APRIL 19, 2011


Township Chairman: Dennis Zeto

Township Supervisor: Don Hazeman

Township Supervisor: Ervin Blom

Township Supervisor: Cory Wilson

Township Supervisor: Mel Milender

Township Treasurer: Joyce Vold

Township Clerk: Mary Lou Milender

Visitors present: John Schocker, Fred Kelm, Roy Antle, Merlin Vold, Travis Kelm, Willard Kelm, Kenneth Schmidt, Thore Thorson, and Ann Czupryna.

Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. with listed members present.

Minutes of the March 15, 2011 Town Board Meeting were read. Motion by Cory Wilson,

seconded by Don Hazeman to approve the minutes as read. Motion carried unanimously.

The Treasurers Report for the month ending March 31, 2011 was read:

Cash by fund balances are:

General Fund = $2,995.93; R&B Fund = $23,568.45; Fire Fund = $196.67

Cemetery Fund = $5,573.78 for a total cash balance of $32,334.83 .

Motion by Mel Milender seconded by Don Hazeman to approve the Treasurer's Report. Subject to audit. Motion carried unanimously.

Bills presented: Checks #3897 and #3906 thru # 3930 for a total of $7,313.34 were approved for payment. Motion by Don Hazeman seconded by Mel Milender to pay the bills as submitted with one exception, check #3897 issued to North Country First Responders was pulled until further discussion. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Cory Wilson, seconded by Don Hazeman to approve the Resolution prepared for the clerks reimbursement for the web site. Motion carried unanimously.

The quotes for road maintenance and road materials were opened and discussed. Motion by Ervin Blom, seconded by Mel Milender to accept Fred Kelm’s quote to provide the clay and gravel for the township. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman to accept John Schocker’s quote for the road maintenance. Motion carried unanimously.

The clerk was asked to type up a formal contract with a statement in the contract that the contractor will agree to the indemnity clause.

An amended Road Agreement submitted to the township from Lammer’s Township was read and discussed. The Board of Lammer’s Township was requesting that our road maintenance contractor bill them directly once a year for the maintenance he does on Grant Creek Road.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Ervin Blom to oppose changing the agreement we made with Lammer’s Township dated December 14, 2010. It is unfair to John Schocker to not get paid every month. The clerk keeps good records and she is able to bill Lammer’s once a year as set in our previous agreement. Additionally, John would have to enter into a separate contract with Lammer’s Township.

The Road Review is set for Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. Everyone will meet at Eckles Community Center and Ervin will drive the bus. Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Mel Milender to pay Ervin $100.00 for the fuel for the bus. Motion carried unanimously.

The road clean up is set for May 11, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. Participants are to meet at Eckles Community Center to pick up garbage bags and come back for hotdogs when the roads are cleaned up. The clerk was asked to put this in the newspaper and on the website. Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Mel Milender to allow Cory Wilson to purchase the hotdogs and pop for this occasion and be reimbursed by the township. Motion carried unanimously.

Rural Fire Association Report. The study is ongoing. It should be completed by July 1st.

Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Mel Milender to write a letter to MAT requesting that the short courses be moved back to Bemidji.

Motion by Mel Milender, seconded by Don Hazeman to allow the clerk to add the fire proof filing cabinet and the new computer on our inland insurance for an additional $2.00. Motion carried unanimously.

Thore Thorson informed the Board that the big safe in the office is very difficult to open and requested that we notify a locksmith to repair it. Mary Lou will make the call and set it up for the repairman to meet Russ Gustafson at the Community Center and get it repaired.

Motion by Don Hazeman, seconded by Ervin Blom to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Lou Milender Dennis Zeto

Township Clerk Chairman