Dear RJR Community,

We have much to celebrate!

Winter sports continue for a few more weeks and we are proud of all of our student athletes. But we already have something to boast about. Our Men’s Swim Team claimed the conference championship title last week for the fourth year in a row! Go Demons!

Second semester is now in full swing and so is registration for next year. Many of you attended the recent PTSA meeting and Registration Fair. We hope you found the fair informative and helpful. All students have attended a registration information session as well and received their worksheets and individual appointment schedules. Reynolds’ one-on-one registration appointment process is somewhat unique. We are able to take this more individualized approach because we have a strong and dedicated Student Services staff and many committed volunteers on our Student Services Committee. These appointments start this week. We can’t stress enough how important it is for your student to come prepared.

The PTSA membership approved a wonderful slate of 2013-2014 PTSA officers at our meeting. We thank Lisa and Greg Carter, Kate and Alan Ruley, David Hinton and Amy Ciaccia for agreeing to serve in these leadership roles next year. We can celebrate a bright future for the RJR PTSA.

Our Legacy Campaign has reached its record-breaking $130,000 goal with $131,000 received or pledged to date! We appreciate every donor and every donation. The Booster Club has already received more than $28,000 and PTSA direct gifts to the school total nearly $66,000. Since we met our Legacy fundraising goal, we’ll be able to give more this semester and meet our budget goal. The RJR School Improvement Team (SIT) is a great steward of its funding with year-to-date spending closely matching its targets. One of the motivations for a higher fundraising goal this year was the need for a funding pool that SIT could use for larger projects and initiatives that don’t meet the traditional instructional supply definition. So far, we’ve been able to purchase 30 digital cameras for our photography classes. We are leasing 11 PCs to replace the 10-year-old models in Student Services and other administrative areas. A new projector for our auditorium is being installed. We are discussing options and pricing with Central Office for providing a covered waiting area for bus riders. Other identified needs on this project list and many instructional supply requests are expected during the second semester.

Last week 100 lucky students were selected by lottery to attend RJR next year! We are disappointed for the 276 students who did not get selected. Nearly 400 arts magnet applications are a strong indication of the strength and appeal of R.J. Reynolds High School and our arts program. Every current RJR family should be grateful to be a part of this great school.

We are proud to be RJ Reynolds Demons!

William and Lisa Dull

PTSA Co-Presidents

Registration is officially underway! Last week, a group of volunteers from our Student Services Committee gathered at RJR to affix name labels to some 1,350 student registration sheets. Thank you Becky Beeson, Kathy Borton, Deborah Casstevens, Jody Ebbitt, Jennifer Green, Kim Jackson, Alice Mahoney, Bonnie Murphy, Portia Propst, Shannon Rainey and Lisa Rowell for making quick work of this tedious task.

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, these personalized registration sheets were distributed to students during a series of registration kick-off meetings. Thanks to Becky Beeson, Deborah Casstevens, Lynn Gwyn, Alice Mahoney, Bonnie Murphy, Shannon Rainey, Katie Satterwhite, Kathryn Spanos, Joy Troxell and Melissa Workman for passing out our new and improved registration worksheets and greeting each student with an encouraging smile!

There are so many opportunities to get involved at RJR! Check out the “Volunteer Information” page in the PTSA section of the school’s website or contact .

Students will be meeting with their counselors in the coming weeks to register for courses for next year. Be sure you help them learn of their options!New classes being offered are guitar and piano at all levels (beginner, intermediate, proficient and advanced), AP Music Theor and Musical Theatre. Those of you who loved the Creative Writing rotation in the Seminar in the Arts course may sign up for a year-long Creative Writing course as an elective!

Here is a chart that can help you learn about the arts courses at Reynolds. We have so many that they are not all in the printed registration booklet.

The proposed slate of PTSA officers for 2013-2014 was approved by the general membership at the January 31st meeting:

President: Lisa and Greg Carter

1st Vice President: Kate and Alan Ruley

2nd Vice President: Lisa and William Dull

Treasurer: David Hinton

Secretary: Amy Ciacia

A big thank you goes to these folks for their willingness to serve the wonderful Reynolds High School community!

Do you have a current freshman or sophomore who would love to travel to France and Spain? Join us for an informational meeting on Monday, Feb. 4 at 7 p.m. in the Media Center to learn about our travel plans for summer 2015. If you have questions, please e-mail Mrs. Matisko at (This trip is not associated with WS/FCS.)

