Return Completed Packet to:

Town of Kingstree

Town Finance Director

401 North Longstreet Street

Kingstree, South Carolina 29556

Contact Number: (843) 355-7484

TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT: September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.










TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT: September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.




The Town of Kingstree is accepting one (1) set of written bids for the debris removal (cleaning) and clearingof non-structural debris in the building located at 131 East Main Street, Kingstree, South Carolina, Williamsburg County Tax Maps # 11-025-171, 11-025-172, and11-025-173. Bids will be received by the Town of Kingstree through the Town Finance Director at the Kingstree Town Hall, 401 North Longstreet Street, Kingstree, South Carolina 29556, or via email no later than Wednesday, September 20, 2017. Specifications and bid documents will be available at the above stated address on or after Tuesday, September 5, 2017.

The removal of debris and clean out includes three separate components and a second story. The building is intended to be renovated. The work shall include furnishing all materials, equipment, transportation, services, utility services, tools, labor, supervision, insurance and incidentals required to complete the debris removalabatement of Asbestos Containing Material, as required and site clearance and leveling at the listed property below:


A pre-bid meeting will be held at Kingstree Town Hall, 401 North Longstreet Street, Kingstree, South Carolina 29556 on Thursday, September 14, 2017 at 10:00 a.m. immediately following this meeting. Planning Department Staff will lead potential bidders to the site. AT NO OTHER TIME WILL BIDDERS BE ALLOWED TO ENTER ANY PROPERTIES.All bid and/or proposals shall be submitted with original signatures and in sealed envelopes.

The Town of Kingstree reserves the right to waive any informality to reject any and all bids if deemed in the public interest to do so. Any Property listed above my be remove from the list at any time during this process. Any questions regarding this project should be directed to: The Kingstree Town’s Code Enforcement Officer Kingstree Town Hall at (843) 355-8152.


Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT: September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


Bidder must submit the following documents:

1)Forms of General Bid (Pages 6 through 7), shall be completed, signed and submitted within a sealed envelope,

2)Provide a proposed project schedule showing the timeframe for the project completion. Note: Propose start date: TBD;

3)Provide summary of Contractor’s state and other certifications, licenses and experience in debris removal or demolition of residential and commercial structures, as deemed applicable, and

4)Provide the company name, address, contact person and a current up-to-date phone number of two professional references.

TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT: September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


The Contract will be awarded to the responsible bidder or who submitted the lowest responsive bid.

Payment of the cost for said project will be made from the general funds of the Town of Kingstree. Full payment will be issued upon completion of the project and approval of the Town of Kingstree.

Bids will be considered on, from bidders who can show experience with the type of work involved and also show financial responsibility satisfactory to the Town of Kingstree.

The Town of Kingstree hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids to enter into said Contract as it may deem to be in the best interest of the Town of Kingstree, and to waive informalities and technicalities.

The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a surety bond in an amount equal to 100% of its contract price. Said bond shall be issued by a responsible surety approved by the Town of Kingstree and shall guarantee the faithful performance of the contract and the terms and conditions therein contained, and shall guarantee the prompt payment of all material and labor and product and save harmless the Town of Kingstree from claims and damages of any kind caused by the operations of the Contractor.

The successful bidder shall furnish the municipality with a certified copy of general liability insurance policy covering, written on a form and is to include contractual liability and completed operations with damage coverage for a minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) inclusive.

TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT: September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


The work shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, and performing all required work to remove obstructions from the site. Potential Bidder may enter single bid for the project clean out.
131 EAST MAIN STREET, TAX MAP NO. 11-025-173:
Commercial structure approximately 27 feet by 78 feet (2,450 square feet) shares a common wall on each side with two other structures. A portion of the roof has collapsed inside of the structure and the flooring is unsafe. Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) was identified in limited to the interior rear portion of the structure’s collapsing roof, flooring tiles and carpet, baseboards structural materials. The ceiling tiles contains no ACM. Remove non constructional materials and debris. Separate electronics, wires, and cash registers. Items are to be bagged, contained, and moved to an acceptable land fill location.
129 EAST MAIN STREET, TAX MAP NO. 11-025-172:
Commercial structureapproximately 13 feet by 67 feet (880square feet) shares a common wall on each side with two other structures.Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) was identified in limited to the interior rear portion of the structure’s collapsing roof, flooring tiles and carpet, baseboards structural materials. The ceiling tiles contains no ACM. Remove non constructional materials and debris. Separate electronics, wires, and cash registers. Items are to be bagged, contained, and moved to an acceptable land fill location.
127 EAST MAIN STREET, TAX MAP NO. 11-025-171:
Commercial structureapproximately 22 feet by 100 feet (2,200square feet) shares a common wall on each side with two other structures.A portion of the roof has collapsed inside of the structure and the flooring is unsafe. Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) was identified in limited to the interior rear portion of the structure’s collapsing roof, flooring tiles and carpet, baseboards structural materials. The ceiling tiles contains no ACM. Remove non constructional materials and debris. Separate electronics, wires, and cash registers. Items are to be bagged, contained, and moved to an acceptable land fill location.

TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT:September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


(Fill in completely and submit to the Town of Kingstree)

Town of Kingstree 131 East Main Street Debris Removal Project

Town of Kingstree Date______

Town Finance Director (Debris Removal Project)

401 North Longstreet Street

Kingstree, South Carolina 29556

To Whom It May Concern:

The undersigned agrees to perform the work required at the price(s) specified below in strict accordance with the terms of this solicitation, if this offer is accepted by the Town of Kingstree in writing within ______calendar days after the date bids are due.

Name & Address of Bidder: ______


Contractor License # (Include Copy): ______

Total Bid Price: $______

NOTE: Please return this bid form to the above address. No other bid form will be accepted.


Company Representative Signature


Telephone /email



TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT:September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


The Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Kingstree harmless from all and any acts and omissions arising out of this contract.

Further, the Recipient shall indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Kingstree against any/all suits, claims, actions, cost or damages to which the Town of Kingstree may be subject to by reason of damages to negligence, or wrongful omissions by the Recipient.

The Recipient, their agent(s), representatives or employees shall release and hold the Town of Kingstree harmless for any injury to themselves, corporate officers, agents, representatives or employees in connections with the performance of this agreement or any other related sub-contract thereof.


Print Name Authorized Signature


Name of Company

TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT:September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


11-025-171 / 131 MAIN STREET / COMMERCIAL
Note: Bid is a cumulation of the four components.

TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT:September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


  1. Scope of Work
  1. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, service and transportation required to complete the asbestos survey study to include identifying, removing the samples from structure, lab analysis,testing and reporting the work as specified herein.
  1. Obtain and pay for all necessary fees, permits and licenses.
  1. Contractors shall visit site(s) to ascertain existing conditions under which the asbestos survey study must be done
  1. Comply with all provisions of the building code and obtain all necessary permits prior to the start of work.
  1. Public and Property Protection
  1. Provide all measures required by federal, state, or municipal ordinances, laws and

regulations for the protectionof surrounding property, sidewalks, curbs, the public, workmen and Owner’s employees during demolition and site clearance operations. Barricades, fences, and signs shall be in strict accordance with applicable codes and ordinances.

  1. Demolition and site clearance shall be carried out in such a manner that will insure safety of adjacent properties and persons occupying such property against all damages and injuries.
  1. Protect all walks, roads, streets, curbs, trees, and planting on or off premises.
  1. Bonding and Insurance
  1. The successful bidder shall be required to furnish a surety bond in an amount equal to 100% of its contract price. Said bond shall be issued by a responsible surety approved by the Town of Kingstree and shall guarantee the faithful performance of the contract and the terms and conditions therein contained, and shall guarantee the prompt payment of all material and labor and protect and save harmless the Town of Kingstree from claims and damages of any kind caused by the operations of the contractor.
  1. The successful bidder shall furnish the municipality with a certified copy of general liability insurance policy covering, written on a form and its to include contractual liability and completed operations with damage coverage for a minimum amount of one million dollars ($1,000,000) inclusive and noting the coverage of workman’s compensation.
  1. Utilities

Before demolishing a building having electrical wiring, gas, water, and sanitary or similar items, notify the town water and sewer department and utility companies having jurisdiction to determine that these items are out of service and may be removed without danger. The contractor shall obtain any permits and/or inspections required and notify public utility representatives on each of the properties listed for demolition 72 hours prior to commencing demolition. No demolition by the contractor and/or by any of their representative subcontractors or agents shall begin until written approval has been granted by SCDHEC and the Community Planning Department for each property listed.

