Draymak ATV X-12
Quantity: 2000 per planet
Type: Assault/Troop Transport Vehicle
Skills: Ground Vehicle Ops: X-12, Vehicle Weapons
Length: 15 meters
Crew: 2
Passengers: 30 Troops
Cargo Capacity: 200kg
Cover: Full
Cost: 52,400
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 120; 250kmh
Body: 6D
Passive: 25/1D
Scan: 50/1D+2
Search: 100/2D
Focus: 3/3D
Heavy Repeating Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Turret
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 20-100/800/1.6km
Damage: 5D
Description: This is a heavy troop transport vehicle that is well protected and can get into combat to deliver troops with relative ease. As it has Walker armor installed it provides much better protection to the crew and troops it carries and is more likely to survive into another battle. The heavy repeater turret on top helps suppress any nearby troop or light vehicle activity so carried troops can be deployed more safely than most other vehicles of similar type. Even the cost is low to allow purchase by planetary governments.
Bloodfury Speeder Bikes
Quantity: 6000 per planet (standard troop speeder bike)
Craft: Sienar Bloodfury Military Speeder Bike
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 2.9 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Speeder Bike
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 50kg
Cover: 1/4
Altitude Range: Ground level-15m
Cost: 2400 used only
Maneuverability: 2D+2
Move: 200; 250kmh
Body Strength: 3D+1
Twin Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 3-50/120/250
Damage: 6D
Description: The Bloodfury is an upgrade of the Bloodfin Speeder Bike also from Sienar, after the Bloodfin failed to attract the military sales it was originally designed for, and with upcoming large purchases for the Clone Troopers, and later Storm Trooper armies, Sienar redesigned the Bloodfin into a real military speeder bike. With twin laser cannons capable of doing significant damage to a target, the already high speed of the Bloodfin and additional armor and maneuverability, the Bloodfury made a very powerful combat bike. However the high cost and difficulty to manufacture in the quantities required for the Clone Troopers meant that the design lost out on this lucrative contract to Aratechs design. The Bloodfury was sold to other military purchasers in limited quantities before the design was eventually dropped, these few bikes have continued to retain a high value and are considered to be among the best speeder bikes available, even if they are becoming increasingly hard to acquire parts for.
Imperial Light Repulsor Tank
Quantity: 800 per planet
Craft: Imperial "Wraith" Class Light Repulsor Tank
Type: Light Repulsor Tank
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.1 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Repulsor Tank
Crew: 1 + 1 gunner
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 100kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-15m
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 105; 300kmh
Body Strength: 4D
Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: +2
Range: 50-300/1/2km
Damage: 4D
Cost: Not for sale
Description: The Wraith class Repulsor Tank is little more than a landspeeder with some armor, but has the advantage of being fast and well armored in comparison to a landspeeder. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Wraith is used for scouting and for holding secured territory.
Imperial Medium Repulsor Tank
Quantity: 400 per planet
Craft: Imperial "Raptor" Class Medium Repulsor Tank
Type: Medium Repulsor Tank
Scale: Speeder
Length: 4.5 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Repulsor Tank
Crew: 1 + 1 Gunner
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 120kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level - 12m
Maneuverability: 1D+2
Move: 90; 250kmh
Body Strength: 5D
Heavy Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 1D+1
Range: 50-300/1km/2km
Damage: 5D
Heavy Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
Damage: 6D
Cost: Not for sale
Description: The Raptor class Repulsor Tank is a step up from the Wraith class Tank, it is still fairly fast but has better armor and much better weaponry. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Raptor sees limited use as a main battle tank since its main weapon can inflict punishing damage on vehicles as powerful as walkers.
Imperial Heavy Repulsor Tank
Quantity: 200 per planet
Craft: Imperial "Pummel" Class Heavy Repulsor Tank
Type: Heavy Repulsor Tank
Scale: Speeder
Length: 5.2 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Repulsor Tank
Crew: 2 + 1 Gunner
Passengers: 1
Cargo Capacity: 180kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-10m
Maneuverability: 1D
Move: 70; 200kmh
Body Strength: 6D
Twin Heavy Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: 1 Front/Left 1 Front/Right
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 1D+2
Range: 50-300/1km/2km
Damage: 5D
Heavy Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D+1
Range: 50-500/1.5/3km
Damage: 6D
Heavy Ion Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 3D
Range: 50-500/2/4km
Damage: 4D
Cost: Not for sale
Description: The Pummel class Repulsor Tank is the front line Imperial Repulsor Tank. Imperial forces have been forced to start using repulsor tanks since production of ATAT and ATST walkers has been reduced, and the Raptor sees use as the main battle tank of choice for Imperial forces. With its combination of Anti-Speeder weaponry (which can be used on infantry as well) and its powerful Anti-Walker weapons it can cause a great deal of damage to enemy forces. The Ion Cannon allows Imperial forces to disable shield generators and enemy starships, capturing bases, vehicles and supplies intact, an important objective since the battle of Endor.
