1223 Brauer Road, OxfordMI48371

248-628-RIDE (7433).248-628-0577 fax

October 31, 2012

Dear Participants and Families,

Please note NARHA has been changed to PATH INTERNATIONAL, with a new logo. However, all the rules and policies are the same.

BanburyCrossTherapeuticEquestrianCenterwill continue theyearly membership. Beginning with the Winter Session of 2012, we will continue to offer a yearly registration. You may register for all four sessions for $1,000.00. This may be paid in quarterly installments of $250.00 beginning December 1, 2012. This means you will receive only ONE SET OF PAPERWORK FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR and you will receive priority when we schedule each session. The 2013 schedule is as follows:

WinterJanuary 7th through February 23rd 7 weeks

SpringMarch 4th through April 27th 8 weeks

Summer IMay 13th through June29th 7 weeks

Summer IIJuly 8th through August 24th 7 weeks

FallSeptember 3rd through Nov. 16th 10 weeks

Please choose now your riding day and time for the entire year. This will only be offered to those starting with the Winter, 2013 session.

If you still prefer to register by the session, you will receive the usual letter and registrationeach session, paying by the session

You will find two choices on the Registration Form. Please choose the one that best fits your needs and schedules.

The Winter schedule is as follows:

TUESDAY EVENINGPM 5:30 6:15 7:00 7:45

WEDNESDAY EVENINGPM 5:30 6:15 7:00 7:45

SATURDAY MORNINGAM 10:00 10:45 11:30 P.M.12:15 1:00

(Those interested in private classes, please speak directly

to Jessicaabout available times/days.)

Enclosed you will findall the forms for 2013. If you do not register for the winter session, please keep these forms. This is the only mailing that will include the 2013 paperwork. (ALL THE FORMS MUST BE COMPLETED FOR 2013)

  • Registration Form
  • Participant’s Medical History & Physician’s Statement Form
  • Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment Form
  • Participant’s Application and Heath History Form
  • Participant’s Liability Release Form

Banbury Cross

October 31, 2012

Page Two

These carefully completed forms are mandatory before participation can occur. For students enrolling for the first time, an on site evaluation is required. We will call to set an appointment upon receipt of your forms and fee. A student will not be considered officially registered if any of these forms are missing or incomplete.

As our enrollment grows, it becomes increasingly important to start and end each class on time. The ARRIVAL TIME is 10 minutes before your class is scheduled to begin.

To register, please complete the Registration Form. Choose the 2013 full year registration or the winter session only. Be sure to include 3 choices of class times. (We will assign the highest choice possible, while striving to keep classes compatible as well.) Send the enclosed forms and the registration fee, to the address on the registration form, postmarked by December 1, 2012 (If we receive more applications than we have spaces available, returning students will be given first priority up until the deadline date.) If you cannot get your Participant’s Medical History and Physician's Statement filled in by your doctor in time for the registration deadline, simply mail it to us separately by January 2, 2013.

Make up classes: If your participant misses a class due to illness or schedule conflicts on your behalf, there will be no make up classes. If Banbury Cross TEC is forced to cancel a class or rider for any reason, the participant will receive a credit towards their next session of riding.

Once we have received the participant’s registration fee and the participant is scheduled for classes, the policy for cancellation is as follows: If you cancel before the session begins, and we ARE NOT able to fill your spot with another participant, you will be refunded 1/2 of the registration fee. If you cancel before the session begins and we ARE able to fill your space with another participant, you will be refunded the full registration fee. If you cancel at any time after the session has begun, we will be unable to refund any of the registration fee.

We hope to see you thisWinter!

Jessica H. Moore, Program Director