Please read and keep for future reference


Every parent must read this document before their child stars pre-school in order for the rules and regulations of the pre-school to be fully understood by all parties involved. We undertake to provide the very best care and love for your child and will cherish your child as an individual. We hope your child’s time spent with us will be memorable.

Kindly note we are anEnglish Christian based learning school.

  1. Documentation required for enrolments

-2016 Agreement form

-Pre-school enrolment form

-Indemnity form

-Consent form for use of photographic images

-A copy of child’s birth certificate

-An updated copy of your child’s immunization card

-Copy of both parents or legal guardian I.D. documents

-Payslip of the person responsible for the account

-Proof of residence (e.g. electricity account)

-Copy of medical aid card

-Copy of I.D. of other person’s who may collect your child.

-Your child’s assessment reports (if any).

-An ANNUAL registration fee of R500.

-Deposit of R1500.00 (equivalent to 1 months school fees), this can be paid in three instalments

  1. Full day fees R1500.00 per month, 6:30am – 6:00pm – includes 1 extra mural, Wiggle and Jam. School closes on Friday afternoons at 5:30pm
  2. Half day fees R1160.00. per month, 6:30am – 1pm (not applicable to nursery)
  3. Day visitor R100
  4. Closed public holidays and should the public holiday fall on a Thursday or Tuesday we will be closed the day before. The school will not operate according to the government school terms but will remain open throughout the year, expect during a short Easter break and December when the school will be closed completely as per government school.
  5. Late penalty fee of R30 for every 15 minutes or part thereof from 6:01pm
  6. Children are provided with breakfast, lunch andan afternoon snack.
  7. You provide either a piece of fruit or a yoghurt cup for the babies in the nursery
  8. 1 Month’s notice is required in writing on or before the 1st or last day of each month
  9. Fees increase by 10% annually in January
  1. Fees 2016, conditions and payment

Banking details:

M. Clarke, Nedbank Wadeville, cheque account

Account no. 103666 1660

Branch code 193642

Proof of payments to be emailed to . Please use your child’s name as reference.

Please note:

- We reserve the right to deny admittance to any child whose tuition is not paid by the due date.

- School fees are payable in advance and must be paid in full by the 3rd of each month. A R50 per day late fee will be applied to your account from the 4th of the month. If your account is not paid in full by the 7th of each month your child will be deregistered from the school.

- Refer to drawer cheques returned will incur an additional fee of R120.00 per item.

- Fees are payable as usual during a child’s absence owing to illness or holiday arrangements.

-Fees are payable for 12 months

-A discount of 10% will be given to siblings.

-We offer a 10% discount on school fees if paid in full by end January.

-A months written notice is required if you wish to withdraw your child from the pre-school. Notice can only be given at the end and or 1st day of each month and NO notice may be given in November or December.

-Parents are required to complete, sign and provide all documentation listed under point number 1. If these forms are not received before your child’s date of admission, your child will be denied admittance into the pre-school.

  1. Pre-school hours

The pre-school is opened from 6:30am to 6:00pm. We close at 5:30pm on Friday afternoons. Children are to be received personally. Please note that children may not be left at the gate but must be handed over to the person on duty. Children must arrive by 8:00am every morning in order to enjoy breakfast and start the day’s activities together.

A late penalty fee of R30 will be charged for every 15 minutes or part thereof, after 6:01.

No student at Adventure Kidz will be allowed to go home with anyone other than the person whom normally fetches your child. If there is a change in plan you as the parent must please inform your child’s teacher in person or in writing. This person must bring a copy of their I.D. if not already on file. We take the safety and well being of your child very seriously.

  1. What to bring

A school bag with the following inside:

-2 sets of spare clothes, a labelled sunhat.

-If your child is not potty trained, a packet of pull-ups and bum-cream. You will be notified timeously via your child’s communication book when these run out.

Parents are required to provide their child’s monthly and term items by the 3rd of each month as per their child’s communication book. If these items are not provided the cost of R100 will be included on your next account/statement.

  1. Meals

School fees include breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack. The school follows a nutritious 2-week menu. Breakfast usually consists of mieliepap, oats, cereal or eggs and toast. Afternoon snack is either a sandwich, muffin or biscuits. Lunch is typically a cooked meal and will include at least one vegetable.

