Media StrategyIntern
Department: International Director - Europe
Position Reports To: Dirk Müller (International Director - Europe)
Location: Vienna / Austria
Travel Involved: potentially
Time span (in weeks; possible: 4 to 12 weeks): all year long, preferably 12 weeks or more
Responsibilities: As a media organization TWR needs a solid understanding of the environment and trends that we operate in. The intern will be involved in research projects in order to better understand TWR's audiences (for example: trends in media consumption in certain countries, future technologies for media ministry) and be expected to present reliable and condensed data that will support decision making in our media strategy. Example: TWR's Refugee Media Ministry - the intern will help to further develop this ministry by actively contributing to it. The intern will also be involved in our current strategy development process as an organization and help in its implementation. In addition, s/he will assist Dirk Müller in day-to-day tasks and his responsibility to oversee TWR's ministry in the European region and in administrative tasks such as communication with stakeholders, organizing meetings, carrying out surveys, etc.
Specific duties include all or part of the following:
- Research for TWR's Refugee & Media Ministry
- Specific projects will be determined about 2 months before the internship starts.
Qualifications: The Intern should possess the following skills:
- Passionateabout TWR, media ministry and strategy
- Curious to learn new things, think out of the box and make suggestions that are fresh, challenging and still realizable
- General willingness to learn (tasks, host country/culture, work in cross-cultural teams) and to meaningfully contribute to TWR's ministry
- Resarch: Attentive to details and reliable data
- Likes to organize and can handle deadlines, willigness to complete a project from beginning to the end (with the support from his/her supervisor)
- Windows Office Products
- Fluent in English (writing and verbal), preferably another European language
- As the topics in the area of media strategy vary from communications, change management, technology, media and so on, the requirements in respect of a certain educational major are rather broad and will be discussed during the application process.
- Due to the travel schedule of the International Director, it is expected that the intern can work well in a setting where s/he will get a good training/instructions first but will then be able to work independently.
Comments: An internships is understood as both, a contribution to TWR's ministry and also as a cross-cultural learning experience for the intern. Most interns come with a question of "What does God want me to do with my life next?". Mentoring in searching answers to this question is being offered by the supervisor (if desired).