Yearbooks are on sale! There are two ways to order: online at or by calling 1-866-287-3096. Make sure to reserve your copy now!

Valentine's Sale!!For the month of February we will have sweatpants on sale for $15 and long-sleeved T-shirts for $12. Come by the Demon Shop, located in the school cafeteria, Wednesdays and Fridays from 12:00 to 2:00. If you can't get by the store, you can email your orders to Melissa Workman at . The order form is on the school website. Don’t forget . . . we have umbrellas and new RJR blankets for just $25!

February 2 @ East Forsyth (scrimmage tournament)
February 16 @ Starmount (scrimmage tournament)
February 23 @ Forbush (scrimmage tournament)
March 2 @ East Forsyth (scrimmage tournament)
March 23 District Tournament at Hunting Creek Preserve

The team is coached by Eugene Joubert with Stephen Joyce and Jody Colona as assistant coaches.

Applications for Spanish National Honor Society will be available in February.

Reynolds Graduation will be held on June 8th at 3:00 p.m. at the LJVM Coliseum.

Congratulations to RJR STudent of the eek Amani Hashim. She was nominated by Coach Hayes for her commitment to doing great at RJR. Thanks for making RJR great, Amani!

Senior Cap and Gown measurements and pictures will be taken on February 13.

Mike Meeks -4th
Catherine Gray - 9th
Mike Holmes - 10th

Mark your calendars and tellyour friends, especially rising 9th graders and new students to RJR!!

Reynolds Revue

Monday, February 11th


RJR Auditorium

(Snow date is Wednesday, February 13th.)

The program will begin at 6:30 in the auditorium with Nicole Beale presenting "EverythingYou Need to Know about9th Grade Registration." At 7:00, we will showcase ourincredible academic, athletic and arts programs, as well as the popularStudent Panel question and answer session with Principal, Pat Olsen. After the program, students and families can meet and greet teachers, counselors and coaches and attend the Student Activities Fair. This evening is a MUST for all incoming RJRstudents/parents and current families are, of course, welcome as well! Help us spread the word!

Students! Help us create the Top Ten Reasons R.J. Reynolds is the BEST High School!

Be creative – think of RJR’s history, achievements and fun facts! The best reasons from all lists submitted will be compiled and presented at Reynolds Revue to rising 9th graders and incoming students new to RJR – impress them!

Everyone who enters has a chance to win $25 in gift cards!


Email entries to Lisa Carter at or Nicole Beale at or deliver a hard copy to Student Services.

Current, Future and Prospective Students and Parents

are invited to attend! Learn what RJR has to offer in the three A’s –

Academics, Athletics and Arts!


Important Registration Information for Rising 9th Grade Students

Student Panel Discussion

Performing Arts Showcase

Curriculum, Sports and Arts Magnet Information

Meet Teachers, Counselors and Coaches

Student Life and Activities Fair


For more information about R.J. Reynolds High School,

visit our website at

Feb. 5 JV Girls/Boys Basketball vs. Davie County, 5:00/6:30
V Girls/Boys Basketball at Davie County, 6:00/7:30

Feb. 6 JV Girls/Boys Basketball vs. Reagan, 5:00/6:30
V Girls/Boys Basketball at Reagan, 6:00/7:30

Feb. 7 V Swimming, State Championships

V Wrestling at Mount Tabor, 7:00

Feb. 8 JV Girls/Boys Basketball vs. West Forsyth, 5:00/6:30

V Girls/Boys Basketball at West Forsyth, 6:00/7:30

Feb. 9 Indoor Track, State Championships at JDL, 9:00

V Wrestling, Conference Tournament at Davie, 9:00

Spring Tryouts for all sports will begin on Wednesday, Feb. 13. All those trying out must have a current physical on file with the school.

For start times and locations, check with the head coach

Congratulations to the R.J. Reynolds Swim Team on a great CPC Conference Championship meet! All of our athletes turned in great performances. Our men's team won their fourthconsecutive title, and Reynolds has now won a conference title sixyears in a row. It was probably the fastest CPC meet ever.

Congratulations to the following athletes for making the 2013 CPC All-Conference Team:

Women's Team

Laura Johnson, Cory Spencer, Alden Caron-O'Neill, Savannah Jackson

Men's Team

Quaid Caron-O'Neill, Chris Healy, Thomas Bullock, Harrison Disher, Stan Green, Joseph Durham