Regular Meeting Agenda
September 3rd, 2013
Regular Board of Education Meeting
September 3rd, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.
Senior High School Learning Commons
Members Present: Ryan Riefler – President, John Fuller – Vice President, Jeffery Crysler, David Kelly,
Dr. David Locastro, Kate Welch and Thomas West. Kate Welch was not in attendance this evening.
Administration Present: Craig Tice, Superintendent of Schools, Trish McCarron, Superintendent of Pupil Services, Anthony Sonnachio, Business Manager, John Durkee, Principal Senior High School; Deborah Glisson, Asst. Principal Senior High School. Administration only stayed for the first 10 minutes of the meeting and then was excused due to their attendance at the New Families Picnic in the SHS Cafeteria.
Others Present: Helen Thorpe, MEU representative; Kim LaRose, District Clerk; staff; parents; students; community members
Time: 7:03 p.m.
2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Ryan lead the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:03 p.m.
“RESOLVED BY DR. LOCASTRO, SECONDED BY JEFF CRYSLER THAT the agenda for the September 3rd , 2013 Regular Meeting of the Board of Education be approved – with an Executive Session on items 9 2.4 and 9 2.7 to be discussed before voting on. This extra Executive Session will be done after 4 (a) – recognitions with Deb Glisson is done.
Ayes – 6, Nays – 0, Motion Carried
The Oath of Allegiance administered to the Superintendent by the District Clerk. Due to Dr. Tice not being at the Re-Organizational Meeting in July – we are administering the following - Oath of Allegiance to him this evening. Kim LaRose, District Clerk had Dr. Tice repeat after her.
“I do solemnly swear that I will support the constitution of the United States and the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of Superintendent of the Marcellus Central School District, according to the best of my ability.”
4. RECOGNITION – Deb Glisson spoke with regards to the Teacher to Teacher Project Share, the 8th edition. Deb wanted to thank all the facility that were involved in making this year a success. She spoke of two points – 1 – was the “Action Research” – that this proved to compliment what was being done at Marcellus and sharing the classroom results. 2- “Belonging driven Educator” – this helps the teachers feel as though they are part of a group. With collaboration and getting ideas from other in the field has been a tremendous achievement. Deb also spoke about the Mini-Mustang Grant Money available to staff and that at Marcellus we also have two “fellows” working with us this year in the Math and Technology Department. Craig Tice wanted to thank Deb Glisson and all who participated in this project this year and to Deb for all of her years of leadership on this Project Share Committee. Ryan Riefler also thanked her on behalf of the Board of Education.
5. PRESENTATIONS – None were made at this time. Instead it was voted on to have an additional Executive Session
“RESOLVED BY DAVID KELLY, SECONDED BY JOHN FULLER THAT the meeting in public be adjourned temporarily and executive session be convened.”
At this point, the Board of Education went into an Executive Session to discuss two items on the Consent Agenda –
Discussion – Employment history of M.T.E.U Member.
Discussion – Employment history of 3 potential coaches.
The Regular Meeting will resume afterwards.
Time dismissed – 7:09 p.m. – reconvened again – 8:15
Kim and Chuck Donovan asked to speak to the Board of Education with regards to the classification policy and the ability for 7th and 8th graders to participate in junior varsity and varsity teams. Mr. Donovan said he spoke with the Athletic Director, Michael Free, and he suggested that they come to the Board of Education with their issues. The Donovan’s asked if the Board would consider reviewing the policy and not letting middle scholar’s participate. Their son is a wrestler and has the opportunity to advance in the sport if he is allowed to wrestle at the upper levels. They understand why the policy is in place, but other school have 7th graders on the upper levels teams. They know that is it not right for every sport, but perhaps they can make a clause for wrestling. Ryan Riefler wanted to thank to Donovan’s for coming to talk with regards to this, but the policy was made for all sports and does not want to “open the door” for others to feel that they can advance their children. He believes that the district is comfortable where they are and asked Craig Tice for his opinion. Dr. Tice stated that the District policy that is in place is a good one. And, without opening a “Pandora’s Box” effect, it should stay in place – no middle school students should play on the upper level teams. Ryan again thanks the Donovan’s for coming in and knows that their son, who sounds like a very determined and hard worker, will succeed in this sport and for many years to come.
