Department Chairs CommitteeAgenda
January 15, 2010
Room 7530, 9:00 – 10:00 am
Present: Dan Benard, Denise Blanchard, Howard Carpenter, Debbie Dawson, Bill deDie, Mary Dey, Tim Farrow, Fran Kubicek, Rick Margelis, Jenny Ott, Linda Rzoska, Larry Taylor, Ron Young
- Call to Order–The meeting was called to order at 9:01 a.m. by Rick Margelis.
- Approval of December 2009 minutes will occur at the February meeting.
- Review of Agenda
- Old Business
- New Business
- Course and Curriculum Council
- Board of Trustees Action
- Course Inactivation
- ENG 283, Accelerated Language
- MUS 122, Guitar Class 2
- PHY 145, Physics/Career Education
- TRS 093, Transitions
- WPE 108, Lifeguard Training Instructor
- WPE 111, Lifeguard Training/CPR Renewal
- WPE 154, Cycling for Fitness
Motion made by Jenny Ott; seconded by Mary Dey; motion carried. - Program Inactivations
- Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
- Brakes
- Electrical and Electronic Systems
- Engine Performance
- Engine Repair
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Manual Drive Transmission
- Suspension and Steering Systems
Motion made by Jenny Ott; seconded by Mary Dey; motion carried. - Course Revisions
- AUTO 120, Intro to Automotive Electrical
- AUTO 130, Automotive Brake Systems
- AUTO 140, Manual Transmission/Driveline
- AUTO 141, Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
- AUTO 161, Engine Mechanical Theory
- AUTO 170, Automotive Technology
- ELT 240, Hybrid Electric Drive Systems
Motion made by Jenny Ott; seconded by Ron Young; motion carried. - Program Revisions
- Automotive Technology Cert
-- including title change to Automotive Service Technician Cert
5.6.2.Automotive AAS
Motion made by Ron Young; seconded by Mary Dey; motion carried.
5.7.New Courses
5.7.1.AUTO 111, Exploring Automotive Career Options
5.7.2.AUTO 113, Auto Ethics and Employability Skills
5.7.3.AUTO 122, Automotive Chassis Electronic Systems
5.7.4.AUTO 134, Automotive Alignment Service
5.7.5.AUTO 230, Automotive Brake Electronic Systems
5.7.6.AUTO 240, Manual Transmission/Driveline Repair
5.7.7.AUTO 241, Automatic Transmission/Transaxle Repair
5.7.8.AUTO 253, High Performance Engine Management
5.7.9.AUTO 261, Engine Overhaul
5.7.10.AUTO 270, Advanced Auto Heating/Air Conditioning
Motion made by Ron Young; seconded by Fran Kubicek; motion carried.
5.8.New Programs
5.8.1.Adv Electronic Vehicle Control Systems COA
5.8.2.Driveline COA
Motion made by Linda Rzoska; seconded by Howard Carpenter; motion carried.
5.11.Part-time Faculty
5.12.Adjournment-The meeting adjourned at 9:09 a.m.
**Note: All agenda items must be submitted to Denise Blanchard at least one week before the next meeting!