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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Moorestown Community House

Call to Order: President Mark Morgan (Moorestown Theater Company) called the meeting to order in the Community House Garden Room at 7:40 AM and had members introduce themselves around the room. He noted we are now using round tables to encourage networking.

Breakfast Host: Mark thanked the Breakfast Host, Mark Godofsky (Foundation Title) and had him tell us about his business. Mark reminded members the May 14 General Meeting will be at Laurel Creek Country Club with Laurel Creek as our Breakfast Host. He asked for a member to be our Breakfast Host for our June meeting and Jeannette Habina (WS) volunteered. Mark noted our guest speaker will be Chris Schultz, who will be arriving about 8:15, so we will have our reports before the speaker.

Attendance: Mark Morgan (MTC), Brian Cooper (Vice President, Homecomings Financial), Kathy Logue (Liberty Bell Bank), Harry Koons (Treasurer, Moorestown Community House), John Ginley (Board Member, Wharton Mortgage Group), Jay Winkler (Board Member, Idea Lab), Jeannette Habina (Wealth Strategy), Bill Wares (JCIA), Rose Giardiello (Cornerstone Bank), Tom Sheckels (Sheckels Creations Photography), Mark Godofsky (FT), Michelle Arnold (Prudential Fox & Roach), Dan Posternock (Barron, Baker & Posternock), Chris Gillies (Brandywine), Kathy Masterson (Laurel Creek Country Club), Holly Myers (Abundant Health), Walt Tule (Christian Science Reading Room), Phyllis Tule (CSRR), Bill Van Fossen (Bd of Ed), Chris Schultz (Twp Manager).

Minutes: Kathy Logue, Secretary had placed minutes for the March General Meeting at the tables. Mark noted he had attempted to send out a meeting email (twice) and post the minutes to the webpage for members to review prior to the meeting; however, there was a problem with the webpage. This will be corrected before the next meeting. Approval of the minutes will be postponed until the next general meeting to allow for their review by members.

Financial Report: Harry Koons, Treasurer, reported we currently have $28,300 in accounts and 186 members.

Committee Reports:

Board – Mark Morgan (MTC) reminded the members the Board meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:30 and now at Idea Lab’s Conference Room. These meetings are open to members.

By-Laws – John Ginley (WMG) reported the committee is done the draft. They will do a final read through and then submit it for attorney review. He anticipates presenting it to the membership in May or June. He thanked the committee for the countless hours spent on this in depth review.

Community Affairs – Harry Koons (MCH) reported the Council was working on Camden Ave re-zoning. The Chipotle Mexican Grill at the Mall is now open and doing fund raisers for local organizations.

Marketing – Jay Winkler (IL) reported the committee had done the Moorestown Day posters and flyers and had some at the meeting for members use. Bill Ware will be distributing posters in business around town. They had received five (5) bids on the directory and the committee had selected Quality Concepts with a bid of $8,800 to design, layout and print this year’s directory. Mark thanked Jay and his committee for a timely marketing campaign.

Membership – Brian Cooper (HF) reported we have 187 members. We had 204 last year. Memberships will be included in the directory until it is in the design stage.

Policies – Harry Koons (MCH) reported his committee will be meeting to set new policies on membership list and MBA backed advertising.

Scholarship – Kathy Logue (LBB) advised a meeting will be held immediately after today’s meeting to set policy and criteria for this year’s scholarships.

Social – Jeannette Habina (WS) reported this committee is meeting to set up networking events with a policy of how often and who hosts the events.

Event Committees:

Easter Egg Hunt (3-15-08) – Kathy Logue (LBB) reported the event was a success with the largest crowd in three years. It was over sooner than planned due to some over anxious children and parents, but all left with eggs, prizes or a bag of candy. She thanked the Greenleaf staff for the eggs and prizes and the many MBA and community volunteers and family members who helped set up and break down the event. All of the bags from Halloween and Candlelight Night were distributed to the children for their eggs. Under the Sun, a sponsor, provided coupons which were also distributed. Rose Giardiello did a great job as our Easter Bunny and Tom Sheckels took publicity photographs.