Ikas-Ando 22-C Night Falcon
Quantity: 1000 per planet (Special Ops use only)
Type: Speeder Bike
Scale: Speeder
Length: 3.4 m
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: Speeder Bike
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Variable
Passengers: 1
Cover: 1/4
Cargo Capacity: 6 kg
Move: 185; 510 kmh
Maneuverability: 3D+2
Altitude Range: Ground to 50 meters
Body: 2D+2
Laser Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: 1
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D+1
Atmosphere Range: 3-50/100/200
Damage: 4D+2
D-45 Combat Speeder
Quantity: 5000 per planet (local police use)
Craft: Incom D-45 Military Combat Speeder
Type: Combat Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 7.3 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift Ops: D-45
Crew: 3
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 15kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground to 2 meters
Cost: 37,000
Maneuverability: 2D
Move: 75; 250 kmh
Body Strength: 3D+1
1 Heavy Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: 180 Degree Forward Turret
Crew: 1 Co-Pilot or Gunner
Skill: Vehicle Weapons
Fire Control: 2D+1
Range: 100-300/1.2/2.4km
Damage: 4D+1
1 Heavy Blaster Cannon
Fire Arc: 180 Degree Rear Turret
Crew: 1 Gunner
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 2D+1
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.4km
Damage: 4D+1
Description: Just a great military combat speeder that can be adapted for civilian use doing crowd control. The blaster cannons can be replaced with stun cannons or just about any other type of weapon.
LAVr QH-7 Chariots(Chariot LAV) (2000 per planet)
Model:LAVr QH-7 Chariot (Chariot LAV) <Stats taken from WEG>
Designer/Manufacturer:Uulshos Manufacturing
Combat Designation:Command Speeder
Length:11.8 Meters
Crew:3 (Unit Commander, Driver, Bodyguard/Gunner) + At least 4 Communication Droids
Troops:None, however an entire Command Staff can be crammed onboard
Cargo Capacity:10 kg
MaximumAltitude Range:8 Meters from ground level
Cost of Vehicle:Not available for sale
Weapons:1 Forward Laser Cannon
Crew: 1 (Fired by co-pilot)
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 3-50/100/200 Meters
Damage: 3D
Maximum Speed:100 kmh
Cover of Vehicle:Full
Shields/Body Strength:Shields None. Body Strength 4D
Special Abilities:Its computers are equipped with advanced Battle-Assistance Programs, Holographic Tactical Battlefield Displays and complete Communication Arrays. Has dedicated sensor and communication arrays
Designer/Manufacturer : / Nen-Carvon
Combat Designation : / Mobile Command Base
Scale of Vehicle : / Speeder
Length : / 21.8 Meters
Crew : / 3 Crew 2 + Gunners 1
Troops : / 7 Personnel
Cargo Capacity : / 1 Metric Ton
MaximumAltitudeRange : / Cannot-This vehicle is not a Repulsorlift craft
Cost of Vehicle : / Not available for sale
Weapons : / 1 Turreted Heavy Laser Cannon
Crew: 1 Gunner
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50 metres-500 metres/1 km/2 km
Damage: 4D+2
Note that the heavy laser cannon can only turn to face the left, front and right fire arcs. It may move the turret one fire arc per turn (from left to front, right to front, front to right or front to left).
