Climate Change - The Looming Crisis (II)

Teachers’ Notes




20 minutes

Learning Objectives

1. To understand how "positive feedback" has aggravated the problem of climate change

2. To understand the impacts of climate change to the whole world (including Hong Kong)

3. To know how we (including the government and individuals) can fight the climate crisis

Curriculum Links

Geography(Secondary 4-6) Compulsory Part ---

7. Global Warming — Is it fact or fiction?

Contents of the Resource:

This resource is the second part of the “Climate Change - The Looming Crisis” series. It aims to support the learning and teaching of the module“Global Warming — Is it fact or fiction?”of the Geography(Secondary 4-6) curriculum. The series includes two resources:

1. Climate Change - The Looming Crisis (I)

2. Climate Change - The Looming Crisis (II)

The contents of this resource are as follows:

1. "Positive feedback" may aggravate the problemof global warming. The resource introduces two "positive feedbacks", namely the "Change of Earth’s albedo" and the"Melting of permafrost".

2. Global warming can have catastrophic effects on all mankind, including increased frequency of the occurrence of extreme weather phenomena, tight food supply, lack of water resources, destruction of the ecological environment, and threats to human health, etc.

3. Global warming will also have an impact on Hong Kong, such as high temperatures and flooding.

4. To achieve the EU's "2°C Target" and to avoid the disasterscaused by global warming, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide must be kept at below 450 ppm. To achieve this goal, we need global human cooperation, such as to promotethe use of solar energy, wind energy and other renewable energy sources. Asindividuals, we also need to live a low-carbon lifestyle.

How to use this resource

The following suggestions are for teachers’ reference only and may be adjusted according to classroom situations.

1. This resource is divided into several segments in accordance with different contents. Teachers may use the corresponding segments forexplaining conceptsand consolidating student learning according to students’ pace of learning.

2. Discuss the following questions with students:

The resource says, "We must ban fossil fuels as soon as possible and vigorously promote the development of renewable energy sources. Then we have the chanceto bring carbon dioxide emissions to a haltin a short time, thereby saving human racefrom a devastating environmental disaster. "

a. Do you agree with the above mention?

b. What measures can be taken to effectively reduce the use of fossil fuels and vigorously promote the development of renewable energy resource?

c. What are the difficulties when conducting these measures?

3. Ask students to collect information:

The resource mentions that "positive feedback" can aggravate the problem of global warming and it can beout of control. In addition to the"Change of Earth’s albedo"and the "Melting of permafrost", teachers can ask students to collect information of other "positive feedback" and analyse how these feedbackcan accelerate global warming.