Camp Couchiching – Policies and Procedures

Overnight Camp Programs

December 15 2016


Applications for summer camp are accepted on a first come first serve basis except for our Leadership Development Programs (LDP) based on suitability of the camper applicant. Spaces will not be held or reserved without a full and complete application accompanied with either full payment or a minimum deposit of $300 (non-refundable) per camper. If a Family is applying for financial subsidy through our Campership Program then the requirement of a deposit is waived at the time of application.

Your family will know if a camper has been accepted to camp (application accepted) if no one from the camp has been in contact with Parent/Guardian One or Two in 10 business days to specify anything different.

Camp typically sells out starting in February so please apply early to avoid disappointment.

Each application must include one completed health form for each camper attending camp. If your camper’s health or medical information changes, you can contact us to update the forms.

In early June, a full camper information package will be mailed to each family, with transportation information, what to bring, packing tips and other useful information to best prepare for your child’s experience.

Age Groups & Off-Site Age Based Activities

At Camp Couchiching, campers are placed together for programming and cabins based on the grade they were in the past September (i.e. for Summer 2017, what Grade they entered after Labour Day in September 2016). Here are how we break down our camper groups at Camp Couchiching:

1.  Juniors are campers who were registered in Grades 1-3 in the past September.

2.  Intermediates are campes in Grades 4-6. Intermediate campers, staying 2 weeks or longer, leave camp for one night to stay in a tent and cook over a fire and portable stoves at a nearby Provincial Park (typically Mara Provincial Park).

3.  Seniors are campers in Grades 7-10. Seniors have a later bedtime than the rest of camp. Our Seniors, staying 2 weeks or longer, leave camp to attend a canoe or hiking trip called an Outtrip. They are encouraged to attend but it is not mandatory. Most campers do choose to participate in the out trip. Seniors, staying 2 weeks or longer, also go on a local day trip to places like mini-golf, roller skate, or have a day at the beach. These trips vary throughout the summer so campers staying for a month won’t go on the same Senior Day trip twice.

4.  Leadership Development Program Level One are leadership participants in Grade 10. The off-site trip, for participants in the one-month program, is a 6-7 day canoe trip in the Temagami area in the middle of the month.

5.  Leadership Development Program Level Two are youth in Grade 11. They have a short canoe trip for 4-5 days in the middle of their one-month stay. This has typically been in the French River area over the past few years.

Cabin mate Requests

Cabin mate requests are arranged based on gender, age and grade. In order to ensure cabin mate request, both campers must mutually request each other when applying. If this does not occur placements are not guaranteed. When cabin mates involve campers of different ages, please understand that it is camp policy to bring the older camper down to the younger cabin placement. Camp Couchiching guarantees each camper first mutual cabin request and works hard to honour a second one too but does not guarantee any further requests. Please note that requests must be made when applying in order to guarantee they are placed in the same cabin. If your camper makes a negative request (e.g. “Do not place my camper with…”) then that will be the only request we will work to honour.


We reserve the right to change and update these Policies and Procedures. Our newest revision date will be listed in the title of this document.


We will work very hard with your family to ensure that your child’s dietary allergies and restrictions are met. We cannot always meet all the preferences that your camper may have however. There will always be something for your child to eat that is suitable for their specialized diet. We won’t let them be hungry.

Discount-Early Bird Incentive

Each year, Camp Couchiching offers an early bird incentive discount to families for sending in an application and paying in full for two and four week camper programs. Deadline for this incentive is in December. This discount cannot be applied to LDP programs or Pathway fees. For 2017, our one week introductory session is already significantly discounted from our 2016 rates so the one week session isn’t eligible for this incentive.

Discount-Sibling Discount

Families with multiple children applying as connected to the same family can apply for the sibling discount. No discount is given to the first camper application but the second, third, fourth (more?!) can apply the discount. We offer a $30 discount on your second child, $75 off your third and $125 off your fourth and subsequent. Family discounts apply only to direct family (brothers and sisters only). All children must reside at the same address and applications must be received in the same package to allow for the incentive rate.

Head Lice

Due to the potential threat of spreading lice within a camp setting, all campers must be checked for head lice on arrival at camp. Any child that arrives to camp with lice will be treated immediately if our capacity allows for this treatment. The capacity to treat will be decided upon by the Camp Director. Any expenses for treatment or laundry will be passed on to their parent/guardian. Please check your child for head lice before you send them to camp to prevent the spread of this pest using a public health web link. If you are in the process of treatment when your camper is due at camp, please contact the camp, so that a suitable follow-up can be arranged for your child when arrive and to access whether or not we have the capacity to continue that treatment at camp.


