Dear Superintendent, Business Managers, and Custodial & Maintenance Directors:

The Educational Plant Maintenance Association of Maine is extremely pleased to be collaborating with the Maine Department of Education to present the 45th Annual Custodial and Maintenance Workshop on the Colby College Campus in Waterville, to be held June 24 - 26, 2013. We will be working with recognized national experts in the field of school custodial and maintenance, as well as the vendors and the manufacturer representatives who supply the products and equipment to our facilities.

The Educational Plant Maintenance Association of Maine recognizes the need for professional development and the important role it plays in making our districts more productive, operate in a more cost effective manner and provide the staff, students and all visitors a safe and healthy educational environment. In order that we can reach more individuals and increase the number of districts participating in the conference we are pleased to announce that through our Associate Members we will be able to provide to a school district, MSAD, School Union, RSU or AOS a significant number of all-inclusive scholarships for the conference and these scholarships will cover conference registration, meals and overnight accommodations if needed . These scholarships were made possible through the continued support of EPMA Members, EPMA Associate Members and the Maine Department of Education. Districts can take advantage of these scholarships by contacting EPMA Members, Associate Members, Jim Reny () or by visiting our website for more information.

The Educational Plant Maintenance Association of Maine (EPMA) is proud of the forty four consecutive years it has made this conference available to the custodial and maintenance staff of the schools throughout the State of Maine. Our continuing collaboration with the Maine Department of Education will allow us to provide the conference to individuals at no cost and make it for more districts to be able to send more individuals to this conference. As we are faced with these difficult economic times it is even more essential that we all operate at the highest level possible, are aware of all the best practices of our industry, are familiar with green products and green cleaning processes, and have the opportunity to network with our peers and experts in the industry to make us as efficient and productive as we can possibly be in these challenging times.

In celebration of our 45th conference anniversary, the Educational Plant Maintenance Association of Maine (EPMA) 10th Annual A. Burleigh Oxton Award for Excellence will be presented to a deserving individual at this year’s conference as part of the closing program on Wednesday, June 26, at noon. We have many dedicated employees within our districts and throughout the state who deserve to be recognized for their outstanding efforts and their dedication to the students and staff in our schools as well as their willingness to go above and beyond the requirements of their jobs.

We are extremely pleased to have George Manning as our Keynote Speaker for this year’s program and feel that he will have a positive impact on all who hear his presentation. George is a Professor at Northern Kentucky University, internationally recognized speaker and author.

As we have done over the last several years, we will continue to have dedicated program tracks to help meet the needs and challenges facing both the custodian as well as the supervisor in these changing and difficult economic times.

Last year’s conference included custodians and maintenance personnel from throughout the state as well as 30 vendor tables with displays of cleaning products, equipment and new techniques.

As in the past, the ability to exchange ideas with others involved in the field leads to increased development and professional growth for all the individuals participating in the conference. Over the last several years the conference has had participants from more than 90 school districts, as well as from several of the colleges and universities in the State of Maine.

Through an annually revised and continually updated program, these workshops provide for the upgrade of building care and management functions for school departments, school districts, college and university maintenance personnel throughout the State of Maine, with a strong focus on the environment and indoor air quality. Also, an integral part of the conference is the ability for individuals to satisfy state mandates for yearly updates in the areas of chemical identification and blood-borne pathogens. The enclosed program lists the vital and varied programs to be offered at the conference this year as well as several biographies of presenters at the conference.

In an effort to keep the conference beneficial, productive and timely we will continue the Supervisor’s Program on Monday afternoon, with an opportunity to meet with vendors and a get-acquainted social program on Monday evening. We feel that this will allow for supervisory issues to be discussed and programs offered that will prove timely and will assist supervisors in continuing to develop professionally.

Enclosed is a registration form for the workshop. Please register at no cost to three of your personnel (include yourself, assistant superintendent, business manager, etc. if you desire) as early as possible. We have to notify Colby College by early June, 2013, as to the number of meals and rooms required, so we need all registrations by June 3, 2013. Thank you for your district’s participation which will help make this a successful conference for all and our staffs to meet all the challenges they will face in these ever changing times.

Sincerely yours,

James Reny, President

Educational Plant Maintenance Association

Waterville Public Schools

25 Messalonskee Avenue

Waterville, ME 04901

Phone: 873-7048

Fax: 877-8189



45th Annual Custodial and Maintenance Conference

June 24, 25 and 26, 2013

At Colby College in Waterville, Maine

Option 1

Supervisors Program: Conference Registration: to include Monday Programs, Monday Vendor Reception, Tuesday Lunch, Tuesday Dinner, and Wednesday Barbeque and all Tuesday and Wednesday Conference Programs

Option 2

Supervisor Program with Conference Registration and Overnight Accomodations: to include

Monday Programs, Monday Vendor Reception, Monday Night Room (Colby Dormitory), Tuesday Breakfast, Tuesday Lunch, Tuesday Dinner, Tuesday Night Room (Colby Dormitory), Wednesday Breakfast and Wednesday Barbeque and all Tuesday and Wednesday Conference Programs

Option 3

Custodial / Maintenance Conference Registration: to include Tuesday Lunch, Tuesday Dinner, and Wednesday Barbeque and all Tuesday and Wednesday Conference Programs

Option 4

Custodial / Maintenance Coference Registration with Overnight Accomodations: to include Tuesday Lunch, Tuesday Dinner, Tuesday Night Room (Colby Dormitory), Wednesday Breakfast and Wednesday Barbeque and all Tuesday and Wednesday Conference Programs

School District Name:______

Superintendent’s Name:______

Contact Person:______Phone Number:______

Register up to three individuals from your district at no cost

Please print individual’s name: M/F Option # Chosen

______/____/ ______

______/____/ ______

______/____/ ______

Registration must be received by June 3, 2013

Send This Registration to or if you have question contact: Jim Reny, President

Educational Plant Maintenance Association

Waterville Public Schools

25 Messalonskee Avenue

Waterville, ME 04901