“RESOLVED BY DR. LOCASTRO, SECONDED BY JEFF CRYSLER THAT, the amended Board of Education adopts the following revised policy – No. 53221 – Use of District Credit Cards.
Trish McCarron spoke with regards to this – as in the previous meeting, the Board of Education was presented the information requested by them for the District Credit Cards. The information of how many cards, who were authorized, revisions to the policy and updated given to the Board of Education quarterly by the auditors.
Ayes – 6, Nays – 0, Motion Carried
“RESOLVED BY THOMAS WEST, SECONDED BY DR. LOCASTRO THAT, the Board of Education rescinds the following board policy:
No 1520 Special Meetings of the Board of Education
Trish McCarron took the lead on this topic. It was discussed over the summer Board meetings that our own policy with regard to the Special Meeting of the Board of Education was stricter than the state required and was therefore not appropriate. It was stated that the policy from New York State be posted on the website for anyone to read. It is #105 in the Public Officers portion of the bylaws.
Ayes – 6, Nays – 0, Motion Carried
RESOLVED BY DAVID KELLY, SECONDED BY DR. LOCASTRO THAT the Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to enter into an agreement with the Cortland City School District for sharing of transportation services”.
Tony Sonnachio spoke with regards to this proposal. Tony added a memo in the Board of Education’s packet this evening (can be seen on the Agenda notes on Blackboard). This is assistance on transporting one of our students to a program in Cortland. The program would require transporting the student Sunday evening and picking up the student on Friday. Our school is currently doing this for the child and now with Cortland’s help, we will only need to play for a third of the transportation fees for this student. Dave Kelly asked what bus will be used. Right now it is ours, but Cortland will be using one of their own buses. Dr. Locastro asked if this was the only option we had, and according to Tony, Sue Stearns in the Transportation Office did her best to find the best for the school and for the student involved. It was greatly appreciated by the Board for Sue’s work on this.
Ayes – 6, Nays – 0, Motion Carried
Ryan Riefler mentioned the following items he wanted to discuss –
1. – Evening Retreat he would like to continue with these retreat sessions, perhaps for an hour on the opposite Monday of the Board’s Regular Meetings. Would like to set one up for the upcoming Monday, September 10th from 6-7p.m. in the DMS Conference room. An email from the District Clerk will be done earlier in the day as a reminder. At this meeting, he would like to discuss the law limits and goals that need to be set and how they will be administered.
2. – District Logo – would like to open that back up to the students this fall. Would like to really publicize and would like to get a better response from the students. More discussion to follow.
3. –Policy review schedule – would like to get back on track for setting up a schedule of approving the existing Board Policies. Interested in working with Bond, Schoeneck and King to make the process smoother and to expodite some of the changes. Dr. Locastro also stated he would like to see that we stay current with the laws and state mandates.
4. – Ryan is also looking for suggestions from the Board and Community on an additional member to be involved with the Facilities Committee at Marcellus. Ryan wanted to thank Brian McNaney for all his work with the Facilities Committee over the years. Perhaps someone know of someone who is from the construction or engineering field would who be interested in this committee. Could also turn into more than one position.
“RESOLVED BY DR. LOCASTRO, SECONDED BY JEFF CRYSLER THAT the Consent Agenda consisting of the following items be approved – with the exception of items 9 2.4 be postponed and voted on after the second Executive Session and 9 2.7 be tabled.
1.1 August 5, 2013 Board of Education Regular Meeting Minutes
1.2 August 19, 2013 Board of Education Regular Meeting Minutes
2.1 Appointment of Non-Instructional Staff
-Sandra Murray, Teacher Aide, 3 hours/day at a rate of $12.43/hour, effective September 1, 2013
-Elizabeth Hennessey, Bus Attendant, at a rate of $12.43/hour, 4.25 hours/day, effective September 3, 2013
2.2 Appointment of Non-Instructional Long Term Substitute
-Christine Williams, LTS Cook Manager, at a rate of $16.51/hour, 7 hours/day, effective September 3, 2013
2.3 Change of Status
-Patricia O’Neill, Teacher Assistant, increase of hours from 5 to 6.5 hours per day
-Carrie-Beth Pottinger, Teacher Aide, increase of hours from 3 to 3.5 per day
-Theresa Kimber, Teacher Aide, increase of hours from 3 to 3.5 per day
2.4 Appointment of Non-Instructional Substitute – Pulled to be voted on after Executive Session
-Eileen Dezenzio, substitute school bus dispatcher, at a rate of $22/hour, effective September 4, 2013
-Ronald Fletcher, substitute bus attendant, 2013-14 school year, $7.25/hour
-William Burnette, substitute bus attendant, 2013-14 school year, $7.25/hour – name removed
