August 31, 2016

Dear Sarah Smith Families,

Each year APS looks closely at the number ofteachers at each school and compares them with the school’s enrollment. Schools that are “overstaffed” must release teachers to be reassigned to schools that are “understaffed” in a process called leveling.

This year, SRS falls into the “overstaffed" category based on our actual vs. enrollment projections. The number of teachers/classes assigned for this year were based on a projected enrollment of 1,076 students. As of the 15th day of school, we have only 1,003 students enrolled. We have 73 fewer students than we expected. This is the equivalent of approximately three classes. The number of students who historically enroll after day 15 will not come close to helping us reach the number needed to avoid leveling. As such, APS initially required SRS to “level” three homeroom teaching positions.

I have worked diligently with HR, and as a result, APS agreed to reduce the number of teachers leveled from three to two. The GO Team has also responded to this with a letter sent to district officials. However, the numbers do not support a strong case in our favor. The classes at the IC have the lowest class sizes relative to the class maximums for those grades. Therefore, we are leveling two teaching positions at the IC. We are not alone with leveling this year. Brandon ES is leveling two teachers and Jackson is leveling one teacher. Also, please be advised that this is not the first time SRS has been through this process. Although the transition may seem intimidating at first, in the past students who have been reassigned ended up settling in to their new classes quickly and successfully.

Due to lower than projected enrollment in third grade this year, we will need to decrease the number of third grade classrooms and fourth grade classrooms. Ms. Wittekiend, 3rd grade teacher, will be reassigned to second grade at Smith Primary. When schools face leveling, teachers are given the opportunity to volunteer to be transferred within the district before making decisions based onseniority. Ms. Woods, second grade teacher, graciously volunteered to make this transition so that Mrs. Wittekiend was not displaced. We appreciate Ms. Woods’ generosity and wish her the very best as she transitions to her new school in the district. Ms. Pitkonen, fourth grade teacher, will also transition to another school in APS. We have enjoyed the short time we have had to get to know her and we wish her the very best, as well.

Ms. Wittekiend’scurrent students will be distributed among the eight other third grade classrooms and Ms. Pitkonan’s current students will be distributed among the six other fourth grade classrooms. These placements are made with consideration of ability, gender and race in order to maintain the balanced groups in each of the classes. Therefore, you will notice additional students in your child’s classroom beginning September 12, 2016. We ask that you assist us in making this transition a seamless one by encouraging and supporting your child and being positive about these changes in his/her presence.

We are providing an opportunity for all third and fourth grade parents to visit the classrooms, meet the new families and students, and hear about classroom expectations at a special‘Meet the Teacher Afternoon’ before the PTA Meeting– Tuesday, September 13th at 5:30 pm.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


Michael J. Forehand, Ed.D.