Category Two (2): Be Active in the City Minor

Up to $8k per application

Up to 3 years

Please refer to the guidelines before submitting an application. We encourage you to discuss your application with the Council Officer listed on the website prior to submitting your application.

This category of funding is open year round. Read through the entire application form before beginning to ensure you have all of the information required to submit.

Submit online at or submit two hard copies of your application to:

Recreation and Sport Grants Program

Active City Program

Adelaide City Council

GPO Box 2252


Or in person to

Customer Service Centre

Ground Floor

25 Pirie Street


Please note that faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.

Name of Organisation
Postal Address
Contact Person
Title of Project
Amount of Funding Sought
Est. Date(s) of Project
Date Application Received
Acknowledgement Letter Sent
File Number

Applicant Details

How is your organisation constituted?

Incorporated Association

Limited Company

Auspiced by an Incorporated Association

Please indicate if your club or organisation is registered with any of the following:

STARCLUB Club Development Program Yes No 

Good Sport Program Yes No 

If answered yes, what level?

Level 0Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 

Are you affiliated with a Peak Body? (e.g. State or National)



If yes, who are they ANDhow is the Peak Body supporting this project? (e.g. resource support. Where possible, please submit a letter of support from you State/ National Peak Body)

Has Council funded your organisation over the last three (3) years?

If yes, please provide details below

Date Funded / Amount / For What Purpose / Status (e.g. completed, acquitted)

Project Proposal

Provide an outline of the project.(e.g. the activity, regularity of sessions/ outcomes/learnings of each session, target group and alignment with your organisation’s and Adelaide City Council’s Strategic Directions, Management Plans etc)


What are the aims/objectives of the project? (e.g. to increase participation in your club or sport, to expand the reach of the club to new markets, to showcase your club/facility as a sport/health/fitness provider etc)

How do you intend to measure these aims/objectives? (e.g. surveys, number or participants involved in the project, number of participants joining your club post project etc)

Is your project a 1 day event?



If yes, what is the date?

Does your project extend beyond a 1 day event? (e.g. ran over several weeks)



If yes, how many sessions will project include and over what period? (e.g. 1 session per week for 6 weeks)

What is your project timeframe?

Start Date
Finish Date

Where will the proposed activity take place? (must be within the boundaries of the City of Adelaide including any of the Park Lands. Priority will be given to projects thatutilise City Squares and outdoor public spaces and facilities.)

Who will benefit from this application? (tick all that apply)


Male Female 


0 – 4 5 – 1213 – 18 19 – 25 26 – 54 55+


City Resident City Worker Student Visitor 

Member of a City based sporting club/group 

Other: ______

Approximately how many people will benefit from this application?

How much does it cost to participate in this project? (e.g. free, gold coin donation, $10 etc. If this is a team activity how much does it cost per team and per player to participate)

Does this project result in participants receiving prize money?



If yes, how much?

Please outline your marketing and media strategy. (e.g. newspaper articles, social media, websites, newsletters, radio etc)

Do you have evidence that there is demand for this project? (e.g. how does this application fill a gap andwhy is it important)



If yes, please explain.

What opportunities are there for participants to continue to undertake this activity after the project has finished? (e.g. how will the participants be able to continue being physically active, how will you measure this ongoing participation)

What impact would reduced funding have on your project? (e.g. stage the application)

Recreation and Sport Grants Program 2014 -2015 - Category Two (2) Be Active in the City Minor - Page 1

Proposal Budget

Applicant to complete:


Type of Support / $Value / Details
Adelaide City Council / Cash (this grant)
Applicant / Cash
In-kind – details
Other / Cash
In-kind - details
Total amount


Activity / Items/Description of works / $Value
Coordination costs
Equipment costs
Council fees
Total expenditure

*Note Adelaide City Council can only contribute up to 50% of the total project costs

As part of Category One (2) Be Active in the City Minor, applicants can seek ongoing support of their application from Adelaide City Council for up to three (3) years.

Please outline below the level of ongoing support you seek for your application

Year / Council Contribution
($ value – cash or inkind) / Applicant Contribution
($ value – the amount of funding requested) / Other Contribution
($ value – cash or inkind) / Total Project Cost
2014 - 15
2015 - 16
2016 - 17

Is there any other informationyou think is relevant to assist Adelaide City Council in assessing your application?(maximum of 2 pages)


Before submitting your application make sure you have:

Discussed grant application with relevant Grant Officer

 Completed all sections of the application form

 Submitted letters/evidence of support

Attached a copy of the organisations Certificate of Incorporation (or auspice organisation)

Attached most recent audited financial statement (or auspice organisation)

Attached a copy of Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency

 Signed the application form

 Kept a copy of your application for future reference

Applicant Certification

I certify to the best of my knowledge that the statements made in this application are true. I have read the Recreation and Sport Grant Program guidelines as outlined on the Adelaide City Council website. I understand that should this application be approved by the Adelaide City Council that I would be required to accept the conditions of the grant in accordance with the Council’s accountability and reporting requirements.

Name of Delegated Officer
Today’s date

If this grant is to be auspiced by another organisation please complete the following details

Name of Auspicing Organisation
Name of Delegated Officer
I certify that we are to be the auspicing organisation for this proposal
Today’s date

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

(1)Application Procedure

The entity applying for grants must supply Australian Business Number (ABN) or state it is not registered for GST when applying for a grant.

Is your organisation registered for GST?YesNo 

Australian Business Number (ABN) (11 digits)

Entities should be aware that the GST legislation deems your organisation as providing the supply for GST purposes.As such, any liability for GST arising as a result of any non-compliance issue rests with your organisation and the Corporation has no obligation to contribute to that liability.

(2)Entity Registered For GST

  • Registered Entity prior to receiving a grant must complete and return the Recipient Created Tax Invoice (as provided when notified of successful application) for the agreed amount of the grant plus GST. Both should be clearly labelled on the invoice.
  • No payment will be made until correct tax invoice has been received and accepted by the Corporation.
(3)Entity Not Registered For GST
  • Australian Business Number (ABN) to be supplied to ensure withholding tax not applied to grant.
  • Non-registered Entity must provide the Corporation with acknowledgment of its status in regard to GST prior to receiving a grant.
  • Amount to be paid is the agreed grant amount only. Payment documentation must state that the payment does not include any GST component. Must also state that the Corporation has no responsibility for GST, which may arise due to any non-compliance issue relating to this transaction.

Please Note:

If your organisationis registered for GST, the Corporation will gross up the grant for the appropriate GST amount, provided all requirements listed above are met to the Corporation’s satisfaction.

All applicants are encouraged to obtain independent advice as to their position under GST legislation.

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