September 24, 2009
1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Human Resources Representatives
Lynette Cox – ADM, Human Resources
Don Bilodeau – A/DG, HR Strategic Planning, Performance Measurement, Monitoring Systems
Deirdre Keane – DG, Strategic Planning & Corporate Programs
Donna Richard – DG, National HR Services
Carole Lemay – Director, Labour Relations, Classification Compensation
Martine Sigouin – Manager, Labour Relations
Lyne Poulin – Senior Labour Relations Advisor
Cynthia Wright – A/ADM, Environmental Stewardship Branch
Julie Lalonde – Director, Conflict Management
Pierre Lessard – Director, Departmental Security Division
Berny Latreille – Director, Environmental Affairs / Labour Representatives
Daryl Hoelke – Executive Assistant (UEW)
Manon Desormeaux – Labour Relations Officer (UEW)
Ole Jacobsen – President, National Consultation Team (PIPSC)
Bill Sukloff – Vice President, National Consultation Team (PIPSC)
Bertrand Myre – Labour Relations Officer (CAPE)
Ed Fletcher - (IBEW)
Bill Pynn - President (UEW)
Debbie Cooper – Labour Relations Officer (ACFO)
Items / Issues / Actions/Status
1. Review of Agenda Items & Approval / The Agenda was approved. / Approved
2. Review of Minutes & Action Items from Last Meeting / The minutes of the July 14th, 2009 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Item 2:
Labour Management Framework Update:
UEW raised that two regions (NCR & ATL) still need to debrief the bargaining agents from the ECLMCC on the regional LMCCs.
Employment Equity:
UEW asked when they could expect a follow-up on the EE action plan. It was confirmed by HR that the plan will be approved by EMC in mid-October. / Debrief with the NCR and the ATL to be scheduled.
Deirdre Keane recommended we bring forward this item at the next HRLMCC.
Item 7:
Notice from DM on participation in unions:
Unions mentioned they would like to see another message sent out before Jan 2010. There was discussion that even though Leadership Council members will be receiving the message, it does not seem to be forwarded to the front line managers.
Item 10:
IM/IT Security Policy
UEW requested a follow-up on the IM/IT Security Policy with respect to consultation. The Department advised that it was not at the stage of consultation yet. / HR to remind Leadership Council Members of expectation around a DM’s message. A message will be sent through the time off guideline.
3. Standing Item:
Ø Tracking Tool / PIPSC raised concerns that it does not seem to get updated. HR confirmed that the Labour Relations Regional Leads would be reminded on how to use this tool and its purpose. The updated version for today’s meeting has not yet been posted on web site. / HR to remind regional LR leads of the use of the tracking tool and to update website.
4. Update on PSES / HR presented the highlights of the analysis. Three (3) areas of concerns were identified: Leadership & Strategic Direction, Leadership & Development & Streamlining Processes.
HR confirmed that consultation groups would be taking place starting Oct 2009. Dates have yet to be established. HR confirmed that regional participation is included in the plan.
Consultation with bargaining agents has been targeted for October 16th, 2009 however, it remains to be confirmed.
Treasury Board, as the employer, confirmed that they will be conducting annual surveys.
UEW asked for clarification on the grouping for the consultation groups.
HR confirmed that the groups will include executives, managers, employees and bargaining agents. / Consultation Groups to be established starting October 2009.
Union consultation to be scheduled for mid-oct 2009.
5. ESB Leadership Development Pilot Program / PIPSC raised concerns regarding the leadership program recently launched in ESB and the criteria used for eligibility. They also questioned when, if any, consultation with Unions had occurred.
Mrs. Cynthia Wright, A/ADM for Environmental Stewardship Branch gave an overview of the program.
PIPSC raised their concern that they had not been consulted.
Mrs. Wright confirmed that an email was sent on June 19, 2009 to all Unions, including PIPSC, requesting comments on the program.
Mrs. Wright explained the difficulties she experienced in the past when trying to organize meetings with all parties involved.
Mrs. Wright also expressed frustration around PIPSC’s opinion that the developmental programs were not open, transparent or inclusive.
All agreed that it is challenging to arrange meetings and we should explore better ways to schedule consultation meetings.
6. Staffing of PC-03 Position / PIPSC voiced their concerns with regards to job opportunities posted with only one position anticipated to be filled however the end result is that nine positions were staffed indeterminately. They feel if employees knew that more than one position was going to be staffed they would have been more inclined to apply.
HR stated that the poster indicated one position anticipated to be filled. Also, the poster stated: “The results/intent of this process may be used to staff similar positions with different tenures and various language profiles requirements. The resulting pool of qualified candidates may be used to staff positions at Health Canada in Ottawa.”
