Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association
Retention Sub-Grants
2016 Grant Award Evaluation
Funding Agency Name: Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association (DVFA)
Funding Opportunity Title: Retention Sub-Grants Evaluation
Submission Deadline: October 1, 2016
Mail completed evaluations to: DVFA
122A South Bradford Street
PO Box 1849
Dover, DE 19903
Questions may be directed to the DVFA office at 302-734-9390.
Reporting Requirements
This report is intended to track the progress of your company’s Retention program as a result of your 2015 Sub-Grant Award. Attached is a list of questions designed to evaluate the program’s implementation and expenditures. Please include copies of all invoices pertaining to the DVFA Retention Sub-Grant as well as any additional supporting documentation.
The DVFA Retention Committee will evaluate all details and documentation submitted by sub-grantees.
Evaluation has been divided into two Categories:
The Retention Sub-Grant review process includes the following topics:
Category / Sub-categoriesProgram Design / Project Narrative and Objectives
Project Outcome Measurement
Budget Documentation
Delaware Volunteer Firefighter’s Association
Retention Sub-Grants
Evaluation Form
Organization nameTotal amount awarded through the DVFA Retention Sub-Grant
Contact person name
Contact phone number and email
I. Program Design
1. Please address the programmatic objectives and the physical application of the retention program.
2. Has your company seen a significant change in the retention of your volunteers? If yes, please explain?
3. How many members was your company able to retain due to your sub-grant objectives?
4. Please describe how the program has met the programmatic outcomes stated in your grant application.
5. Has this program been replicated at other fire companies? If yes, please explain? If not, do you feel this program could be easily replicated?
II. Budget
Please describe all expenditures from the grant. Include any supporting information, including purchase orders and or receipts. Add lines if necessary
Item / Explanation / Amount
Please include any supporting documentation for the sub-grant with your report.