*Reviewed Draft, Post*
NASPSPA Conference Business Meeting
San Diego, California
12:50 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.

June 6, 2017

The following Executive Committee Members (EC) were present: President Daniela Corbetta, Past-President Jennifer Etnier, President-Elect Steven Bray, Secretary-Treasurer Leah Robinson, Communication Director Quincy Almeida, Past-Presidents’ Liaison Maureen Weiss, and Student Representative Tayo Moss. NASPSPA Conference Coordinator Penny McCullagh was present to provide conference information for NASPSPA 2018. Newly elected officers were President-Elect David Anderson, Communication Director Sarah Ullrich-French, and Student Representative Taylor Buchanan who will take office on 9/1/2017.

  1. Welcome and Approval of 2016 Business Meeting Minutes (Corbetta)
  2. President Daniela Corbetta called the meeting to order at 12:50 pm.
  3. Officially thanked Past-President Etnier and Conference Coordinator McCullagh for their dedication and hard work towards the 50th NASPSPA Meeting.
  4. Commented about the Janus Symposiums and Dr. Wade’s recommendations for more multidisciplinary research within NASPSPA among the disciplines (MD, MLC, and SEP).
  1. Approval of Agenda (Corbetta)
  2. The minutes from last year’s NASPSPA 2016 Business and Award Lunch meeting and the 2017 Agenda were approved. NASPSPA 2016 Business and Award Lunch meeting notes were motioned by two Members and the 2017 Agenda was motioned by two members.
  1. Introduction of New Officers (Corbetta)
  2. President-Elect David Anderson, Communication Director Sarah Ullrich-French, and Student Representative Taylor Buchanan.
  3. Jill Whitall will serve as the Past Presidents’ Liaison.
  4. Officers will officially take office on 9/1/2017.
  1. Secretary-Treasurer Report (Robinson)
  2. Membership as of May 28, 2017 was 685 (Professional = 385 (53.2%) Student = 310 (45.3%), Retired = 10 (1.5%).
  3. As a Society, we are growing internationally, we have 48 members from Asia/Pacific countries, 95 from European countries, and 515 from North/South American countries and 27 members report no country affiliation.
  4. Conference attendance as of June 5, 2017 was 602.
  5. The fiscal year financial report (Sept 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016)
  6. Income (Starting Balance was $39,996.17). In terms of income, NASPSPA had a productive year. The 2016 Annual meeting was in Montreal and the conference attendance was high (i.e., 579) plus we had 100 late registrations at the conference that paid $500 Canadian dollars, the exchange rate of .70 U.S. cents to a Canadian dollar, and a $5,000.00 gift from the city of Montreal. So, the Society made money on the conference $64,858.99. Having this surplus was great leading into the 50th Anniversary of NASPSPA. Other income from the fiscal year was a grant refund ($14.09) and membership dues ($46,845.00).
  7. Expenses: NASPSPA has always supported students and professionals and a majority of our expenses are devoted to student and professional awards ($18,029.50). Additional expenses are for other administrative items such as Human Kinetics Contracts, Accounting/Tax Preparation, Website Development, Executive Board Training, Site Visits and Meeting ($14,640.55)
  8. The ending account balance for the fiscal year was $118,044.20.
  9. As of 5/29/17 our NASPSPA Wells Fargo Account balances are as follows:
  10. Checking $156,683.66
  11. Money Market/Investment $ 24,763.49
  12. Total$181,447.15
  13. It was noted that the discrepancy in the account balances was due to new membership deposits for the current fiscal year.
  14. Upcoming expenses
  15. Award Expenditures 2016-2017 (Total awards: $11,395.00)
  16. Early career scholar award: 2 @ $1,000 = $2,000
  17. Outstanding student research paper: 4 @ $200 each = $800
  18. Student research grant: 3 grants @ 2000 each = $6000
  19. + Student Grant carryover from 2015 in the amount of $1,195.00
  20. Student international travel grant: 2 @ $700 each = $1400
  21. Robinson opened the floor for questions and asked the membership to approve the financial report. There were no questions and the financial report was approved.
  1. Communication Director Report (Almeida)
  2. Examining new ways to communicate with the membership. Stated that there will be questions in the post-conference survey regarding how best to communicate with the NASPSPA members.
  3. Jane Clark stated that there is a Twitter hashtag = #NASPSPA50yrs
  1. Student Representative Report (Moss)
  2. 109 students attended the Student Social at the Local Pacific Beach and 29 signed up for Surfing Lessons at the Pacific Beach Surf School.
  3. Announced the various student award opportunities and encouraged students to apply.
  4. Award for International Conference Travel
  5. Outstanding Student Paper Awards
  6. Research Grant
  7. Encouraged students to stay connected on the NASPSPA student Facebook page.
  1. Past-President Conference Report (Etnier)
  2. There were 513 abstracts included in the 2017 NASPSPA scientific meeting.
  3. Thanked and acknowledged the 2017 program committee chairs and members, the student workers, and Diane Mehling, Penny McCullagh and Kim Scott for all help and service with the 2017 meeting.
  1. Present and Continuing Business (Corbetta – Bray)
  2. Proposed changes to Policy Manual (Bray)
  3. Item 1: Proposed change to Article 5, Sections 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 of the By-Laws.

