August, 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians of Incoming Ninth Grade Students,

Welcome Class of 2018! We are delighted that you have decided to attend West Haven High School and we know that you will have a great educational experience over the next four years. This letter will inform you of three very important pieces of information: Ninth Grade Orientation, the West Haven Public School Policy on Registration and Residency, and the Board of Education policy regarding participation in extracurricular activities and athletics.

Ninth Grade Orientation: I would like to cordially invite ninth grade students and their parents/guardians to an orientation session on Wednesday, August 20, 2014 that will begin promptly at 8:00am in our auditorium. The orientation session will last until 10:45am and will provide students with a taste of life at WHHS – they will visit the library media center and set up their accounts in powerschool, naviance and remind 101, meet with Freshman Academy Team Teachers, visit the cafeteria for a breakfast snack, activities fair and Westie Pride activity, and tour the school. Winkle Bus will be providing transportation at 7:15am from all elementary schools, including Stiles, Molloy, and Thompson as well as Carrigan and Bailey. Students will also be transported home from Orientation.

Parents are invited for a Parent Orientation in the auditorium at 8:30am. This session will last approximately one hour.

Extracurricular Activities: Membership on a team or participation in an activity is a privilege earned through a combination of skill, effort, and attitude. Eligibility will be determined by grades earned on your last report card. This means that eligibility for fall sports and extracurricular activities will be determined by your 8th grade report card, fourth marking period. For further information regarding this policy and the appeal process, please email .

In order to play/participate, students must:

  • Earn a 2.0 unweighted GPA/maintain a C average
  • Have no more than one F

Student Schedules:

Please review the enclosed schedule. School Counselors will not be available until August 20th, if you have a concern about your schedule, please email

Registration & Residency: All students attending West Haven High School must submit an updated registration form and two proofs of residency. In addition, all 9th grade students must have an up-to-date physical examination.

  • Residency:The West Haven Public Schools residency policy requires that all students, produce proof that they live in West Haven. As evidence of residency, the parent or legal guardian of each student is obligated to show two or more of the most recent documents, such as: Court Document, Mortgage Receipt, Rent or Lease Provision, Utility Bills (shut off notices are not acceptable) and Notarized Statement. Please send in two acceptable proofs of residency via mail or with your son/daughter at orientation.
  • School Registration: All students must submit, with proof of residency, a school registration form. Please visit the website and complete the registration form by clicking on the infosnap icon.
  • Physical Examinations: Physical examinations and immunizations are required for all students prior to entering Grade 9. Students who do not submit proof of physical examinations and immunizations to the school nurse in accordance with Board requirements and State Law will be excluded from school.

All students must submit the following information prior to the start of the 2014-2015 school year:

WHHS Registration Form for School Year 2014-2015via infosnap

2 proofs of residency

In addition, all students requiring bus transportation need to return the completed Board of Education Rules for Students being Transported Form.

Information can be dropped off to the main office, Monday through Friday, from 7:00am – 2:00pm, dropped off at Ninth Grade Orientation, or mailed to:


1 McDonough Plaza

West Haven, CT 06516

ATTN: Registration

We are very proud of our school and we are looking forward to meeting you on the 20th. The West Haven High School students including Peer Advocates, VolunTEENS,NHS, and DECA Chapter members will serve as your orientation guides. We invite you to arrive early to pick up your locker combination and schedule starting at 7:30am in the main lobby of the school.


Mrs. Pamela B. Gardner


Enc:Rules for Students Being Transported; School Breakfast Outreach Letter; Schedule