New Module Template



/ Foundation Studies In Nursing
Code / NJ119
Level / 4
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites / Entry requirements for Pre Registration Diploma in Nursing apply
Type of module / Intensive
Aims / To provide learning experiences which are intended to help the student to confidently begin the processes of acquiring skills, knowledge and attitudes as a foundation for Nursing; to enable her/him to become an effective adult life-long learner and to achieve four NMC Outcomes for entry to branch.
Contributes to NMC outcomes / 1,2,3,4
Learning outcomes/objectives / To enable the student to:
Develop an awareness of their own conceptualisation of what nursing is comparing this to public opinion
Appreciate why an understanding of care environments needs to be part of a nurse's professional knowledge base.
Develop and increasingly demonstrate core nursing skills required in the provision of professional nursing care.
Understand and deliberately utilise those interpersonal skills needed to initiate and maintain helpful and professional nurse patient relationships
Develop attitudes, skills and knowledge commensurate with safe nursing practice and providing a safe environment for nursing care.
Develop attitudes, skills and knowledge required for effective engagement in programmed and self directed learning activities both throughout the CFP and the remainder of nurse training.
Content / There are four main themes threaded through the module, these relate to the NMC Outcomes, Professional and Ethical Practice, Care Delivery, Care Management, Personal and Professional Development.
Content includes:
Exploring different perceptions of nursing
The role of the student nurse
Inter-professional working and collaboration
The NMC Code of Professional Conduct (2008)
Health and safety within nursing practice
Human Rights, equality, and protection from abuse within health care contexts.
Meeting patient's fundamental health care needs.
Measuring and recording temperature pulse respirations and blood pressure.
The principles and practice of safe moving and handling.
The principles and practice of basic first aid including resuscitation.
Establishing and maintaining the helping nurse patient relationship, and the contributions of:
Self awareness
Person centred philosophy and psychology
Attention giving interpersonal skills
Verbal and non verbal communications
Personal stress coping strategies
Responding to loss and bereavement
Developing skills for effective study including note taking, essay writing, performing literature searches, referencing technique, basic numeracy and an introduction to reflective processes
Developing self-management skills including awareness of ones own learning style, study time management, and utilising support systems.
Orientation and introduction to Information Technology in study and practice-placement contexts.
Orientation to Authentic World software package.
Basic Information Technology skills for word processing and accessing information sources.
Introducing basic sociological concepts and their relevance to the professional nurse’s knowledge base.
Appreciating basic research principles; and exemplars of evidence based nursing
Teaching and learning strategies / Lecture and discussion
Group work
Practical skills lectures
Guided study
Orientation to Authentic World software package
Learning support / Module team Librarians Student Central
Burnard, P & C Chapman, 2003. Professional and Ethical Issues In Nursing 3rd edition .London : Elsevier-Bailliere Tindall.
Cottrell, S. 2008. The Study Skills Handbook 3rd edition.
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Cottrell S. 2007 The Exam Skills Handbook : achieving peak performance Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
Egan, G. 2007. The skilled helper: a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping 8th edition.
London : Brooks / Cole.
Ewles L, & I Simnett, 2003. Promoting Health :A Practical Guide. 5th edition
London : Bailliere Tindall
Grandis, S et al ( editors ) 2003. Foundation Studies For Nursing : Using Enquiry-Based Learning
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Hogston, R & P Simpson. 2002. Foundations of Nursing Practice : Making The Difference .Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 1997. Our healthier nation: a contract for health. London: HMSO.
Hull,C., L. Redfern & A Shuttleworth. 2005
Profiles & Portfolios: A guide for Health and Social Care 2nd Edition. Basinstoke:Palgrave Macmillan..
Lapham, R & H Agar 2003. Drug Calculations For Nurses 2nd Edition London: Arnold.
McHale, J & A. Gallagher 2003. Nursing and Human Rights London : Butterworth.
Morrison, P & P Burnard,. 1997. Caring and Communicating : The Interpersonal Relationship In Nursing 2nd Edition Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Nicol, M et al. 2008. Essential Nursing Skills 2nd Edition London: Mosby.
NMC. 2008. Code Of Professional Conduct London: NMC.
Northledge, A. 2005. The Good Study Guide 2nd Edition
Milton Keynes : Open University Press.
Siviter B 2008 The Student Nurse Handbook. A Survival Guide 2nd Edition London Bailliere Tindalll
Tilley S R. Watson, 2004. Accountability In Nursing Practice 2nd Edition London: Chapman Hall.
Walton, M. 1995. Managing Yourself On And Off The Ward London: Blackwell Science.
Assessment tasks / The student will complete a 2000 word essay. The student will choose a specific area of knowledge or skill, which they believe, they have developed since commencing the Diploma in Nursing course. The report will identify and examine the study and self-management skills that the student has utilised in order to acquire the chosen knowledge or skill.
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module introduces students to nursing and some of the key concepts relating to practicing nursing.
Area examination board to which module relates / Diploma in Nursing
Module team/authors/coordinator / John Surridge, Tina Jones, Gloria Whittaker, Karen Thompson, Paula Deamer
Semester offered, where appropriate / Year1, Semester 1
Site where delivered / All teaching sites
Date of first approval / March 2005
Date of last revision / March 2005
Date of approval of this version / November 2008
Version number / 2
Replacement for previous module / NJ119 version 1
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Nursing
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / Diploma in Nursing Mandatory
School home / School of Nursing and Midwifery
External examiner / Dr Brenda Rush, until June 2012