The selection process and the notifications were posted in two different fiscal years.
HR also received confirmation from the responsible manager that funds were not available at the time the selection process was launched to hire more than one person.
7. CS Collective Agreement - Article 28.05: “The Institute shall have the opportunity to have an employee representative introduced to new employees as part of the Employer's formal orientation programs, where they exist.” / PIPSC wanted to know how Environment Canada was planning on implementing this article within the Department.
HR confirmed that Environment Canada does not have a formal face-to-face orientation program. HR reiterated to the Unions that EC does have an orientation web page on its intranet where all employees are directed to Bargaining Agents web page.
It was mentioned that we however, do continue to look at how we can improve our web site. We welcome the opportunity for unions to tell us how we can better our information on our web site.
8. ICMS Update / UEW requested a summary of what the Office of Conflict Management plans to do in the future along with an update on ICMS activities.
Mrs. Julie Lalonde, Director of Conflict Management presented her observations based on her 1st Annual Report for 2008-2009. Copies were provided to members.
UEW asked how long it would take for all employees to receive the session. The Department’s goal is to have all employees follow the session in the next two years.
CAPE raised the fact that statistics showed that only one case was referred by the Union.
There were no subsequent comments or questions on the annual report.
9. Departmental Business Continuity and Pandemic Planning. / PIPSC asked if the unions will be provided with the opportunity to comment on the Departmental Business Continuity and Pandemic Planning documents.
Members were provided with copies of “H1N1 Pandemic Influenza Plan” deck.
Mr. Pierre Lessard, Director, Departmental Security Division and Mrs. Donna Richard, DG, National HR Services gave an overview of the highlights included in the presentation.
No subsequent comments or questions.
10. Parking Policy / PIPSC asked for an update on the implementation of the PWGSC’s Parking Policy within the Department.
Mr. Berny Latreille, Executive Director, Assets, Contracting and Environmental Management, gave an update on the situation and presented the next steps.
Mr. Latreille explained that the policy requires Departments to maximize revenues from properties which it owns. PWGSC contracted out two companies to conduct market studies for all locations.
Following a meeting between EC, PWGSC and Unions last spring concerning the Downsview location, PWGSC agreed to have another market study completed given that by the time the rates will be implemented, the results from the study will already be 2 years old.
There will be a single implementation date of the new rates, as agreed to by PWGSC, of April 1st, 2010.
PWGSC is planning on sending out communications to departments at the DM and ADM levels in the coming weeks. Only then will we find out what the new rates are for EC locations.
Internally EC is developing an overall communication plan which will include generic and location-specific messages. However, for the Downsview facility, a Town Hall meeting will be scheduled once the new rates are known.
PIPSC expressed their frustration regarding PWGSC committing to going back to employees before conducting market surveys and the fact that this did not take place.
PIPSC asked if EC management planned on challenging PWGSC. They expressed their disappointment on how this has/is rolling out.
11. Relativity Review / PIPSC expressed concerns raised by many of their members regarding job relativity across the regions within the Department. They do not understand why jobs of similar functions are not at the same classification. Members do not understand the use of generic work descriptions.
HR confirmed that relativity is always part of the classification process when evaluating a position.
Where the work is well represented by available departmental generic work description it is currently a departmental classification directive that a generic work description be applied ensuring relativity.
It was confirmed that currently we do not have generic work descriptions for all occupational groups represented by PIPSC. For example generics are not available under the following: SP, BI, CH, AV & PG
When reviewing the work from a classification expertise perspective, there are additional factors that are analyzed such as organizational context, reporting relationships between positions; therefore, a different classification level may be supported for one position and not the other.
Currently there are organizational reviews taking place that will address relativity amongst similar positions that could have resulted from the Departmental restructuring.
EC put in place a monitoring framework. We will be starting a monitoring exercise this year. / Once organizational chart review is completed forward to unions organizational charts for each Branch down to DG level.
12. Round Table / UEW mentioned that in regards to the Compensation Advisor Apprentice Program, that with the length of the documents provided it was difficult to comment solely via emails. A meeting will be organized by HR. / HR to contact UEW to schedule a meeting.
Prepared by: / Deirdre Keane
Director General, HR Corporate Programs
Human Resources Branch
Original signed by Deirdre Keane
Signature / Date
Approved by: / Lynette Cox
Assistant Deputy Minister
Human Resources Branch
Signature / Date
Date Sent to Unions: October 16, 2009
Feedback Received by Unions: November 10, 2009
Final version: November 27, 2009