U.S. History Final Project: A Study of the Decades


Part I: You and your partner(s) will be assigned a decade of study. You will be responsible for researching the major political, societal, cultural, technological and economic events/changes of that decade. You will develop a powerpoint to present your research to the class. You will structure your powerpoint based on the following main ideas:

·  Brief introduction of the decade (your own words- how would you define this decade?)

·  Societal roles and norms

·  Fads and clothing

·  Culture and issues (slang, discrimination, population shifts)

·  Entertainment (music, movies, art, literature, sports)

·  Technology and medicine

·  Economy and politics

·  Foreign policies and issues

·  Domestic policies and issues

·  Major headlines of the decade

·  CP: You will select the most significant event from the era and explain why your group feels it is the most significant (3 strong reasons)

Part 2: You should include 20 images and captions depicting the era (can align with information). Please put your initials on the bottom of each slide you completed.

Part 3: You will present your decade presentation to the class during the set exam period. Each presentation should last 15-17 minutes and thoroughly examine the main social, cultural, political, economic, and technological changes of the era as listed above

Part 4: You can add to the creativity of your presentation by including music, props or clothing of the era

Part 5: In addition to your powerpoint and presentation, you will individually write a 1-2 page summation of your decade, highlighting the major cultural influences of the decade and how they depict the times. You should also reflect on your groups most significant event (CP) This will be submitted to turnitin.com by June 8th at 11:59.

(ID: 14026782; PW: history) You will need to submit your decade ppt (one per group) and your individual paper to www.turnitin.com. Your ppt needs to be submitted before your scheduled exam period.

Part 6: You will be responsible for creating a works cited slide at the end of your ppt for your sources used. It is expected that you will use at least 4 valid and different sources for this project.

Details: This will attribute to your final exam grade and therefore should contain a considerable amount of effort and content. We will begin working on this project in class in the library. You will be expected to work diligently during the time frame provided. You will create these powerpoints and share them with or send them to Mrs. Roarick at

Presentations will commence on the day of the final exam and run 15-17 minutes maximum for each decade of study. Students will be responsible for conducting peer evaluations on the presentations, which will contribute to your participation grade. No one leaves the exam room until all groups have presented.

Grading: You will be graded on your participation, content, powerpoint, paper and presentation.

Category / Description / Possible Points
Participation / Fully engaged and present throughout the course of class for research and presentations (see attached rubric) / 20
Powerpoint/Presentation / You fully developed covered your decade and all the themes that are incorporated. You included 20 visuals that apply to your decade. Your content is well developed and thorough. Your information is historically accurate. Your slides are easy to read, follow and understand.
You met all the criteria from the rubric attached. Your presentation was 15-17 minutes in length and you maintained a sense of maturity throughout. You added your own creativity to the presentation. **Projects CANNOT exceed time they will be stopped without completing the presentation. / 24
Evaluation of Decade/ Paper/ Works Cited / You’ve thoroughly evaluated the importance of five major events of your decade. Your reasoning is well developed and thoughtful.
Your reflection is at least 1 page and summarizes the major points of your research as well as highlighting how culture influenced the decade
Resources cited on last slide of PPT / 20
ON TIME / All aspects of the project are submitted correctly and on time to Mrs. Roarick / 6
Total / Exam grade / 70


Period 5 will be in 8 groups of 3

Period 8 will be 8 groups of 3