Department / Committee / Working Group
Norms and Protocols
Norms and protocols will help to ensure the success of any group of people working together with a shared purpose. A group should consider what norms and protocols are important to them and agree them in the light of the interests and priorities of the group.
It is suggested that the agreed norms and protocols of the group in question be agreed and subsequently reviewed regularly.
What the research says!
…norms for open and honest conversation; meeting habits that support inquiry, dialogue and reflection; opportunities for those immersed in particular work to take direct action to improve it; and facilitative leadership capable of encouraging participation, ensuring equity and building trust (McDonald, Mohr et al, 2007, p.2)
An effective group structure …has an effect on cooperation and teamwork as it gets areas and functions communicating honestly about how well they are working together and supporting each other. (Smyth, 2012, p.264)
Whenever people come together to collaborate, whether it be an executive planning meeting or as a team working on a shared product, there is a very real sense in which they have a group IQ, the sum total of the talents and skills of all those involved. How well they accomplish their task will be determined by how high that IQ is. The single most important element in group intelligence is…emotional intelligence. The key to a high group IQ is social harmony. (Goleman, 1996, p.160)
Suggested norms and protocols to be considered by the group
- Honest talk should be promoted and valued
- Collegial rather than congenial environment needs to be espoused
- Value all contributions
- Be respectful of other group members
- Equitable status for all members of the group
- Shared decision-making
- Work done by the group is acknowledged as a team effort
- Communication needs to be timely
- Share administration duties / tasks
- Promote sharing of resources, journal articles (perhaps summaries done by individuals) and information
- Meetings
- Meeting agenda needs to be set in advance of meetings and people are welcome to add to it prior to the meeting. It is essential to bear in mind that the agenda should not be unwieldy
- Rotation of chair, time keeper, minute taker etc. Roles to be decided for follow meeting during meeting taking place
- Bookend each meeting with a check-in and check-out circle to promote communication and to clarify where people are professionally and personally in relation to the work at hand. This should promote transparency and honesty
- Meetings are to be solution focused
- Active listening skills to be promoted in meetings
A checklist that might be of help to keep people on track!
Use of norm/protocol / Often / Sometimes / Rarely / CommentHonest talk is promoted and valued
Collegial rather than congenial environment is espoused
All contributions are valued
Group members are respectful of each other
Decision making is democratic
Work done by the group is acknowledged as a team effort
Communication needs to be timely
Administration duties / tasks are shared
Resources are shared amongst the group
Check-in circle
Check-out circle
Agendas are set in advance of meetings and people are welcome to add to it prior to the meeting
Active listening skills are being promoted
Meetings are solution focused
Tracking of actions
Be happy
Agreed: ______
Review Date: ______