Dear Renaissance Families,

A Time Magazine article, “The Antisocial Network Inside the Dangerous Online World Kids Can’t Quit,” citing recent (2013) research and conveying the tragic story of teen suicide, due partly to cyber bullying, brings to light an issue we have encountered in our community. Apps such as and Secret, among others, allow our youth to create anonymous user accounts and with anonymity, allows them to bully their classmates – and they do.

Even sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, allow for the creation of accounts based on false identities. What that means to us is that students can deny responsibility based on the idea that a fake account was created in his or her name. When this is true, then both students have been targeted by bullying and the responsible party remains a phantom. When it is not true – and there is no way for us to prove or disprove – then there is no chance for accountability, restoration, or for providing the counseling and consequences that the bullying student clearly needs.

I advise the following: Do not allow these applications on your child’s electronic devices. Check the devices for content and user history, frequently and at random intervals. When your child cries, “Privacy!” you cry, “Accountability!” or even better, “My bill, my phone!” Your child may not like it, but it is far wiser to safeguard our youth against being bullied and against being the cause of hurt or tragedy, than to give in to their childhood desire for adult autonomy.

We cannot force families to share user histories and without proof that a particular student is responsible, we cannot provide the needed assistance. However, the police department can. I therefore, also advise the families of students targeted by bullying to go straight to their precinct and report bullying. Make sure your child does not delete any evidence and provide all evidence to the responding officers. Bullying, including cyber bullying, is against the law, under the Dignity for All Students Act. Remember, the student who is bullying your child needs help. Bullying is not normal and is never acceptable or successful behavior.

Please do not assume that your child is innocent of such acts, simply because he or she denies culpability. Of course, your child does not want you to know if he or she has made a grave mistake in the way he or she has treated others. When the school contacts you about your child’s behavior, we have always conducted a thorough investigation, before reaching any conclusions. We have discovered evidence or have found witnesses or we would not claim to have knowledge of the behavior. In fact, when we have no proof or witnesses, or when witness statements contradict each other, in all fairness; we can only inform the parents of both parties.

Finally, we are implementing a change in our bullying response. All students will continue to receive bullying prevention lessons. Going forward, these lessons will be considered a warning. We will respond to all bullying behavior with a bullying prevention article and essay response upon first occurrence. A second occurrence will result in a proposal for suspension. Ensuing occurrences will incur proposals of longer suspensions, recommendations for counseling, parent meetings, and may lead to proposals for expulsion. We take our role in preventing bullying abuse very seriously, and it is for the benefit of all, that you do, too.


Suzanne Arnold
Administrator for School Culture and Student Support
The Renaissance Charter School
3559 81st Street
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
718-803-0060 ext. 312