Deferred Maintenance Committee
September 13, 2017, 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
2007 Ullsvik
Attendees:Todd Carothers, Colleen Garrity, Paul Dorsey, Les Hollingsworth, Pete Davis, Tim Zasada, Sara Voigts, Kevin Haertzen, Linda Mulroy-Bowden
Absent: Kory Wein
1.Recap activity from last year
- Role and process
- Progress with facility management prioritization
- Space Management
- Deferred maintenance – needing to capture
- Pete, Cathy, Joanne and Todd met all summer. The group felt like an altered path was neededfor various reasons:
- Transparency was not achieved as each area would have very small amount of time to process, review, discuss and consider.
- Improved allocations and decision making were not addressed
- When groups were formed governance groups were not part of the process.
- Questions about where funds would be generated.
- The group took the best elements from the RCM model.
- First year is a learning process to build understanding.
- The proposed 2017-18 budget timeline was reviewed.
- Developing model of 5-yearenrollment. If we keep seeing trend going down we need to plan. Data should be shared early on. Drives a lot of things. This will include updates to the enrollment projections.
- Developing staff planning to address planned raises, promotions, etc. Make sure we are thinking about freeing up dollars. Even talk about potential retirements.
- Detailed budgets will make improvements. System will roll out a budget tool in the next couple of years. The more detail now will prepare us for the future change and leave more breadcrumbs of what was decided.
- Looking at monthly reports to be more digestible. Ways we can improve.
- Facilities prioritization – slated to be announced next week.
- SLAs – all CU explain services. RCM element – volume metrics (help explain resource needed). RCM had defined for academic areas. Opportunities to cut, incentive growth. Still embracing. RCM had defined area for academic areas. Opportunities to cut, incentive growth. Still embracing. Not formulaic first couple of years. Look at over years of time (10 years).
- Review SLAs and volume metrics which are being proposed to go through UBC.
- First couple of years incremental – more formulaic over time. More transparent, better on planning side
Les motioned to disband the committee, seconded by Linda Mulroy-Bowden and motion carried.
Adjourned at 3:50pm