Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. - Westchester Alumnae Chapter
Nominating Committee
TO:Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Westchester Alumnae Chapter
FROM:Nominating Committee: Mary Marquis, Aisha Prim,
DawnMarie Montgomery-Otis
DATE: March 2012
RE:2012 Nominations Process
Attached is information regarding the 2012 chapter nominations process. The timeline for nominating activities includes:
March- presentation of the nominations process
April– presentation of the slate of nominees; nominations from the floor
May- chapter vote for officers
June - installation of officers.
The committee will accept nominations for the following seven (7) positions:
President / Correspondence Secretary / TreasurerFirst Vice President / Financial Secretary
Second Vice President / Recording Secretary
Your leadership is needed and encouraged. Pleaseassess whether a commitment to the office can be fulfilled in light of professional, personal, and other civil/social commitments. Serving as an officer of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Westchester Alumnae Chapter requires thoughtful consideration. Also, please review the Chapter Rules of Order & Policies and Procedures, approved July 12, 2011, for the eligibility requirements and responsibilities of each office. Consider whether you will be able to fulfill the term of office and its related responsibilities.
The attached Candidate Profile Sheet must be completed and submitted to the Chair of the Nominating Committee by mail to: Mary Marquis, 2 Stonewall Circle, White Plains, New York 10607received on or before Monday, April 2, 2012. or, by email to: by Monday, April 2, 2012 by 6:00 pm. The Candidate profile Sheet will be available to Chapter members through our website. The Candidate Profile information will give committee members the information needed to ensure that each nominee is eligible to seek the intended office. Additionally, the Candidate Profile information will highlight a candidate’s sorority, professional, and personal experience and indicate "why" a candidate wants to serve the Westchester Alumnae Chapter in a leadership role. Any questions or comments about the Candidate Profile Sheet should be directed to Mary Marquis at 914 946-7216.
Westchester Alumnae Chapter has a wealth of talent and expertise; each Chapter member has much to share. The Nominating Committee sincerely hopes that you will utilize your leadership skills, gifts and talents for the further advancement of our Sorority’s initiatives and Chapter objectives and consider accepting a nomination for office.
Yours in Delta,
Mary Marquis
Mary Marquis
for the Nominating Committee
A Public Service Sorority