Rationale for the proposed change: The NASPSPA bank account does not allow non-U.S. citizens to be signatories on the account. Should the Secretary-treasurer (who must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident according to Article 5.5) become incapacitated or otherwise unable to perform his/her duties only the President is authorized to sign checks. In the 2017/18 cycle, the President (S. Bray) is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. The proposed change (highlighted) seeks to remedy this situation by passing the authority to sign checks to another member of the Executive Committee who meets the citizenship/residency requirements in the order: President-Elect, Communications Director, Past-President.

Current wording:

●5.3 The President shall … The President shall be authorized to sign checks in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer. The President shall compile a list of …

Suggested rewording:

●5.3 The President shall… The President shall be authorized to sign checks in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer. In the event the current President is not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, the authority will pass to the person who meets the requirements (in the order of President-Elect, Communications Director, Past-President) who will be authorized to sign checks in the absence of the Secretary-Treasurer.The President shall compile a list of …

-Member seconded the motion.

-Member asked – what will happen if none of the individuals are US citizens or Green Card holders?

Bray responded that such a situation could arise and would be solved by a future EC who could devise a solution.

-Member noted - one of the slides said Communications Director – typing error

-Motion was passed by the membership.

  1. Item 2. Proposed change to Article 5, Section 5.5 of the By-Laws.

Rationale for the proposed change: In order to facilitate posting of the Executive Committee meeting minutes on the NASPSPA website in a timely manner, the secretary-treasurer's duties will include circulating the record of the meeting minutes for review within two weeks of each Executive Committee meeting.

Current wording:

●5.5 The Secretary-Treasurer must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, compliant with all Federal or State requirements. The secretary-treasurer shall keep written records of all minutes of the Society's meetings. The Secretary-Treasurer shall …

Suggested rewording:

●5.5 The Secretary-Treasurer must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, compliant with all Federal or State requirements. The secretary-treasurer shall keep written records of all minutes of the Society's meetings and circulate the record of the minutes to the EC for review within two weeks following each meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall …

●Member asked - is there would be a way to enforce the policy change?

●Bray responded that the change was intended to provide clarity and structure and would be enforced by the other members of the EC

●Motion was seconded and passed by the membership.

  1. Item 3. Proposed changes to Article 8 of the By-Laws and Procedures for Approving Policies.

Rationale for the proposed change: The Executive Committee reasons that proposed amendments to the NASPSPA Constitution and By-Laws should require discussion among the membership prior to voting and therefore should be considered only at the Annual Business Meetings where such discussion can take place. Therefore, we propose that the text "or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership in a mail or electronic ballot."and"or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership in a mail or electronic ballot (See Article 8)." be removed from Article 8 and the Procedures for Approving Policies, respectively.

Current wording:

Article 8. Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may be made by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at the Annual Business Meeting or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership in a mail or electronic ballot.

Suggested rewording:

Article 8. Amendments

Amendments to this Constitution and By-Laws may be made by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present at the Annual Business Meeting. or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership in a mail or electronic ballot.

-Member seconded the motion

-Memberasked -“if you do not attend the business meeting you do not have any input into the discussion?”.

- Etnier and Corbetta both stated that there is a low response rate by the NASPSPA body through the email and survey.

- Memberquestioned -– think the wording should remain and the choice should remain. If the option is taken away there is no longer a choice of ways to vote.

- Member - think the option should remain. It should be a combination.

- Steve Bray- to summarize your thoughts. There are two opinions that feel that the change is not needed.

- Member – clarified that there are two questions being asked. One is the proposal from the EC that we drop the option to do the vote by electronic means and the other was the point raised by Member asked is it whether or not members have the option to provide input and/or vote if they are not in attendance?

- Member – I think it depends if the voting discussion is important or not.

