BARDNEY HERITAGE GROUP / Bardney Heritage Centre
Station Road
Researching, developing and recording the history of Bardney, and surrounding area, for the benefit of all.
Minutes of the meeting held at 7pm on Monday 13th June 2011, at Bardney Heritage Centre.
Present: / Elected Committee: Dave Miles, Pat Rennie, Dawn McKenna, Barry Newlove, Lynne Goforth, Kim Walker.
Members: Dave Letts, Catherine Wilson, Marjorie Woodcock, Rod Knight, Margaret Redfern, Alex MacDonald, Sean O’Callaghan, Janet Ruane
Apologies: / Janice Smith, Kevin Ruane, June Benton.
1.  / Minutes of the last meeting:
·  The Chairperson read the April minutes. It was noted that the items borrowed from Bob Armstrong should read ‘two table legs and one bench seat leg’, and also that Rod Knight was missed from the attendees.
·  The minutes would be revised and signed by the Chairman.
2.  / Matters Arising:
·  JCT Insurance certificate will be brought to the Abbey site tomorrow (14th), by John Wilford.
·  The Volunteer Training Days (Saturday 4th & Tuesday 7th June) went very well. Thanks to all who contributed.
·  A big thank you to June Benton for the ‘Walk & Talk’ around the village. It was a very interesting tour. Dave has recorded the event.
·  A letter of invitation to the project has been sent to 18 of our local schools.
3.  / Election of Officers
·  Catherine Wilson proposed that the existing committee be re-elected en bloc – to ensure continuity of the Abbey project.
·  This was seconded by Dave Letts.
·  As no other proposals were forwarded, it was unanimously accepted.
4.  / Chairman’s Report
·  The Chairman expressed his thanks to all the committee and members for all the hard work that had been put in over the last fifteen months. Also to Daren Doughty – for Posters and Mike King for scrutinising our accounts.
·  He noted some of the achievements over this period:
1)  Two websites successfully running, with constant hits of over 350 for the village website.
2)  A series of ten interesting talks over the period.
3)  An opportunity of a lifetime – to take part in an archaeological dig on the scheduled monument of Bardney Abbey.
4)  Very successful trip to Lincoln Cathedral, which was enjoyed by all
5)  Finally, the Chairman praised Barry & Lynn, from the Heritage Centre, who have worked tirelessly for our cause and supplied us with a warm and friendly environment to meet in.
6)  The Chairman presented them with a gift, from all the committee and members, as a token of our appreciation. This was a millstone form Bardney Mill, along with a provenance, proving its part in Bardney’s history.
5.  / Financial Report
·  Lynn advised the meeting that we had £1,212-74p held in our account at the end of the financial year. £750 of this was contributed by The Lincoln Coop for the purchase of a map drawer, which is still to be resourced.
·  Everyone present agreed that this was a creditable sum.
·  Mike King very kindly adjudicated these accounts for us.
6.  / Constitutional Change:
·  The Secretary read out a letter from the Chairman in respect of the difficulties procuring goods by cheques, as many stores do not accept them any more. With purchases for the Abbey Project, it was proving a problem.
·  After some discussion it was agreed to approach HSBC about the ramifications of having a Debit Card and a cheque book.
·  Lynn would advise at the next meeting, with a view to modify the Constitution to meet this need.
7.  / Subscription Setting:
·  Dawn proposed that subs be increased to £5 per annum. This was seconded by Sean.
·  An amendment was proposed by Rod, for an increase to £10 per annum. This was seconded by Catherine.
·  Four persons voted for the amendment and eight for the first proposal. The first proposal (£5 per annum) was carried. It will come into force on 6th April 2012.
8.  / Correspondence/emails:
·  12-06-2011 Robin Wright enquiring about the Dixon family
9.  / Any Other Business:
·  BBC Radio Lincolnshire has forwarded Clue 5 of Pirate Gold, for their Sunday morning radio show. It will be collected at the abbey site.
·  A long discussion took place in connection with photography and young children. It was decided to place notices on the abbey site to advise all persons that photographic and video images are being taken. Bardney School have been advised, as they are due to visit tomorrow (14th June)
·  A notice will also be displayed advising that ALL video images are subject to copyright by the JCT/BHG/BHC partnership.
·  It was suggested that A5 posters would be useful for distribution around the local shops and outlets.
·  A donation box would be placed on the site to fund the ‘future maintenance of the site’.
·  We have had no response form St. John’s Ambulance. We have several trained First Aiders within APS and our group - so should be well covered. It may be prudent to advise the local Fire Brigade.
·  It would be useful if Volunteers could register their availability in the Register. This will allow constant coverage/supervision of the project. Dave Miles has a file prepared.
·  We need to appoint a Duty Manager for each Open Day.
·  A Contact list will be made available on site.
·  The marquee is due to be delivered on Wednesday. A list of volunteers was generated – to assist in the erection of the marquee on Thursday evening at 18:30hrs. The Chairman would advise all of the delivery.
·  Tables, for the marquee, have been offered by Bardney Village Hall Committee. We have gratefully accepted this offer and will collect them at 10:30hrs on Saturday morning. / D Miles
10. / Date and Time of Next Meeting:
·  Monday 11th July at 19:00rs

Meeting closed at: 8:35pm.

Minutes signed as a true record:

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