At camp, we are proud to accept people from all kinds of backgrounds and with various exceptionalities/concerns/medical issues to be part of our community. It’s part of what makes us a special place. We work with the families and organizing agencies to ensure we are set up for that camper’s best success. This doesn’t mean we’re the right camp for everyone and/or on the dates they want to come to camp. We will work hard to ensure we are set up for success for each camper which is why we have families apply to camp. If nobody from camp is in touch with your family in 10 business days then your application has been accepted.


All medications brought to camp must be in original packaging and handed over to a staff member at the bus or at camp upon arrival. If your camper takes a daily over the counter medication (e.g. Reactine) then please send a supply along with your camper. If your camper may require any over the counter medications which aren’t administered daily while they’re at camp then please don’t send those along, our Health Centre is stocked up.

All pharmacy prescribed/prepared medications should be sent along with one extra dose than the camper would require in case a dose in compromised (e.g. falls on the ground during administration).

Parental Contact

Parents/Guardians Calling Camp

When camp is in session (July & August), we have limited office hours for our camp staff for returning calls or providing updates/insight. This is because to be professional, we need to be out with the staff and campers ensuring excellence is occurring.

Our priority for returning calls and emails will be to families who have children at camp currently and the priority within those calls will be based on severity. Our second priority will be to camp families who have an upcoming camp session booked (the closer your arrival date is to the current date then the higher priority your communication is to us). Our third priority is to families who have had campers who have completed their time at camp. After all of the family calls, we will be able to return communication that is not in direct relation to a camper’s experience at camp.

When camp isn’t in session (e.g. not July & August), we will return communication as we receive it within a 48-hour timeframe within standard business hours.

Camp Calling Parents/Guardians

We will always attempt to reach you through all your Parent One then Parent Two phone numbers before we call any emergency contact numbers. We will let you know whether or not there is an urgent situation if we have to leave a message. If your child is going to be seen by medical personnel off the camp property, we will inform you via a phone conversation or a voicemail before they go and then again when they’re back.

Program Expulsion Policy

Intentional participant behavior that puts the camper or others at physical or emotional risk may result in the immediate dismissal from the program. In addition, consumption or possession of alcohol, tobacco products, weapons, illegal or harmful substances will result in immediate dismissal from the program. Camp Couchiching reserves the right to check baggage. Any expenses incurred because of program dismissal will be the responsibility of the participant/parent/guardian. No refund will be given to campers leaving camp prior to the end of the session due to disciplinary action.

Property Damage, Loss or Theft

Camp Couchiching is not responsible for any loss or theft of camper’s belonging’s or money. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for any reimbursement of any willful destruction to site and/or equipment, including graffiti, incurred because of their camper’s actions.

Promotional Materials

Camp Couchiching reserves the right to use photos, videos, or digital images of your children in our promotions. If you do not want your child’s image to be used in this manner, please submit a document in writing (email accepted) expressing this concern during the application process.

Refunds, Cancellations, and Expenses

§  All deposit amounts are non-refundable after May 1st.

§  Cancellations prior to May 1st are permitted. Families will receive a full refund less $100 per camper.

§  Refunds will not be issued in instances where a camper is removed from the camp program at the choice or request of the camper or camper’s parent/guardian, is expelled from camp, or is sent home due to health concerns.

§  Food tuck items are included in your camper fees. Spending money is not necessary for campers.

§  Clothing can be purchased at the time of application or on the first or last day of camp at the camp property. Sales of clothing cannot be done at our bus stops.

§  Laundry expenses are included in your camp fees for two week, LDP one month and one month campers.

§  Families are responsible for any extra expenses made by the camp on your child’s behalf (e.g. medications, sanitary supplies, lice treatments, etc…) and these will be billed directly to the credit card we have on file for your family or will be sent along via invoice if no credit card is on file.


Transportation costs are not included in your camp fees. Bus trips are available for pickup at a location in the Toronto area (location to be announced) and Pearson International Airport for additional costs. Please be sure to indicate on the application form which bus you are planning to take, and whether or not you require a one-way (specify which way) or a round trip. Please consult the website or call the office for bus pick-up and drop-off times and prices. There is no refund of transportation fees after May 1.

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