Moorestown Day (6-7-08) – Harry Koons (MCH) reported the committee will be meeting today to update plans for the event. He has six vendors confirmed. Mark Morgan reminded members one of their membership benefits is a free table at this event. Get your request in to Harry as soon as possible.

Autumn in Moorestown (10-11-08) – Jeanette Habina (WS) will be working with Gina Zegel and the committee to plan this event.

Halloween Parade (10-25-08) – Brian Cooper (HF) announced the parade will be on Saturday this year to encourage business on Main Street. The Lutheran Home and Historical Society will be hosting a Haunted House at the Lutheran Home that evening.

Candlelight Night (11-7-08) – The committee will have meetings to plan this event.

Door Prizes: Brian Cooper (HF) had members select 3 business cards for the door prizes. Kathy Logue (LBB) and Holly Myers (AH) won business books provided by Jay Winkler (IL) and Rose Giardiello (CB) won the business cards.

Continuing Business:

Kindness Week – Holly Myers (AH) asked about the Board’s discussion. Mark Morgan noted we had been a sponsor for this event this year and may consider being a sponsor next year, but will not make this an MBA event.

New Business:

Burlington County Chamber of Commerce: Mark Morgan announced the Board had approved a no cost affiliation with the BCCC. We will promote each other’s events and provide links on each other’s websites.

Website: Mark noted while Randy Abidin is our Webmaster, we need a member to be our Web Content Manager to update general content. Tom Sheckels volunteered for the position. Mark will set up training with Randy as soon as possible.

Next Meetings:

Board of Directors – 7:30 AM – Idea Lab – 7 East Main Street – Wed., May 7, Wed, June 4, 2008

General Membership – 7:15 to 7:30 AM Networking, Meeting at 7:30 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 – Laurel Creek Country Club instead of the Community House)

Breakfast Host – Laurel Creek Country Club; Guest Speaker – TBA

Wednesday, June 11, 2008 – Back at the Community House

Since it was 8:15 and Chris Schultz was just arriving, Mark Morgan asked for member comments. Bill Van Fossen reminded members the School Election is 4-15-08 from 3-9 PM. He said it is a good budget with the increase the lowest in years. The school district provides a good value for your tax dollars.

Guest Speaker: Mark Morgan introduced Chris Schultz, Township Manager. He grew up in Southampton, has a Masters in Public Administration from Rutgers and lives in Medford Lakes. His professional background includes Economic Development Manager for Pemberton, Township Manager in Hainesport when they built a new Town Hall and Town Manager of Holmdel. He said this is a challenging time for Moorestown. Architects will be presenting at the council meeting on 4-21 for the council to select an architect for the Municipal Complex. Tax re-assessments are now in the appeal process stage with a deadline of 5/1/08. He looks forward to downtown events like Moorestown Day and the Rotary Run. The budget process is difficult with reduced state funding. Six positions which had not been refilled were removed from the budget. He will be partnering with us and other organizations in town to promote Moorestown. He looks to have a leaner government and to streamline the permit process within state requirements to have a more progressive one stop shop at town hall. Bill Van Fossen asked about Visioning. Chris replied he had read the document and heard different side’s opinions. He believed it had some good ideas for long term planning. The Main Street re-zoning came from this which is creating a more business friendly area. He would like to review other zoning issues. For example, EMS Sports is planning a Grand Opening at the Moorestown Mall. The current zoning forces them to go to the Planning Board for a use variance for a temporary event. He feels staff should be able to approve Grand Opening events within guidelines. Mr. Schultz added a part time position for a Main Street Manager is in the current budget. There will be a Budget Workshop next Wednesday from 7-9 PM.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 AM.

Submitted by: Kathy Logue, Secretary