December 13,2016 VOHC EFDA Workforce Subgroup Minutes
Members present: Chuck Seleen, Kathy DeLucco, Beth Ladd, Debora Teixeira, Senada Sokocevic, and Clark Eaton(phone).
The meeting started @ 3:05 PM
Beth Ladd and Kathy DeLucco gave a presentation in what is involved in becoming an EFDA. Key to this is being a CDA by passing a national exam by DANB. There are three parts in the exam. These are Infection Control, Radiology, and General Chairside procedures. A CDA with appropriate chairside experience can then apply to CTE to gain acceptance in October. A tooth Morphology course is a prerequisite in addition to being an experienced CDA. This course is currently offered in January. Once accepted into the EFDA program, there is an intensive 8 week class that is both didactic and clinical in nature. This starts in late June and concludes in August. An EFDA student must have a sponsoring dentist who is willing to provide the fieldwork supervision of clinical competencies from August through December. After completion of the required competencies the students take a Bench test in January, and after successful completion, they are ready to register as EFDA’s.
Debora Teixiera discussed a list of dentists she compiled that have CDA’s. This was quite labor intensive but could be a start in promoting EFDA possibilities to these people. The group also discussed barriers to attaining a CDA designation. The DANB exam costs are about $400. Also preparing to take the exam for a TDA was difficult. CTE has CDA exam reviews twice a year but they have low attendance. Promotion of this course could be done through VDH, VSDS, and VDAA. Funding sources to help with exam costs should be researched. Could AHEC or Delta Dental be interested?
Another discussion took place about making the tooth morphology course more easily available such as on line availability.
It should also be noted that the new VSAC brochures are available . There is information on scholarship opportunities for EFDA candidates in it. Beth Ladd and Kathy DeLucco both have these brochures.
At our next meeting in February we will be discussing any funding opportunities to help students cover the cost of the DANB CDA exam ($400). Also discussion about the best opportunities are available to promote EFDA training.
The meeting concluded @ 3:45pm.
The next meeting is scheduled for 3PM @ VDC on Tuesday February 7th.