2.5 Appointment of Extra-Curricular Personnel for 2-13-14 school year
-Mindy Dixie, Mentor, $500
-Robin Brown, Mentor, $500
2.6 Appointment of Nurse Coordinator for 2013-14 School Year
-Terri Finch, salary of $1,988
2.7 Appointment of Coaches – Fall 2013 - item removed.
-Kayla Howard, JV Volleyball, $382.50/week
-Jeffrey Garlow, Assistant Football, Varsity, non-compensated
(pending final notification of NYSED fingerprint clearance)
2.8 Appointment of Bus Drivers and Attendant Hours for 2013-14 School Year
Bailer, Neil Driver 5.50
Bishop, David Driver 5.00
Boeglin, Mildred Driver 5.25
Carlson, Paul Driver 4.50
Caza, Robin Driver 5.50
Dezenzio, Eileen Driver 5.00
Fike, Marshall Driver 5.00
Fogarty, Mary Pat Driver 5.25
Fordock, Eric Driver 5.00
Hennessey, Elizabeth Attendant 4.25
Higgins, Debbie Driver 6.00
Howard, Karen Driver 6.50
Kenny, Mike Driver 2.00
Mahan, Robert Driver 2.00
Mather, James Driver 5.00
Micho, Richard Driver 4.50
Miller, Deborah Driver 6.50
Morabito, Christina Driver 5.50
O'Brien, Debbie Driver 5.25
Palen, Jack Driver 5.00
Ramsden, Janine Driver 8.00
Rusin, James Driver 5.25
Simmons, Jennifer Driver 5.00
Smith, Denise Driver 5.00
Spicer, Kathleen Driver 4.25
Sweeney, Susan Driver 4.75
Vile, Derrick Driver 4.75
Wildey, Carol Attendant 4.50
Will, Patrick Driver 2.00
Wolf, Lynda Driver 7.75
2.9 Reappointment of substitute bus drivers for the 2013-2014 school year at a rate of $20/hour
Fletcher, Ronald
Griffin, Todd
Hannahan, David
Lathrop, Harry
Legg, Francis
MacLachlan, Nancy
Michel, David
North, Barbara
Pierce, Jaclyn
Quirk, Nancy
2.10 Appointment of Substitute School Nurse
--Melissa Conmy-Zacholl, substitute school nurse, 2013-14 school year, $103.00/per diem
2.11 Salary Column Change
Susan Carter, Business CTE Teacher, from Col A07, Step 4 + M to Col A08, Step 4 + M $57.089
3 Committee on Special Education Recommendations as submitted
4 Declaration of Surplus Items
-Disposal of text books as submitted
Ayes – 6, Nays – 0, Motion Carried
Audit Committee – will be rescheduled to meet on September 16th at 6:00p.m. –before the Regular Board Meeting
Facilities Committee – will have their meeting on September 5th.
Craig wanted to thank all the Faculty, staff and Administration for a smooth start to the 2013-2014 school year. We all appreciate their hard work and wish them all success this school year.
Tony Sonnachio also stated the Transportation Department also had a smooth start to the school year. Still working out a few “bugs in the system”, but was very happy at the success they had today.
Trish also mentioned that she was in all three building today and it was good to see the schools full of students and staff and wishes everyone a great year.
12(a) REVIEW OF DISCUSSIONS/ACTIONS WHICH THE BOARD OF EDUCATION ACCOMPLISHED TONIGHT FOR STUDENTS – Ryan Riefler was happy to hear about the successful start to the new school year and looks forward to many more good days ahead. Also wanted to thank Tony and Sue Stearns for their work on getting the saving for the transportation services with Cortland School district.
NO. 13 – RESIDENTS’ COMMENTS – No residents comment at this time.
“RESOLVED BY THOMAS WEST, SECONDED BY DR. LOCASTRO THAT the meeting in public be adjourned and executive session be convened.”
Discussion – Employment history of M.T.E.U Member.
TIME: 8:41p.m.
TIME: 8:58 p.m.
NO. 9 – CONSENT AGENDA – Item to be voted on separately,