WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2015 ~ 6:00 P.M- Public Hearing- Immediately followed by the School Board Meeting
Members: Members Present: Members Present: Chair, Mr. Barry, Mr. Menard, Mr. Langlois, and Mr. Deely, Principal-P. Yergeau, Supt. Patty Sherman, Business Manager, Amber Wheeler, Kandy Davitt
1. Public Hearing Opening-6:00 P.M- Mr. Barry, Chair
Chair, Kevin Barry opened the public hearing at 6:03 pm.
2. Discuss Expending Funds of Approximately $29,000 from the Deerfield School Facility Paving Plan Expendable Fund, Phase 2.
Chair, Mr. Barry asked for any comments from citizens. There were none.
1. Call to Order – Mr. Barry, Chair
Chair, Mr. Barry called the December 16, 2015 school board meeting to order at 6:05 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance – Mr. Barry
Chair, Kevin Barry led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance
3. Minutes – December 2, 2015
A motion was made by Jim Deely to accept the minutes of December 2, 2015 as written, seconded by Zach Langlois.
4. Immediate Business
A. Citizens’/Staff Comments
Mrs. Boisvert, asked board members to take the time to participate in the Speak Up Project, which is a survey designed to share ideas directly with schools and national policymakers. The survey needs to be taken no later than December 18th.
B. Agenda Review
No changes made.
C. Finland Presentation- Ms. O’Donnell
Mrs. O’Donnell (Science teacher at DCS) shared with the members of the board her experiences while in Finland. She spent time there as a Fulbright Award winner and studied how science is taught. Mrs. O’Donnell noted that inquiry based learning is the foundation in Finland. Teacher recruitment is highly competitive and there is an emphasis on teaching didactics. Mrs. O’Donnell also stated that every 45 min. of teaching students receive 15 min. of time for recess. Educators in Finland find that this time assists students in re-focusing. Also, students in the middle school loop with a teaching team for grades 6,7, and 8. Mrs. O’Donnell enjoyed her time and Finland and will be sharing her experience with the DCS staff.
D. Consent Items (1)
Supt. Patty Sherman noted that there were no consent items to be discussed.
E. Board Action on Public Hearings
The members spoke about Phase 2 of the paving plan. It was also noted that there is a community concern about run-off onto/into the watershed area from the parking lot and that the involvement from the conservation commission and others would be important when that phase of the paving was done.
A motion was made by Jim Deely to go forward and appropriate approximately $29,000 from the Deerfield School Facility Paving Plan Expendable Fund, Phase 2, seconded by Zach Langlois.
F. Board Reports
· Executive Board Report – Mr. Barry
Mr. Barry stated that the Executive Board reviewed policies at their meeting.
· Principal’s Report – Mr. Yergeau
Principal, Mr. Yergeau noted that the concert for grades 4-8 and K-3 was well attended and enjoyed by all.
Several students from Deerfield participated in the cross-country nationals in New Mexico and came in 4th place.
4. Continuing Business
B. FY 17 Budget
Business Manager, Amber Wheeler reviewed with the board the proposed 16-17 budget noting the addition of warrant articles and the teacher collective bargaining agreement.
Board members discussed the following and what if any amount should be taken from surplus.
· Paving Part #3
· Technology Trust
· Special Ed. Trust
· Building Facility Trust
Paving Part #3
Members of the board discussed how to go forward with the piece noting that the conservation commission should be involved due to run-off concerns. Zach Langlois also noted that this phase has been put off for years and that setting monies aside is a good step forward.
A motion was made by Jim Deely to place $35,000 from surplus towards Phase #3 of the paving plan, seconded by Zach Langlois.
Technology Trust
A motion was made by Zach Langlois to place $10,000 from surplus into the Technology Trust, seconded by Jim Deely.
Special Ed. Trust
At this time the school board will not add funds to the Special Ed. Trust which has $207,000.
Facility Trust
Currently this trust has $182,000 in it. Board members talked about the ventilation system in the gym and if it was working. Zach Langlois noted that he attended the concert and at that time the ventilation system was working. The board members asked if there were any large ticket item(s) that might need to be addressed that the board should be concerned about funding.
Principal, Mr. Yergeau stated that at this time he was not aware of anything. Mr. Yergeau was asked by the members of the board to speak to the Maintenance Director and find out if there were items that need to be addressed.
6. Policies
· DJB – Purchasing Policy (3rd Reading)
· DJE – Bidding Requirements (3rd Reading)
· GBEBD – Employee Use of Social Networking (3rd+ Reading)
· JCA – Change in School Assignment (3rd Reading)
Supt. Patty Sherman stated that there has been a change in language which states the school board votes on any change in school assignment.
A motion was made by Peter Menard to accept the policy as presented, seconded by
Jim Deely.
· KD – School District Social Media (3rd+ Reading)
· KD-R – Social Media Website Regulations (3rd+ Reading)
· KF – Use of Facilities (2nd Reading)
The board discussed the use of facility policy noting that groups should not be able to reserve the gym 3 months in advance where it could cause conflicts with school programming and Parks & Recs. programming. Principal, Mr. Yergeau noted that 60 days was a reasonable amount of time and that school programs would be determined so that there would be no conflict. Zach Langlois emphasized that the school should have priority so that scheduling and/or rescheduling of games/programs would not be difficult.
7 Informational Items
Chair, Kevin Barry informed members that Saturday, February 6th would be the Deliberative Session for the school. Chair, Mr. Barry noted that the primary would be held February 9th and with the dates being so close he suggested that the School’s Deliberative Session be held at the DCS cafeteria. The board will finalize plans at a later meeting.
8. Citizens’/Staff Comments
No comments were made.
9. Non-Public Session (NH RSA 91-A:3, II, a., b, c, d, e, j) – If needed
10. Appointments and Resignations (0)
11. Adjournment
A motion was made by Peter Menard to adjourn the December 16th school board meeting at 7:10 pm, seconded by Jim Deely.