Maximum Speed : / 100 kmh
Maneuverability : / 0D
Cover of Vehicle : / Full
Shields/Body Strength : / Shields None. Body Strength 7D
Special Abilities : / None
PX-4 Mobile Command Bases (200 per planet)
Designer/Manufacturer : / Ubrikkian Transports
Combat Designation : / Floating Fortress
Scale of Vehicle : / Walker
Length : / 17.4 Meters
Crew : / 4 Crew 2 (Pilot and Sensor Chief) + Gunners 2
Troops : / 10 Troops
Cargo Capacity : / 1 Metric Ton
MaximumAltitudeRange : / 2 Meters from ground level
Cost of Vehicle : / Not available for sale
Weapons : / 2 Turreted Heavy Blaster Cannons
Crew: 1 Gunner per turret
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50 metres-500 metres/1 km/2 km
Damage: 5D
Maximum Speed : / 200 kmh
Maneuverability : / 0D
Cover of Vehicle : / Full
Shields/Body Strength : / Shields None. Body Strength 5D
Special Abilities : / Its highly sophisticated audio-visual surveillance system that projects a 30 meter radius sensor probe around the A9, which forms a target identification field. The field can be used to single out a specific target or to lock onto a large number of targets for elimination. TIN combines a sensitive listening device with a heat sensing probe to locate enemies. (Target Identification Network)
HAVr A9 Floating Fortress’s (400 per planet)
Designer/Manufacturer : / Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Designation : / Heavy Assault Vehicle
Scale of Vehicle : / Walker
Height : / Nearly 15 Meters
Length : / 21.8 Meters
Crew : / 8 Crew 2 + Gunners 6
Troops : / 50 Troops
Speeder bikes, light assault speeders and other small Repulsorcraft
Cargo Capacity : / 1 Metric Ton
MaximumAltitudeRange : / Cannot-This vehicle is not a Repulsorlift craft
Cost of Vehicle : / Not available for sale
Weapons : / 3 Heavy Laser Cannons (1 Turreted [Limited to Front, Left, Right], 1 Left, 1 Right)
Crew: 2 Gunners
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50 metres-500 metres/1 km/2 km
Damage: 6D
NOTE That turret may only move 1 fire arc per turn
1 Turreted Medium Blaster Cannon
Crew: 1 Gunner
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 50 metres-250 metres/750 metres/1.5 km
Damage: 4D
2 Turreted Concussion Grenade Launchers (10 Grenades each)
Crew: 1 Gunner
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 50-100/250/500 Meters
Damage: 3D+1
Maximum Speed : / 200 kmh [Across almost any terrain] (Slows to 25 kmh when turning)
Maneuverability : / 0D
Cover of Vehicle : / Full
Shields/Body Strength : / Shields None. Body Strength 5D
Special Abilities : / Forward and Aft Drive Stations allow vehicle to reverse direction, instead of turning entire vehicle around
HAVw A5 Juggernaut’s (400 per planet)
Star Spray Air Speeder
Quantity: 200 per planet, and 400 on the special planets
Craft: Incom Tx-9000 "Star Spray" Air-Speeder
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Speeder
Length: 8.3m
Skill: Repulsorlift ops: Airspeeder
Crew: 1
Passengers: 0
Cargo Capacity: 20kg
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-75km
Cost: 80,500 (new), 30,200 (used)
Maneuverability: 4D
Move: 520; 1500kmh
Body Strength: 4D
Twin Laser Cannons
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 50-300/800/1.5km
Damage: 5D
Concussion Missile (x4)
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Skill: Missile Weapons
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 100-200/500/1km
Damage: 7D
Description: The Star Spray Airspeeder is a military air speeder designed to fill the role of both Airspeeders and cloud cars, creating a speeder capable of great speed, and a high altitude range, letting it help to control the airspace around planets, and attack ground targets. However the great cost has caused this ship to have a small market, but the governments and military forces that have purchased them have reported many successful missions completed by these speeders. Their ability to hit small targets combined with the punch to take out targets such as walkers has proven them to be an asset, and they have also reported limited success against Starfighters. The Star Spray's handling and speed in an atmosphere far exceeds that of any Starfighter, and the punch of their concussion missiles allows them to cause significant damage against any non military vessels they may have to engage. The Star Spray has been purchased is large quantities by the New Republic, however it is still available on the open market, one of the few military vehicles used by either side in the Galactic Civil War.
Republic Gunship (LAAT/i)
Quantity: 400 per planet
Craft: Rothana Heavy Engineering Low Altitude Assault Transport/Infantry
Type: Air Speeder
Scale: Walker
Length: 17.4m
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: Air Speeder
Crew: 2 + 2 Gunners
Passengers: 20
Cargo Capacity: 1 Ton
Cover: Full
Altitude Range: Ground level-2km
Cost: 38,500 (used)
Maneuverability: 3D
Move: 350; 1,000kmh
Body Strength: 4D
3 Anti-Personnel Laser Turrets
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Character
Crew: Controlled by Co-Pilot
Fire Arcs: 2 Front, 1 Rear
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 2D
Range: 2-50/100/200
Damage: 5D
4 Composite Beam Laser Turrets
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Speeder
Crew: 2 turrets manned by gunners, 2 controlled by co-pilot
Fire Arcs: 2 Front/Left/Rear, 2 Front/Right/Rear
Skill: Vehicle Blasters
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 2-100/200/500
Damage: 5D
2 Mass Driver Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Crew: Controlled by Co-Pilot
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Missile Weapons
Fire Control: 1D
Range: 4-40/75/150
Damage: 9D
8 Light Air-to-Air Rockets
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Walker
Crew: Controlled by Co-Pilot
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Missile Weapons
Fire Control: 3D
Range: 3-75/150/350
Damage: 7D