MrsN. Burton / /
Norfolk Hill
S35 8QB
Tel 0114 2467380
Fax 0114 2577718e-mail:
Appointment of Class Teacher – Full Time, Temporary for January 2011
Thank you for your interest in this post. We hope that this pack will provide you with the information that you need. Please contact us if you would like any additional information, or if you wish to discuss any aspect of the job. Visits to school are welcomed and encouraged; please contact Mrs Sandra Hughes, School Administrator, to arrange an appointment. (Available dates and times: Mon 18thOctober, 4.00pm; Tues 19thOctober, 9.30am & 4.00pm; Wed 20thOctober, 2.00pm)
This information pack contains:
- Job advertisement
- A brief guide to GrenosideCommunityPrimary School, September 2010
- Job description
- Person specification
- Application Form
We wish to appoint a class teacher who best meets the requirements outlined in the enclosed person specification; applicants will be shortlisted for the post using these criteria.
The key dates for this appointment are as follows:
- Closing date for applications:Monday 1stNovember
- Shortlisting:Tuesday 2nd November (TBC)
- Selection process:Monday 8th November (TBC)
Thank you once again for your interest in this post. We look forward to hearing from you, should you decide to apply.
Best Wishes
Yours sincerely
Colin Fleetwood
Mrs N Burton / /
Norfolk Hill
S35 8QB
Tel 0114 2467380
Fax 0114 2577718e-mail:
A Brief Guide to GrenosideCommunityPrimary School
(More detailed information is available in the School Prospectus)
GrenosideCommunityPrimary School is a Local Authority maintained community school. We are a primary school, catering for children between the ages of 4 and 11 years old. The school’s catchment area consists of the village of Grenoside and the neighbouring rural areas. Our current Admission Number is 50 in each year group, giving a capacity of 350 children. Grenoside CPS is a popular local school and very few, if any, children from the catchment area do not attend the school. In recent years, falling birth rates have made space available for us to admit children from beyond our catchment area, should their parents apply for places.
Number on roll 2010/11:
Rec / Y1 / Y2 / Y3 / Y4 / Y5 / Y6 / TOTSept 10 / 17 / 50 / 49 / 50 / 32 / 49 / 45 / 292
Jan 11 / 51 / 50 / 49 / 50 / 32 / 49 / 45 / 326
As we do not have any nursery provision on the school site, our children come from a range of early years settings, including Local Authority nurseries and a range of private providers. We have a close partnership with the Yewlands Family of Schools; about half of our children go on to YewlandsTechnologyCollege when they leave us, with the remainder going to a number of other Sheffield secondaryschools.
Our school is situated in the village of Grenoside, on the northern fringe of the City of Sheffield. Grenoside retains a strong village identity, with the school, Community Centre and St Mark’s Church at its heart. The environment surrounding the school is a very pleasant one, with fantastic views across the city and easy access to countryside, including Greno Woods.
Building and Grounds
In April 2006 the school moved into a brand new building, which provides an excellent working environment for our children and staff. Classrooms are light, airy and spacious and we have a range of other resources, including a library, ICT suite, studio, meeting room and group rooms. Most classrooms have direct access to outside areas for work and play. The school also benefits from a well designed administrative area and good staff facilities.
The school grounds provide a range of learning and play opportunities for our children, in a very pleasant setting. We have access to a games court, agility area with fixed equipment, hard play areas, outdoor seating areas, a large field, a story-telling area and a wildlife area.
Our new building and grounds are managed under a PFI contract, operated by Kier Managed Services (KMS).
Our learning environment provides us with the scope to develop many new and exciting opportunities for our children, both within the curriculum and through informal play.
Approximately two thirds of our children come from within the school’s catchment area, the remainder coming from neighbouring areas; they come from a wide range of backgrounds. Overall, the ability level of our children is above the national average, however there is a very broad range of ability within the school; all year groups have many very able children as well as significant numbers of children with special educational needs. Our children make very good progress throughout the school and high standards are achieved by the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
This social and academic diversity of our pupil population is not matched by ethnic diversity; nearly all pupils have a white-British heritage.
The vast majority of our children enjoy coming to school; they have good attitudes towards their work and are well behaved. They present us with many challenges, from meeting the needs of very able and enthusiastic children, to finding ways to motivate a small number of children who are less engaged with their learning.
The good behaviour and attitudes of the vast majority of our children is often commented on by visitors to the school and following visits out of school.
Grenoside CPS is fortunate to have a committed, hard working and talented group of staff, who work well as a team and are very supportive of each other.
Summary of Staffing Structure for September 2010:
Parents and Community
We have a very good partnership with our parents, who are welcomed into school at the beginning and end of the school day. We encourage parents to come into school at the end of the day to look at their children’s work, or to speak to the teacher about their child’s progress or any concerns that they may have.
The Grenoside Home School Association (GHSA) is very active, with a dedicated and hard working membership.
We welcome parent helpers in school and we also have several members of the local community who regularly help in school in a number of valuable ways.
We aim to work in partnership with our local community and have close links with St Mark’s Church and Grenoside Community Centre, which is the base for the before and after school club attended by some of our children. We like to get involved in community activities such as the Grenoside Gala, where our Maypole dancers regularly perform.
The Governing Body is very well organised and actively involved in the life of the school. A very effective committee structure ensures that governors are well informed about the strengths and weaknesses of the school and are fully involved in school evaluation and development.
Organisation of Classes
Sep 10 – Dec 10 / Jan 11 – Jul 11Rec / 25
Rec / 17 / Rec / 26 /
Y1 / 25 / Y1 / 25
Y1 / 25 / Y1 / 25
Y2 / 25 / Y2 / 25
Y2 / 24 / Y2 / 24
Y3/4 / 28 / Y3/4 / 28
Y3/4 / 27 / Y3/4 / 27
Y3/4 / 27 / Y3/4 / 27
Y5 / 32 / Y5 / 32
Y5/6 / 31 / Y5/6 / 31
Y6 / 31 / Y6 / 31
Learning Resources
The excellent fundraising efforts of the GHSA have enabled us to provide an interactive whiteboard for each class, as well as an IT suite containing 17 computers. We are also prioritising funding to improve the stock in our new library. Classrooms are well resourced and subject leaders have an annual budget to maintain and develop resources in each curriculum area.
Staff Development and School Development
GrenosideCommunityPrimary School is a learning school and we are committed to developing and improving the service that we offer to our children, parents and local community. Continuous Professional Development for all staff is given very high priority.
At GrenosideCommunityPrimary School we aim to
develop a learning community of pupils, parents, staff and governors
In which each member:
Feels welcome, safe and secure
Is able to participate fully in all aspects of the life of our school
Develops an enquiring mind and a love of learning
Understands their responsibilities to the school community
Is a confident and increasingly independent learner
Is respected as an individual
Shows respect for others, regardless of differences
Respects the cultural diversity of our wider community and world
Recognises their own strengths and is proud of their achievements
Understands what they need to do to improve and is motivated to do so
Is provided with a broad range of opportunities in all key areas of learning:
Reaches the highest standards of which they are capable
Is fully prepared for the challenges and opportunities of the future
Is actively involved in our local village community