Indian Health Service Dental Program
National Oral Health Council Minutes
Executive Committee
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DATE: / Conference Call / PLACE: / QUOROM MET: / Leader: / RECORDER:9 December 2006 / Yes / William Morningstar / Jan Colton
Aberdeen: Kim Sturm / X / Nashville: Marilyn Weeden
Joyce Biberica / X / Specialist:: Jan Colton / X
Alaska: George Bird / X / Navajo: Rickey Thompson
Heshmat Mortazavi / X / Hygiene: Travis Fisher / X
Albuquerque: Bill Morningstar / X / Oklahoma: Anthony Likes / X / Dental Assistant:
Linda Canada / X
Bemidji: Kirk Ritchie / X / Phoenix: Stuart Holmes / X / ADO: Rick Troyer / X
Billings: Phil Driscoll / X / Portland: Kevin Zimmerman / X / HQE Liaison: Pat Blahut / X
California: Richard Schoen / X / Tucson: Joe Hosek / X / HQE Representative: Chris Halliday
Jim Schaeffer / X
GUESTS: Dr. Todd Smith
ADO Report / IHS on CR until Feb. 2007.
Loan Repayment will be delayed due to CR.
Dr. Troyer will be the rep. at the “Title 38” meeting tomorrow (12/15/06).
From the announcement looking for topics and speakers it appears that “Updates” has been given final approval. There will be a one day forensics course immediately following Updates.
WebEx courses are being investigated.
EDR problems continue. If you have a “time-out” problem with your EDR please see your IT Dept. / Info only / Morningstar
Elections / New Reps are as follows:
Tammie Gibson-Phoenix
Joe Hosek-Tuscon
Joyce Biberica-Nashville
Heshmat Mortazavi-Navajo
Kevin Zimmerman-Portland / N/A / N/A
Providers Quick Cards / ECC have been mailed to representatives. These cards will be available at the Combined Councils Meeting. / Will continue discussion of periodontal disease as possible topic for next card. / All
DA Elections / No report. / Dr. Morningstar to contact Linda Canada / As soon as possible.
2006 Work Plan / Tabled / To be discussed in San Diego / Colton, Morningstar, All
Combined Councils Table Clinics / Dr Holmes to meet with presenters. / Send questions for Dr. Grim to Dr. Holmes please. / All
Website / The link has been sent out. Dr. Driscoll would like materials to post. Dr. Driscoll to add a section for “Resources”. / Dr. Colton to send Charter to Dr. Driscoll.
Everyone to send info to Dr. Driscoll please. / All
HP/DP / Review process for annual hp/dp awards is almost completed; Dr. Blahut is waiting for a few overdue reviews. However, no announcement of rank order or proposals or funding can be made until we have an annual budget. As long as the continuing resolution remains in effect, the results of the review process will remain embargoed / Blahut
GPRA / Each ADO will receive two progress reports during the current GPRA year. The first will document productivity through the first six months of the GPRA year (1 July through 31 December), and will be available in mid to late January. A second progress report will cover the first nine months of the GPRA year, and be distributed in April.. / Blahut
MCRP / Six outstanding cases. Most of these appear to be defensible, but most suffer from less than adequate documentation. The issue of adequate documentation of patient records is extremely important in many of these cases, as it can make the difference whether the Dept. of Justice chooses to defend rather than settle a claim, orbetween successfully defending vs. losing a malpractice case in federal district court. Guidelines for documentation of dental treatment may be an issue the NOHC chooses to look into. The distribution of practical guidelines would be of significant value to our program. / Blahut
Perio GRPA / Dr. Blahut and the GPRA steering Committee have brought up the possible inclusion of a perio objective. Dr. Smith and the IHS periodontists have suggested that such an objective must be simple; for example, the % of adults(21-45 year olds) that receive (non-surgical) services (prophies and SRP). May also consider the number of procedures. Perio important due to stabilizing effect on dentition and association with chronic diseases. / Dr. Smith would like input from NOHC. Members can telephone him at 602-263-1200 ext. 1472 or he is on the global as Gregory Todd Smith. Additionally this topic will be discussed further in San Diego. / All
Other / Please send Dr. Holmes issues you feel it would be important to discuss with Dr. Grim. / All
Next Conference Call / January 11, 2007