St. Anthony Family Life Committee Meeting Minutes

February 16, 2012

St. Anthony School Art Room

This meeting was attended by David Loos, LuAnn Rueth , Coni Meyer, Jason Toufar, Lois Becker, and Cindy Schecklman and was opened with a prayer. Father Keith briefly stopped in during the meeting.

A review of the upcoming events and activities of each group was discussed starting with the Family Outreach Committee.

David Loos reported for the Family Outreach Committee that the family fun day at Bruce Mound was well attended and everyone seemed to have a good time. It was also brought up that there maybe should be a welcome brochure for new families/members who come to the Loyal area and would like to attend St. Anthony’s and become a member. He thought maybe something could be put on the website as well for those who would rather check on-line. There will be a family fishing day on June 3, 2012 at the Legion pond. It was also mentioned that a summer vacation Bible school might be planned and could possibly tie in with the family evening camp out at the end of July. No specific date or time has been submitted at this time.

The PCCW events were reported by Lois Becker who informed the committee that the PCCW delivered cookies and flowers to the elderly and shut in members of the parish. The Sunday after Easter will be the collection for the Diocesan women. LuAnn Rueth and Lois will be attending the March deanery meeting and St. Anthony’s will be hosting the April deanery meeting. The PCCW will also be putting on a potluck in May for Mother’s Day.

Coni Meyer reported that there were only three kids in the youth group right now and the kids are enjoying it immensely. She believes there would be more kids involved if the parents were more involved with the church as she knows of some kids who would love to come but the parents have other things for them to do on Wednesday. This group consists of juniors and/or seniors…those who have already been confirmed. She also stated that we need more mentors for these kids, especially men for the young men in the parish. It was also brought up that the retreats/seminars that have been attended in the past were just wonderful and the kids really enjoyed them. Maybe we should plan on another group going to Steubenville again. It was suggested that maybe the Thorp deanery hire a full-time Youth Minister to cover all parishes and get a larger group together but Father stated that would be extremely hard to do at the present time.

Coni also talked about the marriage enrichment group of which Dave and Kim LaBarge and Mark and Nan Weyer are the mentor couples. They are mentoring five couples at the time and are enjoying it. The next step was to have face-to-face meetings with the engaged couples and the mentor couples. Dave would let Coni know how those went.

Next up was Jason Toufar who represented the Holy Name Society. He stated that the fish boil will be on Friday, March 30, from 4:30 to 8:00 p.m. and the price will be $10 for adults. There is a child price but he couldn’t remember how much it was. They sold tickets for 375 but had enough fish for 500 people. Tickets weren’t made available yet but will be sold after the two church services and at the door before the boil. He said that this event would be perfect for the younger male students to take part in and get some mentoring from the older male parishioners. We all agreed. If anyone had any sweepstakes ideas, they were to let Dick Bravener know. The group has also been asked to help with the Loyal Car Show in September and there are plans to have a brat fry as well. It was brought up, too, that the society will continue to help the Lions club set up tents in the summer as it was a very good money maker. Jason then reported that the kneelers were going to be recovered by an outside party the same time as Thorp’s parish and the society would put money towards this project rather than physically work on it themselves. They have been renovating the rectory which has been going quite well. It was suggested that once it was done that maybe we have an open house for the parishioners.

On a separate note, Jason also suggested maybe having a scholarship fund for a graduating senior that plans on attending a Catholic college. We discussed it as a group at this time and that was all.

The next meeting will be Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.