Please advise us on enrolment if your child has any allergies or food intolerances.

  1. Morning snack

Every morning we have a light snack, we ask that you please supply 1 piece of fruit daily for your child. This will be cut up for the children to share and enjoy. If parents do not provide a piece of fruit daily, this too will be charged to your account.

  1. Waste material

Please donate any of the following waste for our art activities, paper, cardboard, wine sleeves, empty toilet paper rolls, bubble wrap, buttons, ribbons, old magazines, material, lace, wool, pipe cleaners, foam chips, ice-cream containers, margarine containers, yoghurt cups, felt, doilies, crepe paper, old magazines and confetti. We would also appreciate it if you could donate any old clothes, shoes, handbags to our fantasy corner. WE RECYCLE!! ALL PLASTIC, TIN, PAPER, CARDBOARD AND GLASS. Please support our efforts.

  1. Clothing

Children should be dressed in clothing that they can put on and take off easily. This encourages independence, self-confidence and minimises toilet accidents. All clothing MUST be marked with your child’s name. We ask parents not to send any new, expensive or special clothing. We cannot ensure that your child will go home looking as clean as when they arrived at pre-school. Pre-school is a place where they use paint, glue etc. that may occasionally spill on your child’s clothes. It’s unfair to the children and teachers when parents get visibly upset when their children’s clothes are dirty from food, paint or sand. The pre-school will not be held liable for clothes that become soiled, torn or misplaced. If girls wear dresses or skirts, a ski pants or pair of shorts must be worn underneath.

  1. Medical

Please let the preschool know before 8:00am if your child is unable to attend school.

-A sick child or a child showing signs of illness including coughs, runny noses, temperatures during the night and so on, should be reported to the teacher on duty and if the problem persists, must be taken to a doctor.

-With all childhood illnesses such as measles, chicken pox etc. the pre-school reserves the right to request a medical certificate before the child may return.

-All medication is to be measured out into a single dosage syringe and placed into a sealed container. This is to be handed to your child’s teacher when they are dropped off along with the Medication Instruction and Permission Report and is not to be left in your child’s bag. NO medication will be administered if the permission report has not been completed and signed by the parent / guardian.

-In April/May all children and staff attending Adventure Kidz Preschool will be required to have an annual flu vaccination at your expense.

-Babies on antibiotics are required to stay at home for at least the 1st 3 days!

Be prepared - Immune System Development

Parents, daycare providers and physicians alike are familiar with the increased risk of exposure to common infectious diseases and the recurring cycles of illness in infants and preschoolers that are associated with daycare attendance.

A variety of infectious agents, both viral and bacterial, are commonly encountered by children in daycare, resulting in a range of illnesses including upper and lower respiratory tract infections, acute otitis media, gastrointestinal illness, and certain skin ailments. The young child first entering daycare – especially a child with no older siblings – essentially encounters an assault on the immune system that is a direct result of increased environmental exposure. Children under 1 year of age may be particularly hard hit as they are still in the early stages of immune system development. Parents will often cite their frustrations with the on-again, off-again illnesses experienced by their child. Parents and siblings are often co-infected, further exacerbating the family’s frustrations with the cycles of illness and recovery that interfere with home, work, school and social routines.

Babies who attend large-group child-care centers before they are 2 ½ years of age do get more respiratory and ear infections than those cared for at home, but they are less likely to come down with these ailments once they start school.

Children have infections at the time they initiate large-group activities, whether they do it earlier or later. Earlier is better to have infections because then kids do not miss school at a crucial time, when learning to read and write.

All children need to face the increased frequency of infection when they start interacting with a larger number of children in order to build immunity, and day care contributes to this process.

Kids do pass infections to each other easily in a group setting such as daycare, particularly during the winter months. You can't prevent it entirely, unless you switch to a nanny or decide to stay home yourself.

How to minimize the chances your baby will be ill.

-Ensure the daycare practice good hygiene habits for children and daycare staff, routinely staff wash their hands before and after diapering or helping a child blow his nose. Also washing baby’s hands during the day, too.

