Position applied for: …………………………………………………….
Coordination Committee: ………………………… (ICC/NCC/SCC/Youth Forum/Women Forum)
Name of State/Territory: ……………………………. (For state level election)
Candidacy Details: (Please provide all informationbelow and a recentpassport size photo)
First Name: …………………………...... ……………….. Last Name: ………………………….
NRNAA MembershipNo: ………………………
Residential Address: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Suburb: ……………………………………... Post Code: ……………… State: …………….
Email:…………………………………………………………..Phone: ………………………
I state that the information I have provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that in any disputes, decision by the Election Commission is final. I also acknowledge that the Election Commission may release my personal details as appropriate to the election process.
Signature: …………………………………………….Date: ……………………………
Details of prosper and seconder
Proposer1 / Seconder1First Name
Last Name
NRNAA Membership No
Residential Address
Post Code
We, the proposer and seconder, state that the information we have provided is true and correct to the best of our knowledge. We also acknowledge that the Election Commission may release our personal details as appropriate to the election process. We are not candidate for any position and haven’t proposed or seconded any other candidate for this election.
- Proposer and seconder can only be eligible voters from respective States for State level and NCCMember Candidates.
Payment of application fee: Please attach proof of payment along with your application. For fees and payment method, please check NRNA-Australia Election Page.
Brief Profile of Candidate (Education, profession, social & community involvement etc.)
Brief Election Manifesto of Candidate (Like: what you want to achieve for NRNAAmovement in your tenure, what are social, community and organisational commitments etc.)
Please point out brief election manifesto
Any other information you want to mention (Please describe briefly)
Complete the candidacy application form, pay the application fee and send the scan copy of the form and payment slip with your passport size photo to:
(for national level election)
(for ACT SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
(for NSW SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
(for NT SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
(for QLD SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
(for SA SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
(for TAS SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
(for VIC SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
(for WA SCC Positions and Representatives to NCC)
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