Project 3 – Website DesignDue: April 03
This assignment requires the student to create a main web and subordinate web pages that convey some background information about the student. In doing so, the student will demonstrate their understanding of using applications (e.g. Word, Publisher, FrontPage) to create Web pages.
Save all files into one folder (e.g. John_Doe_Web) and submit in electronic form prior to class on the due date.
The assignment should comply with the following conditions:
- This homework assignment should be completed individually, not in pairs or groups.
- Only those features covered in class up to this point should be used in this assignment.
Create a home page using and linked documents to display the following information:
- The main page should contain 3 sections: the "head", "navigation/menus" and "content". The header section should extend horizontally across the top of the entire page. The navigation/menus and the content sections should run vertically below the header frame. The navigation/menus section should be on the left side and be about 25% of the width of the screen. The content section should consume the remainder of the screen. You may use a table for the layout.
- The header section should contain your name in a large font.
- The navigation section should display links to the following pages. Note that the header and navigation/menu sections should not change in the pages.
- Résumé: The résumé page should make use of appropriate formatting objects to display a typical résumé. You may use your real information or that of a fictitious person. The following components are required (although additional information may be included). Each section, except for the name, should be preceded by a section title.
- Your name should be displayed in a large font at the top of the résumé.
- Your contact information, including mailing address, email address and phone numbers should be next.
- In the objective section, you should describe the type of job in which you are interested.
- The work experience section should list the employers in reverse-chronological order. The dates of employment, job title and a brief description of the responsibilities and tasks should be included for each employer.
- The education section should contain the formal degrees and certifications achieved. These should also be listed in reverse-chronological order. The name of the institution and the degree awarded should be formatted appropriately.
- Recipe: The recipe page should display your favorite recipe and contain the following components:
- The title of the recipe in a large font displayed at the top of the page.
- An unordered list of ingredients. Each ingredient should begin with the measurement in parenthesizes followed by a dash and then the name of the item.
- A numbered list of directions for preparing the recipe. If followed in the given order these steps should produce the desired result.
- A story about why the recipe is your favorite. The story should be one or more paragraphs.
- Cars: The cars page should display a title followed by a picture and brief description of at least three cars. If you copy a picture from a web site, you should include the name of, as well as a link to, the source web site.
- Your first car
- Your current car
- Your dream car
- Schedule: The schedule page should display your Spring 2006 Semester course schedule. There should be a title and brief description at the top of the page.
The grade will primarily be based on whether the web pages function correctly and whether they are successfully linked to each other. Additional points will be awarded based on style and aesthetics.