  1. Demolition and Site Clearance
  1. Demolition and removal all structures and foundation walls. Work to commence immediately after receipt of the Notice to Proceed Award and execution of a Contract by the town.
  1. Concrete block foundation walls, shall be removed to approximately 2 feet below existing grade or to the joint near to or below the two foot mark. The contractor shall properly dispose of this material.
  1. The contractor shall remove and properly dispose of any and all concrete or brick slab foundations and fill to grade.
  1. The contractor shall be responsible for the removal of all trash, garbage, abandoned furniture, cars, etc. from the property and shall property dispose of said items in accordance with appropriate local, state, and federal laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
  1. All overgrowth of weeds, underbrush and grasses shall be removed from the property and disposed of by the contractor.
  1. Removal of Material
  1. The Town of Kingstree will not be responsible for landfill fees associated with demolition debris removal.
  1. All demolition materials must be taken to sites specified by the SCDHEC and/or specified by the Town of Kingstree.
  1. All demolition material must be removed from each site and each site must be properly cleared and graded.
  1. Hazardous Materials

Any and all hazardous materials encountered such as asbestos containing materials, lead paints, oil tanks, contaminated soils, etc. shall be removed and disposed of in a manner determined by applicable regulations, the cost of which shall be included in the bid. The contractor will notify the Community Planning Department immediately upon discovery of any hazardous materials. Removal of all hazardous materials by the contractor and/or by any of their respective subcontractors or agents shall not begin until written approval has been granted by the Community Planning Department.

  1. Applicable Permits and Instructions
  1. Water and sewer lines may be cut and capped at each property line with 72 hour notice to have town water and sewer department representative present.
  1. For dust control the contractor may submit requests to the water department to open nearby fire hydrants.
  1. A demolition permit shall be obtained from the Community Planning Departmentprior to demolition; Fees: $100.00 – Residential and $200.00 – Commercial.
  1. The Community planning Department must be notified whether there is gas or oil on-site and on the methods of disposal.
  1. The contractor shall apply and obtain demolition permits from South Carolina Department of Health and Environment Control (DHEC).

TOWN OF KINGSTREE: Close date and time:

DEBRIS REMOVAL AND CLEAN OUT:September 20, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.


The contractor shall conform to the general conditions as specified herein:

  1. Method of Award

The Contract will be awarded to the responsible bidder who submitted the lowest responsive bid.

  1. Bidder Qualifications

Bids will be considered on, from bidder who can show experience with the type of work involved and also, show financial responsibility satisfactory to the Town of Kingstree.

  1. Right to Reject Bids Reserved

The Town of Kingstree, hereby reserves the right to reject any or all bids to enter into said contract as it may deem to be in the best interest to the Town of Kingstree, and to waive informalities and technicalities.

  1. Payment Provisions

Payment of the cost for said project will be made from the general funds of the town of Kingstree. Full payment will be issued upon completion of the project and approval of the Town of Kingstree.

  1. Work Schedule

Prior to the start any work the contractor shall submit for approval by the Community Planning Department the proposed sequence of operations of the various procedures and methods to be employed in the performance of the work.

  1. Environmental Protection

The contractor shall take all such precautions as may be necessary in the conduct of the work to avoid pollution of the water, air, and noise which may be harmful to health, spreading of plant diseases and pests or damage to natural resources or to the environment, all is consistent with good practices and as required by applicable laws, local ordinances and regulations, or lawful orders from the authority having jurisdiction.

  1. Dust Control

Demolition and site clearance shall be accomplished with the minimum accumulation of dust and rubbish.

  1. Fire Prevention

Work shall proceed in such a manner as to minimize the spread of dust and flying particles. Methods for dust control shall be performed on a continuous basis and in accordance with applicable local ordinances and OSHA standards.

No fires shall be permitted. All operations at the site shall be performed that no fire hazards are needlessly created or permitted to exist. Any flammable material shall be kept at an absolute minimum and properly handled and stored. If the Contract work involves fire hazard, sufficient firefighting equipment with trained, capable operators shall be in the area to contain any fire until the local fire department is able to arrive. Particular care shall be exercised with regardto disposition of waste materials, the nature or quantity of which might create or increase a fire hazard. The contractor shall comply with any fire prevention regulations of the town of Kingstree.

  1. Existing Utilities

Any existing utilities in close proximity or crossing the lines to be demolished under this Contract shall be protected and special care shall be taken to prevent interruption of services or damage to the utilities.

All of the existing utilities may not be known and therefore existing utility information is not guaranteed.

If and when encountered, existing utilities shall be properly supported and protected during demolition and site clearance. The operation of existing utilities shall not be interpreted except with written permission of the operator and owner of such utilities. The contractor shall allow ample time for all measures as may be required for the continuance of existing utility operations. The contractor shall take extreme precautions to minimize disruption of utilities and not to damage same. It is the contractor’s responsibility to request and coordinate utility relocations subject to the approval of the owner. Utility relocation shall not be required for the sole purposes of making excavation easier for the