55 King Street Melbourne VIC 3000
GPO Box 5408 Melbourne VIC 3001
Ausdoc DX 510576 Melbourne
Phone Number: 1300 018228
Application for an adjournment
General information
Applications for adjournments of a hearing are not encouraged and there should be no expectation an adjournment will be granted even if all parties consent. Applications for an adjournment should be made at least 2 business days prior to a directions hearing or mediation/compulsory conference, and 5 business days prior to a final hearing.
The party seeking an adjournment should complete this form and where possible, obtain the written consent of all other parties by either:
(a)obtaining a written communication from the other parties confirming their consent to the adjournment.
(b)have the other parties sign minutes of a proposed consent orders
A request for consent needs to be sent to all other parties for completion. Please refer to the Request for Consent to Adjourn form.
In the absence of consent, VCAT may consider an application for an adjournment supported by written evidence confirming the reason for the adjournment (e.g. for pre-arranged travel, copies of e-tickets, itineraries, etc., for ill-health, a doctor’s certificate, or for work commitments, a letter from the party’s employer).
Please note that your request is not granted until you receive a written or verbal confirmation from VCAT.
Guardianship list only:If you are seeking an earlier hearing than what is
currently scheduled, please note this in your reasons.
Need help with your application?
Contact 1300 018228 between 9 am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Address the correct VCAT List
You must indicate the List that communicated with you about your VCAT case in this application.
- Building and Property List
- Civil Claims List
- Guardianship List
- Human Rights List
- Legal Practice List
- Owners Corporations List
- Planning and Environment List
- Residential Tenancies List
- Review and Regulation List
/ Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
55 King Street Melbourne VIC 3000
GPO Box 5408 Melbourne VIC 3001
Ausdoc DX 510576 Melbourne
Phone Number: 1300 018228
Application form for an adjournment
VCAT ListReference Number
Proceeding details
Other/s (eg. Represented person, joined party, objector, etc.)
Details of party applying for an adjournment
Are you the:
Applicant Respondent
Other (specify)
Party’s name/company:Contact number:
Is the party represented? Yes No
If yes, by whom?
Details of request
I request that the Tribunal adjourn the hearing currently scheduled for: / / /To any date
To a date not earlier than: / / /
To any date other than: / / /
My reasons for requesting this adjournment are as follows:
(Attach a separate page if required)
Written evidence to support the adjournment request
The request for an adjournment is made on medical grounds and I attach medical evidence in support of my request (e.g. doctor’s certificate)
The request for an adjournment is made on the grounds that I will not be in the country/state and I attach evidence in support of my request (e.g. pre-booked travel itinerary)
I provided all other parties to the proceeding with a Request for Consent to an Adjournment form. Copies of the completed forms are attached.
The consent of the other party/parties has not been obtained because:
Please note: The Tribunal will only consider applications for an adjournment made withoutconsent from all parties in exceptional circumstances.
Signed:Date: / /
Where can you lodge this application
You can send your completed form to us by post, email or fax.
By post
GPO Box 5408
Melbourne VIC 3001
By fax or email
Fax your completed form to the area in VCAT that is dealing with your case.
Building and Construction
Fax: 03 9628 9988
Mental Health
Fax: 03 8685 1404
Co-owned Land and Goods
Fax: 03 9628 9988
Owners Corporations
Fax: 03 8685 1488
Disability Act
Fax: 03 8685 1404
Planning and Environment
Fax: 03 9628 9789
Equal Opportunity
Fax: 03 8685 1404
Powers of Attorney
Fax: 03 8685 1404
Goods and Services
Fax: 03 9628 9967
Renting a Home
Fax: 03 9628 9822
Guardianship and Administration
Fax: 03 8685 1404
Retail and Commercial Leases
Fax: 03 9628 9988
Health and Privacy
Fax: 03 8685 1404
Review and Regulation
Fax: 9628 9788
Land Valuation
Fax: 03 9628 9789
Unreasonable Flow of Water Between Properties
Fax: 9628 9988
Legal Practice
Fax: 03 9628 9788