-Consistent and thorough infection control practices, notably hand washing

-Respiratory etiquette

-The use of probiotic-supplemented foods

-Breastfeeding gives your child an advantage in preventing upper respiratory infections and gastrointestinal illnesses. Once your baby's eating solids, offer a good variety of foods to help him obtain the best nutrients and vitamins he can from his diet

-Make sure he's getting enough rest and exercise every day

-Make sure your baby gets all the recommended immunizations on the appropriate schedule to help prevent serious infections.

-Don’t be a germ freak. Illness can result when the immune system – through overly hygienic practices – is not allowed to engage in natural immune-building battles against bacteria and viruses. This arose as an explanation for the rising prevalence of asthma and allergies in many developed countries.

Hang in there. It may be rough when they are young, but when they get to school, they will be immune to many of the infections.=

  1. Injuries to children

Parents will be notified or contacted (depending on the severity) should their child sustain an injury. This includes insect bites, bruises, bite marks, etc. Teachers are required to record the incident in the incident book and in the teacher/parent communication book. Adventure Kidz cannot be held responsible for any injuries, medical costs or lost items.

  1. Parent/teacher communication book

Each parent is provided with a communication book on enrolment. It is to be brought to school daily. It is the responsibility of parent and child to care for this book. Should it get lost or damaged it will be replaced at a cost of R60. If you have any need to communicate with your child’s teacher, you can write a note in the book. In the same way the teacher will use this book to communicate with you. Please sign and date any written correspondence. All newsletters/notices will be placed inside your child’s communication book.

  1. Positive behaviour

We use a variety of developmentally appropriate behaviour management techniques to direct or re-direct your child in a positive, firm and relaxed manner. The rules of the pre-school are frequently explained, so that they are all familiar with them. Please keep in mind that there will be disagreements between young children especially those who are not adept at communication. We will try our best to prevent problems/re-direct, discuss inappropriate behaviour and encourage making amends when an offence involves another person.

The following methods of discipline will be used in pre-school, intervention, group discussion and time-out.

  1. Progress reports

Parents will be kept informed about their child’s progress using a written report 3 times a year. Parent meetings will be arranged if and when required and children’s art work and/or books will be sent home on a monthly basis.

  1. The Bakers man

Each child will be given an opportunity to be the Bakers man. This means you and your child will be required to make a sweet treat, of your choice, together for all the children in the school. It will be brought to school and “sold” to the other children for the amount of R5. This money will be kept in a “kitty” and used by the school the following week to buy sweet treats for the next weeks baking activity. A roster will be provided ahead of the time.

  1. No toys

NO toys and sweets may be brought to the pre-school. Please ensure that your child leaves these at home. These inevitably cause strife amongst the children. Should your child continually brings toys from home; they will be confiscated until the end of the week. We will also not be held responsible should any toys go missing or get broken while at school.

  1. Fund raising

We respectfully request that parents adopt the attitude of Adventure Kidz is “OUR” school. All money raised will be to the benefit of your child as it will be used for school improvements, purchase of educational toys and staff training. All parents are required to support fund raising efforts.

  1. Extra mural activities

We offer the following activities: (10% increase in 2016)

Wiggle and Jam movement and music programme (co-curricular)

Swimming lessons, R330pm

Action ball, R100 pm

All lessons are between 30-45 minutes, once a week.

  1. Birthday ring

A birthday is a great event in every child’s life and others love to share in it. Mothers may arrange beforehand to bring cupcakes and refreshments on this day. Please refrain from sending hard candy, lollipops on sticks or any small sweets that can cause choking. This is for the safety of your own and other children.

  1. Party venue

The school can be rented as a party venue on weekends. Please consult the principal.

  1. Vital information

Please keep the pre-school informed of any changes of address, telephone numbers of you/next of kin and any change of legal guardianship of the children.

Subject to change

Conditions, rules and regulations are subject to change without prior notification.

Lastly we would like to thank each and everyone of our prospective parents for trusting us to take care of your precious little ones. We at Adventure Kidz undertake to be patient, love and understand your child at all times and take his/her interests to heart and try our best everyday. We hope to have a long and loving relationship with you and your child. Please refer to our website