- Bray - this item may need to be re-evaluated. The EC should consider the points raised about whether or not those who do not attend the Business Meeting can provide input and/or vote and how this would be done.

A vote was taken and the proposal was voted down.

  1. Memorials (Corbetta)
  2. In accordance with our memorials policy, we devoted time to remember current or former NASPSPA members who have passed away since our last meeting. Each person will be remembered individually to be followed by a moment of silence for all.
  3. Jack Keogh 1927 – 2016
  4. Frances (Fran) Allard 1945 – 2017
  5. Recognizing Past-Presidents (Corbetta)
  6. Since this was the 50th NASPSPA meeting, the President took a moment to recognize the 26 Past-Presidents who were present in the award lunch and business meeting.
  7. Presentation of Awards (Corbetta and Etnier)
  8. Journal Awards
  9. JSEP Excellence in Research Award was presented to Zachary Zenko, Panteleimon Ekkekakis, & Dan Ariely​
  10. JSEP Excellence in Reviewing Award was presented to Katie Gunnell; Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Institute
  11. JMLD Excellence in Research Award was presented to Joshua Haworth, Anastasia Kyvelidou, Wayne Fisher, & Nicholas Stergiou
  12. JMLD Excellence in Reviewing Award was presented to Sam Logan, Oregon State University
  13. NASPSPA Professional Member Award
  14. 2017 Early Career Distinguished Scholar Award
  15. Keith Lohse, Assistant Professor School of Kinesiology Auburn University
  16. Priscila Cacola, Assistant Professor Department of Kinesiology University of Texas Arlington
  17. Special President’s Award Recipient - Kim Scott, Association Management Director, Human Kinetics
  18. Student Awards
  19. The Outstanding Student Paper Award recognize meritorious research by student members of NASPSPA and fosters research by students. The 2017 recipients are:
  20. Valentin Benzing (SEP) - University of Bern, Switzerland
  21. Marcos Daou (MLC) - Auburn University
  22. An De Meester (MD) - University of Ghent, Belgium
  23. Sabrina Thurman (MD) - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  24. The Graduate Student Research Grant promotes and supports the scholarly activity of graduate student members of NASPSPA. The 2017 recipients are:
  25. Jerraco Johnson - Auburn University
  26. Ming-Sheng Chan - University of Southern California
  27. Alexis Slutzky - University of North Carolina, Greensboro
  28. Graduate Student Award for International Conference Travel foster international research experience for student members of NASPSPA. The 2017 recipients are:
  29. Sanne Veldman, University of Wollongong, Australia
  30. Matthew Stork, University of British Columbia
  1. Future Conferences (McCullagh)
  2. Stated that Catamaran sold out in February and that the second hotel (Bahia) also sold out.
  3. Stressed the importance of conference registration so she can get a head count.
  4. Provided various highlights about NASPSPA 2018 in Denver.
  5. Staying at Embassy Suites that includes a real breakfast and happy hour.
  6. All room have suites (1 or 2 bedrooms) with a pull-out couch.
  7. Rates $179 to $204 for S/D. Triple $194 to 219. Quad $209 to 234.
  8. Importance of staying at the conference hotel so NASPSPA makes the quote.
  9. Discussed future meeting sites.
  10. Originally, NASPSPA 2019 was set for Chattanooga, TN in 2019 but the EC board decided not hold NASPSPA’s annual conference at any site in a state that “…voids or repeals against sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression or has enacted a law that authorizes or requires discrimination against same-sex couples or their families or on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.” Current restricted states include Kansas, Mississippi, NC, SC, and Tennessee.
  11. The NASPSPA body supported the EC board decision with a standing ovation.
  12. Notes that wording in contracts has changed so we can withdraw from it without penalty if the state changes the laws as previously described.
  13. Possible sites for 2019 are Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and Toronto.
  14. NASPSPA 2020 contemplating an international site (Europe, Puerto Rico, Mexico, or maybe Hawaii)
  15. Recognition of Outgoing Officers (Corbetta)
  16. Thanked and recognized the outgoing EC board for the service and committee to NASPSPA - Past-President Jennifer Etnier, Communication Director Quincy Almeida, Past-Presidents’ Liaison Maureen Weiss, and Student Representative Tayo Moss.
  17. Passing of the Gavel (Corbetta)
  18. Adjournment (Bray)
  19. Recognized and thanked Daniela for her leadership and commitment to NASPSPA. Bray had extremely kind and personal words to say about Corbetta.
  20. Bray reinforced members to come back for the distinguished scholar lecture that was after the short break.
  21. Bray called the meeting to a close and adjourned at 1:10PM