complete and included, in the order listed below, before submission. Applications that are incomplete or contain incorrect information will be disqualified.

Use the following checklist to make sure application packet includes all required documents in the order listed:

______Application Checklist

______Applicant Biographical Information


______Advisor Recommendation Form

______Letter of recommendation.

______Official transcripts of student's complete college record.

______Original application plus six copies of application packet

Do not submit the Participation Requirement Form with the initial application.

2006 Missouri Leaders of Promise

Scholarship Application ~ Biographical Information

Legal Name in Full ______

Last Name First Name M.I.

Community College you are currently attending ______

College Address ______, MO ______

Number, Street City Zip

Residence ______

Number, Street, Apartment Number


City State Zip

Telephone (______) ______E-mail Address: ______

Social Security Number ______Date of Birth ______

Month/ Day / Year

What is your major? ______

Which degree(s) do you expect to receive? ______Associate of Arts ______Associate of Science

______Associate of Applied Science

What date do you expect to graduate from the institution where you are currently enrolled?______

As of January 31, 2006, how many hours of college level course work have you completed? ______

What is your current cumulative grade point average? ______on a ______GPA scale

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, answers to the above questions are true and accurate. Furthermore, I agree that if chosen as a Missouri Leaders of Promise Scholarship recipient, I will maintain a minimum load of six credit hours of college level courses during each semester that I receive the Missouri Leaders of Promise Scholarship funds. I also agree that I will spend Missouri Leaders of Promise funds at the community college level for fees, tuition, and other educational needs, and that I will provide documentation of these expenditures, if requested.

Signature of applicant ______Date ______

2006 Missouri Leaders of Promise

Advisor Recommendation Form

To be completed by the student's Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Advisor

Advisor's Name in Full ______

Last NameFirst NameM.I.

Title/Position ______

Community College ______

College Address ______, MO ______

Number, Street, City Zip

Telephone at work (______) ______E-mail ______

Name of student being recommended ______

How long have you known this student?______In what capacity?______

What do you consider this student's greatest academic strengths?


As chapter advisor, I hereby verify that ______is a Missouri Region Phi Theta Kappa member in good standing and is recommended for the Missouri Leaders of Promise Scholarship.

Advisor's Signature ______Date ______

2006 Missouri Leaders of Promise Participation Requirement Form

To be completed and signed by the student's Phi Theta Kappa Chapter Advisor

One purpose of the Missouri Leaders of Promise scholarship program is to promote active participation in Phi Theta Kappa chapter activities. In order to receive the second award disbursement of $150.00 recipients must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25, must be enrolled in a minimum of six semester credit hours for the spring 2007 semester, and must have participated in at least five of the following Phi Theta Kappa activities during the fall 2006 semester. Participation in all listed activities is not a requirement. These activities must be completed in the semester prior to the recipient's second scholarship disbursement request.

A recipient assuming a larger leadership role in a chapter activity may fulfill more than five of the activity requirements listed below. Final interpretation of the student’s fulfillment of required activities is the responsibility of the chapter advisor.

Name ______

Month and year requesting second award disbursement ______



Attend three chapter meetings______

Participate in one Phi Theta Kappa fundraising activity______

Participate in an Honors Study Topic activity______

Participate in one Phi Theta Kappa service activity______

Chair or co-chair a Phi Theta Kappa committee______

Represent your chapter by volunteering at a college-sponsored function______

Attend an official Phi Theta Kappa regional meeting______

Participate in one Phi Theta Kappa fellowship activity______

Participate in an induction ceremony______

Participate in a new member orientation______

Assist with one international or regional Hallmark Awards entry______

Submit an article or assist with your chapter or regional newsletter______

or Phi Theta Kappa chapter or regional web site

Complete the Leadership Development Course (if offered at your school)______

Hold a leadership position in another college or community organization______

As chapter advisor, I hereby verify that ______completed the above activities as indicated. The student’s cumulative GPA is ______on a ______scale and has enrolled in ______

semester hours for the spring 2007 semester.


Signature of Chapter Advisor Date

2006 Missouri Leaders of Promise

Hints for Completing a Quality Application

  1. Application is a text document and can be downloaded from the MOPTK web site. Go to
  2. Application must be typed and neat. Downloaded Biographical and Advisor Recommendation forms are formatted with text boxes that can be filled in using a word processing program.
  3. Application must be complete including all required pertinent information.
  4. Essay must: address the required topic(s), be 500 words or less, be neatly typed and double-spaced using no smaller than 10-point type. Essays that exceed the 500-word limit will be disqualified.
  5. Essay should be free from grammar and spelling errors. Ask someone to proofread it for you.
  6. Recommendation letter(s) from a non-advisor faculty member at the community college where the student is enrolled must address the required topic(s), attesting to the leadership potential of the student.
  7. Advisor Recommendation Form confirming student's eligibility must be completed and signed by chapter advisor and submitted with the application.
  8. Participation Requirement Form, confirming student’s chapter participation during the fall 2006 semester, is required in order to receive the second scholarship installment. It must be completed and signed by the chapter advisor and submitted by the scholarship recipient prior to the start of the spring 2007 semester.
  9. All forms must be signed where required.
  10. Application may be downloaded or photocopied but may not in any way be expanded or altered.
  11. Application must include six copies along with the original.
Application Judging Criteria –

The following point values will be used in judging the application:

Application Biographical Information10 possible points

Essay50 possible points

Advisor Recommendation Form10 possible points

Letter of Recommendation10 possible points

Official Transcripts20 possible points

(cumulative GPA, rigor of courses attempted, credit hours completed)

To be eligible for judging, the application must be received no later than April 30, 2006. Late or incomplete applications will be disqualified and discarded. Faxed applications will not be accepted.

Mail the completed application packet to:

Cheryl Winter

Advisor, Missouri Alumni Association

913 NW 10th Street

Blue Springs, MO64015

Scholarship recipients will be notified by mail no later than July 1, 2006. The first payment of $150 will be disbursed no later than August 1, 2006. The second stipend will be paid once the student provides a signed Participation Requirement Form verifying participation in at least five chapter activities during the fall 2006 semester, enrollment in a minimum of six semester credit hours for the spring 2007 semester, and maintenance of at least a 3.25 cumulative GPA.