Dear Residents and Businesses

We have received a significant number of complaints about the behaviour of a group of boys who have been congregating with their bikes in Potters Fields Park and riding through the One Tower Bridge and More London estates. The police and council are working with Team London Bridge, the Potters Fields Park Management Trust, Southwark Safe BCRP and landowners to deal with this issue. We are writing to let you know how we are tackling this.

You will have noticed that the landowners have installed temporary barriers at specific points around the One Tower Bridge estate, to reduce physical access. The police have used their dispersal zone powers (which can only be used on occasional basis) to ban individuals from the area and remove the bike to the Police Station. Further police operations are planned for the area. Security teams continue to monitor and were possible manage the behaviour daily. Where the behaviour tips over into criminal activity, the police, including the dedicated Team London Bridge police officer, are also able to deal with these offences.

Whilst this provides some mitigation, it is not solving the problems.

We have therefore agreed a multi-agency plan.

In the short term, Southwark Council is engaging with the boys through its Young Advisers and its Anti Social Behaviour (ASB) Unit to encourage them to move to other more suitable facilities.

The police are working with the landowners to identify design changes that can be made in order to make the walkways in this area less attractive to anti-social cycling.

In addition to the above, Southwark Council is considering the implementation of either a Public Space Protection Order or the use of other dispersal powers under the anti-social behaviour legislation. Both of these options are long-term solutions that require extensive consultation.

In the meantime, it is important for enforcement agencies that we have the evidence of anti social behaviour or crime in order to take action. Please help us by continuing to report crimes to the police by dialling 101 and 999 in emergencies. If you have concerns about ASB, please also report these to the Council’s Anti Social Behaviour Reporting line on 0207 525 5777 .

We will keep you updated on the progress of all these actions.