Demonstration Risk Assessment
and Emergency Response Plan
Demo Name: Iron and Sulfur
Materials: 10g of iron powder in a screw-cap vial, 5g of sulfur powder in a screw-cap vial, long steel rod, propane torch, striker, ring stand base, metal tray.
Preparation: Set out materials on table.
Presentation: Pour the contents of one vial into the other, replace cap, and shake to mix thoroughly. Pour mixed contents in a pile onto the ring stand base. Ignite the propane torch. Dim the lights. Heat one end of the rod in the torch flame until cherry red. Stick the hot end of the rod into the base of the pile of chemicals. Chemicals will burn and combine to form a solid glowing mass that is stuck to the end of the rod. Lift up the rod to exhibit the glowing mass. Place the rod and product in the tray.
Demonstrator Safety Notes: Wear goggles. Have a fire extinguisher handy. Make sure that there are no flammable objects nearby. Be careful of the product and rod - they will be quite hot for some time.
Risk Assessment: As with all demonstrations involving combustion, there is a fire hazard. This hazard can be minimized by clearing the demonstration area of combustible materials. The demonstrator must take care to avoid burning himself with the torch or hot equipment. A small quantity of sulfur dioxide gas is produced as a byproduct of this reaction. The demonstrator should avoid directly inhaling the fumes produced by this reaction. Otherwise, the concentration of sulfur dioxide produced is not sufficient to pose a hazard.
Emergency Response Plan: A fire extinguisher will be at hand to deal with the hazard of an accidental fire.
If any one experiences discomfort due to the odor of sulfur dioxide, they should be removed to fresh air.
First Aid for a Burn:
Eyes: Seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY. Do not put ointments or liquids in eye.
Elsewhere: Cool with cold water, not ice or ice water. Consult a doctor if the burn is larger than the size of a palm. Consult a doctor if it is not healed in 24 hours.
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