Traineeship Initial Application

Personal Details

First Name:
Postal Address:
Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Sex: / Male/Female
Do you have current UK driving licence? : / Yes/No
Do you have a UK bank account? (to enable us to pay you the bursary): / Yes/No
Placement/s applying for (maximum of two)
1st Choice
2nd Choice

Expression of Interest

Two blank pages have been provided within this document for writing an expression of interest. Please do not submit more than two typed A4 pages for this.

What to include

The expression of interest should explain in your own words your reason/s for applying for a traineeship. Please also explain your choice of placement/s.

Please detail the experience, if any, that you may have with livestock, conservation and land management.

Details can also be given of any other experience or qualifications that you think may be relevant.

Entry Requirements

·  Over 18

·  Full driving licence

·  Basic IT skills

·  Committed and enthusiastic

·  Ability to work in a team and also on own initiative

·  Ability to work with a wide range of people and groups/good communication skills

·  A strong desire to work with animals and in the field of conservation and land management

·  A reasonable level of fitness to cope with outdoor and manual work

·  Willing to undertake further training that their placement may involve

E.g. training to operate machinery

·  Willing to travel to other areas for short periods of time to visit other schemes/systems

·  Willing to work outside in all weathers and possibly unsociable hours at peak times of year or occasional weekends e.g. at lambing time.

Please also see the full role description and details of each placement on the website.

Submitting your application

Send the completed typed application to the email address below. Please contact us if you are unable to submit this form via email.

email address:

The deadline for all applications is 5pm on Friday 21st January 2011.

Further Guidance

A role description for the traineeships and full details of each placement can be read on the GAP website:

For any queries or further guidance please contact either Tom or Eleanor on 01249 470029 or email .

Expression of Interest

Expression of Interest

Grazing Advice Partnership December 2010